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Chapter one hundred and five

"Always the one to save the day." 

The next morning, Athena was sleeping as Caroline sat next to her, the phone had rang awhile ago from Stefan and when she answered it, he thought it was Athena but she informed him that she as of right now didn't wanna speak or see him so she asked if there was any other reason he called and he told her that Damon was back, where she began to explain it to Elena "he's back?" Elena asked, as Caroline nodded "how?" Elena asked "I don't know. Honestly, everything Stefan said after Damon's back was begging me to talk to Athena so I hung up." Caroline shared.

"What about Bonnie?" Elena asked "he said that she wasn't over there." Caroline shared "where is there, exactly?" Elena asked, and then as she did, Caroline looked to Athena who was sleeping and back to Elena "right. I'll go talk to, Ric. So your sister who's thankfully alive can sleep." Elena shared, as she turned walking out of there, and as she did, Athena sat up and when she did, she looked at Caroline "there's something else I have to tell you." she told her, and as she did, Caroline turned to her with furrowed brows "Stefan gave Enzo over to the hunter." Athena told her, and when she did, Caroline's eyes went wide.

Later, Athena was filling her cup up with blood as Elena was packing her bag of clothes for the hospital, a knock came to the door, and as it did, Elena went to walk over to it but Athena stopped her "hey, it's me. I just wanted to talk." Damon said, as Elena turned looking at Athena, grateful even though she stopped her incase it was a hunter that she made it so she didn't answer the door on Damon "I can't, not now." she said "look. I know why you did what you did. It's not real. You know what's real? The way you felt for me. You once told me that it was the most real thing you ever felt in your life." Damon shared.

"Those feelings are gone." Elena told him "oh, come on, Elena, you've compelled enough people to know it's just a way of covering the truth, no matter how badly you want it done, it doesn't make it any less of a lie." Damon shared, as Elena looked to Athena, she raised her brows, and as she did, Athena let go of her and drank from her cup as she walked over to the bed "Athena I can hear your heartbeat. So you tell Elena that what I'm saying is true!" Damon voiced, as Elena walked toward's the door "just open the door Elena. Everything can go back to the way it was. Just..just open the door, Elena, please..or, at the very least, step aside because I'm gonna kick this door in." Damon shared.

And as Elena unlocked the door, she sped over to Athena, throwing a blanket over her sleeping form and turned to the window, opening it up and jumping out of it, where as Damon walked in all he was left with was Athena, where he then turned around and left.

Later on, Athena was sleeping and as she did, Damon stood in front of her shaking the to go cup, the smell of blood filled Athena's nose as opened her eyes "there she is. The sister in law who hate's my brother because he lied to her. Again." Damon shared, as Athena took the cup from him and drank from it "and from what he told me, you related him to Silas which is really harsh." Damon shared "he's not acting like himself Damon. He's not the man I love." Athena shared, as her phone rang, she turned and picked it up "hello?" she asked.

"This Athena Salvatore?" Tripp asked "yes this is she but how did you get this number?" Athena asked "found it from one of your friends in Savannah, Laurel to be exact. She said you were a big help. And now I'm gonna help you." Tripp shared, as the door opened, Athena's eyes went wide, as Damon turned around, Tripp shot at him but Damon caught it and threw it back at him, getting him in the leg, Damon then sped toward's him and held the gun to his head "now what makes you think the slayer needs saving?" he asked, as a bunch of other darts could be heard, Damon then fell to the floor, as Tripp looked to Athena "I was just about to do that." she told him, forcing a smile.

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