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Chapter one hundred and ten

"Miracle baby."

That night, Stefan had moved Athena upstairs, having cleaned off all the blood and changed her clothes, she was lying on the bed, which wasn't something new for Stefan, he'd been here before waiting for her to wake up, and he was treating this time as no different, except the fact that when she woke up, she'd be a vampire, and he knew he'd be there for her just like she was there for him.

He stood there holding Annabeth, looking down at her, she had green eyes just like him and Athena did, and as he listened he could hear her abnormal heartbeat which meant she was both parts him and Athena, her own species, part slayer part vampire. But the one thing he new for certain was that she was pure, as he leaned down kissing her on the forehead.

And the next morning, Stefan was still standing there with a sleeping Annabeth in his arms waiting for Athena to wake up as he got a text on his phone from Caroline telling her to meet him quickly, where seeing as there was no adult in the house, Stefan couldn't leave Annabeth there so he took her with him, as he walked into the house "hey." he told her "hey. You brought a baby?" Caroline asked him, as she got up off the couch "Annabeth actually." Stefan informed her, as Caroline's eyes went wide "she gave birth and nobody told me?" she asked.

"There wasn't exactly time to tell everyone, Caroline." Stefan shared, looking to the couch and seeing Colin, the cancer patient they had helped yesterday, as he stepped toward's him "what happened?" he asked "I don't know. H..he was fine when he left him at Duke, remember? He was running around, pain free and scarfing down all the disgusting vending machine food." Caroline shared "yeah? Well, clearly, he's not fine now. Wait. I thought you compelled him to forget everything after you fed him your blood. How did he find you?" Stefan asked "I don't know." Caroline told him.

As Stefan held Annabeth in his arms looking down at Colin and seeing the blood "what if this blood isn't even his?" he asked, as Caroline's eyes went wide "is there any chance that your mom signed the house over to you?" Stefan asked her "I don't know, maybe. She's been running around like crazy, saying she needs to get her ducks in row or.." Caroline shared, as Stefan turned walking toward's the window, he pulled open the curtain, letting the sun in, which made Colin's skin sizzle like a vampires would, as he closed it "he's a vampire, which means after you fed him your blood.." he shared "he died." Caroline said, looking down.

Having headed to the hospital, Stefan had Colin's arm drapped over his shoulder while holding Annabeth in the other, he walked in seeing Jo and Elena "I need help." he shared, as Jo ran over, taking the cancer patient from him.

Jo was then showing them his x ray's as Stefan stood in the doorway holding Annabeth, Damon and Elena were inside with Jo "I had duke send over Colin's medical records. This head scan is from earlier this week." Jo shared, putting another one up "this one was taken right here ten minutes ago. See all that red?" she asked "well, I'm no doctor but that guy is screwed." Damon shared "so the blood didn't heal him. It sped up his cancer and killed him." Stefan shared "so now I have a stage ten cancer patient, which by the way doesn't exist. Who is beyond terminally ill and a vampire, meaning all of his emotions are heightened, and he can't die." Jo shared.

"Hey. No offense, but can someone tell me why I was called down here to listen to the story of Colin the cancer vamp.." Damon shared, as Caroline and her mom walked up behind Stefan "because Caroline fed me her blood last night," her mom shared, as they all turned to her "so the same thing is gonna happen to me." her mom said, as Stefan's eyes went wide "you did what?" Athena asked, as Caroline and their mom turned around, seeing Athena standing there, Elena, Jo, Damon and Stefan all looked at her with wide eyes.

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