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Chapter ninety five

"Your never gonna lose me." 

The next morning, Stefan woke up and as he did, he showered and got dressed seeing as Elena had texted him to help her study, but as he was going to leave, he looked to Athena who was still lying in bed, he walked over to her and leaned down kissing her on the forehead "I'll be back." he told her, turning and walking out, Athena didn't anything or move, lying there, having been doing nothing but playing the memory of her, Stefan and Annabeth over and over again, and feeling Annabeth holding onto her and crying, telling her she didn't wanna say goodbye and how she just disappeared in her arms like she was nothing but she was real, she felt so real.

Time passed by and as it did, Athena was still lying there, Damon walked up the stairs seeing she was still lying there, he looked to the closet, walking over to it, he grabbed a pair of jeans, a black long sleeve and a long black jacket as he turned around "come on. Enzo's on a bit of a tear. And he's got Stefan." he shared, tossing the clothes to her, Athena didn't move or even acknowledge the notion of Enzo having Stefan, Damon furrowed his brows 'well, I have no clue what he's talking about so I'm gonna go see your mom and find that date. If you feel like tagging along." he shared, turning around and walking out.

Some more time had passed, Athena felt a pain in her chest, as she sat up, she looked to her clothes, as she quickly got up, grabbing the clothes Damon had thrown at her and got changed, heading out of there.

Walking down the street, Athena had made it to Whitmore campus as she was walking up to the bar, she felt a pain shoot through her as she stumbled over, she knew the feeling all too well, it was Stefan, he was in pain, as Damon ran up to her "I got ya." he told her, putting her arm around him, he began walking the two toward's the bar, and he did, Stefan's screams filled their ears, where as it did, unlike last time this happened to her, she was able to fight through the pain make it to where she needed to be to kill who she had to but right now, the idea of losing Stefan was making the urge to kill, that bloodlust that was buried deep inside of her too strong.

Where as Damon opened the door, walking the two in, Athena shoved him off of her as she fell to the floor and onto her knees, digging her nails into the hardwood floor "Athena.." Damon told her, stepping toward's her "don't." Athena told him, making Damon stop in his tracks, Damon knew what this was as he turned looking at all the people sitting there, he looked to Enzo "you really gotta get these people out of here now." he shared, as Enzo turned to him "if I hadn't known any better, I'd say that was a veiled attempt to get me to release the damn hostages." he shared.

"Oh, I'm sorry was that veiled? Release the damn hostages before my soon to be sister in law here uses them as her choice of weaponry in her blood thirsty rage against you!" Damon voiced, as Elena looked at her worried "Athena?" she asked her, watching as Athena slammed her hand into the ground "who's side are you on?" Enzo asked Damon "the one who's gonna rip everybody's heads off cause you decided to torture her fiance!" Damon voiced "you were there with me in Augustine. Look, don't tell me you've forgotten what it was like to cling onto the one thing that kept you from feeling pain!" Enzo voiced.

"Athena." Stefan told her, trying to speak to her calmly "Enzo, I get it. The prospect of seeing Maggie again was your safety line to the outside world, the one thing that kept you from shutting it off, but she's gone. There's probably a chapter in Elena's psych book about it." Damon shared, looking to Elena and Stefan "what are you two study buddies now?" he asked, as he looked behind him at Athena, hearing her breathing heavy, he knew she was holding it back at least for now, as he turned to Enzo "the thing is I didn't know she was your Maggie." he shared.

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