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Chapter one hundred and fifty

"A bell that has the ability to conjure hellfire." 

The next morning, Athena had gone downstairs with Annabeth and Jace seeing as they all were gonna go for a run but as they got downstairs, Damon was sitting in the living room "Damon?" Athena asked, furrowing her brows, she walked over to him, as Jace put his hands on Annabeth's shoulders, Athena moved her hand in front of Damon's face and when she did, he didn't try to attack her or give her a snarky remark "that's not good." she said, as Annabeth and Jace walked up behind her "what's wrong with him?" Annabeth asked "Sybil probably." Jace shared.

"Which means she messed with his head and seeing as neither of the three of us can jump in there. We're gonna need some back up." Athena shared, pulling her out her phone, she texted Bonnie and Caroline to meet her.

And when she did, the two soon arrived "what did she do to his brain this time?" Caroline asked "which is why I texted you guys. To get in there and see." Athena shared, as Caroline stepped forward, her, Bonnie and Athena joined hands, as she put one hand on Damon, they all went in his mind, although when they did, all they heard was him screaming, as Caroline gasped, taking her hand off of him, the three of them stepped back "what?" Annabeth and Jace asked them "what was that?" Bonnie asked "I..I don't know. It was just fire and pain." Caroline shared "like hell. He believes he's in hell." Athena shared, as her phone dinged, she pulled it out and when she did, it was a text from the police department.

"Look I've gotta go check this out." she told them "why? What happened?" Bonnie asked "I don't know something at the grill. Keep me posted." Athena shared, walking out of there, Annabeth and Jace followed her.

Having ran all the way there, the three arrived on the scene at the same time Matt did "they called you?" Matt asked "seems my mom left my number with the mystic falls police department." Athena shared, as her, Matt, Annabeth and Jace headed underneath the caution tape "good your here." deputy said "what happened here?" Athena asked him "girl found in the alleyway. Her names Violet Fell. She was a contestant in the miss mystic falls pageant yesterday but this is why I called you in because the other victims had their throats ripped into but she was desiccated." the deputy shared.

As Athena scoffed "don't worry about finding who did this." she shared "why?" deputy asked her "cause I already no who did." Athena shared, turning around and walking off, Jace and Annabeth followed her, where as the two were walking through town, Matt came running up to them "wait!" he voiced, and as he did, the three of them stopped and turned to him "I need your guys help." Matt shared.

Where the three of them had gone with Matt to Vicki's grave, where they were waiting there for awhile before a truck drove up, Peter got out of it "Matt. Hey, what's going on? I thought you wanted me to take the bell out of town." he shared "I told the Fells I'd help pick a plot out for their daughter. I've done it before, so.." Matt shared, as Peter looked at Vicki's grave "is this really why your brought be back? Huh? To kick my teeth in for something I can't change?" Peter asked "no, it isn't, but, while you're here, dad, do you ever remember Vicki?" Matt asked "honestly I try not to remember." Peter shared, as he sighed "I blame myself for what happened to her." he shared.

"You're not the only one responsible. What if I told you the person that killed Vicki was suffering right now?" Matt asked, and when he did, Athena's eyes went wide "that's why you dragged us out here?" she asked, as Matt turned to her "because Sybil is asking for the bell so she can fix him or he can keep being punished." he shared "I say let him suffer." Peter shared, as Athena scoffed, knowing she was the one who finished her off after she tried to kill her.

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