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Chapter eighty nine

"Can't be fixed." 

Katherine was hanging around Stefan and pretending to be Athena as her arm was linked with Stefan's, the two walked up to the house and they did, Damon's car was parked sloppily right into the building "that's strange." Katherine told Stefan "ah huh." Stefan told her, as there was blood on the trunk of the car, he walked behind it and opened it and as he did, a dead body was inside of it, Aarons to be specific or at least Stefan knew that but Katherine didn't, as Stefan closed the trunk, he walked to the front door which was open as Katherine followed behind him.

Where the whole inside was a mess too, as glass was everywhere, Damon could be heard groaning as he fell off the couch "hey. Sorry about the mess. I had some company and things got a little out of hand." he shared "you want to tell us what the hell's going on out in the driveway?" Steve asked, pointing behind them "ah. I let the fourteen year old drive last night. She's not the best." Damon shared, standing up "almost ended up in the damn foyer." Damon shared, looking at Athena although he knew it wasn't her but Katherine "huh." Stefan said "we meant the body." Katherine told him.

"Oh. You mean Aaron. Yeah. Well, last night," Damon shared, grabbing the nearest bottle that wasn't empty "we hunted him down, and.." he said, thinking of a name for Athena's cover "Claudia, ripped his throat out. Yeah, I just figured it's time we shove the last branch for the Whitmore family tree into the..wood chipper." he shared "who is Claudia?" Katherine asked "please tell me Damon that you didn't turn a fourteen year old girl into a vampire." Stefan shared.

As Enzo walked in, all of them having come up with a cover "it was my idea if it makes you feel any better." he shared, as Katherine and Stefan turned to him "Enzo. Remember we met when.." Enzo said, holding his hand out "when you were trying to tear Damon's head off. Yeah, I remember." Stefan shared, turning back to Damon "so, what, you guys are old pals again, murder buddies, is that it?" he asked "well, you know how it goes. I mean, I left him for dead. He tried to kill me, we worked things out. You spend five years with someone in a dungeon, you have a pretty unbreakable bond." Damon shared, holding the bottle out to Enzo, he took it.

"Say, you haven't heard from Dr Wes Maxfield by any chance? Blokes next on the Augstine hit list, and he's a slippery little devil." Enzo shared, as Katherine furrowed her brows "is that your plan, Damon? Kill off Augustine and go back to your sadistic, psychotic old self?" she asked "I happen to like my old sadistic self, Athena. In fact, I miss that guy.  And that guy decided to come back all thanks to Claudia." Damon shared.

And meanwhile Claudia, or actually Athena was downstairs, in the basement in front of a women named Diane "Whitmore head of security, hmm? Doesn't security imply protecting your students seeing as me and my friends we're able to break in and kidnap you from your office?" she asked, smirking "let me go, please. I have two kids." Diane told her, and when she did, Athena thought of her mother "isn't it ironic how you claim to be a mother yet you've covered up other's people's children's murders by vampires all to protect your stupid vampire killing society?" she asked her.

"I didn't do any such thing." Diane told her, and as she did, Athena sighed, lifting her head up, the hood from her jacket fell off her head as she showed the women her red eyes "did you cover up a vampire attack on campus by forging a suicide note or two?" she compelled her "yes." Diane told her, and when she did, Athena smiled knowing the vervain was out of her system "now tell me where Dr Wes Maxfield is?" she compelled her "I have no idea. I haven't heard from him in days." Diane shared, as Athena nodded "okay." she told her, leaning down, she bit into her neck and began feeding on her.

A Thousand Years, Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now