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Chapter thirty one

"Pain only makes you stronger." 

The next morning, Athena was sitting out on the dock, as her crutches were next to her, she remembered how she learned how to hold her breath under water in this very lake, everywhere she went here was some type of training experience and combined with what occurred last night, she thought it couldn't get worse, but when she walked out here and Stefan followed her and told her about Elena's agreement with Elijah and how it had to do with both of them dying in the sacrifice, it got worse, and all she felt was numb, like the soldier she was trained to be.

Which was a bit scarier then heard with blood lust because at least then she showed anger, but right now she was emotionless, as Stefan stood behind her, watching her, waiting for her to say or do something, to lash out or cry, but it never came, as Athena's phone started to ring, she pulled it out of her pocket and answered it without looking at the caller ID "hello?" she asked "well, I showered, I shaved. Had breakfast. I'm very relaxed." Damon shared "can't relate." Athena told him, turning and seeing Stefan was watching her, as she turned back away from him.

"Well, I heard something that's gonna make you very happy. Tyler Lockwood ran away from home last night." Damon shared "hmm, so I see who took me pointing a shot gun at him very seriously after he watched me obliterate his friend." Athena shared "yes! And that's exactly when I realized relaxed is totally not the mood! I should be taking a page out of the slayer play book seeing as I am moving on to killing Elijah." Damon shared, and when he did, Athena furrowed her brows "and how are you doing that?" she asked him "well, I've got a crafty little dagger." Damon shared.

"Yeah, but coming from the person who thought she killed him but then found him very much alive, we can't exactly go on a whim here and just kill him, especially with Elena's stupid deal with him." Athena shared "oh, trust me, Athena, I'm gonna dot all my t's. I don't want any surprises." Damon shared "hmm, so when you said your taking a page out of my book, you meant you were gonna be the non blood lust methodical version of me and actually come up with a plan that works?" Athena asked him "yes, Athena, I've taken over you and Stefan's jobs. How tragic for the two of you. Got to run. I've got a murder to plan. Busy day." Damon shared, hanging up.

Athena brought her phone back down "so you're gonna talk to him and not to me?" Stefan asked her, as he walked over and sat next to her, Athena let out a breath "it's nothing personal to you. It's just the fact that he's not here, you know?" she asked, motioning around them "talking to him about something else is just easier. Especially if it's about taking down Elijah, cause the faster we take him out, the faster I can leave here." she shared, letting out a breath, she grabbed her crutches and began standing up and as she did, Stefan stood up with her "I wouldn't have invited you here if I knew what happened." he shared.

"Stefan, it's not something I like to talk about." Athena told him "I know." Stefan told her, as Athena shrugged "and in all honesty if I wasn't here, they would've found me that much sooner and who knows what would've happened." she shared, as Stefan shook his head "don't. Don't talk about that." he told her "well, maybe I'm just getting used to the idea that if Damon's little dagger doesn't work then we're all gonna die." Athena shared, turning and walking back toward's the house, Stefan followed after her, not liking that every situation or even conversation they've had is always about someone dying recently.

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