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Chapter one hundred and forty four

"The tale of the siren."

The next morning, Athena had returned back to the armory with Annabeth and Jace as she walked in with Alaric, Stefan was there as he looked at them but more specifically Athena "hey." he said, but Athena didn't say anything back, as Alaric handed Stefan his cup of coffee "thanks." Stefan told him "thank the nanny. She's the unwilling enabler." Alaric shared "oh, hey." Georgie said, as Jace, Annabeth, Athena and Alaric turned around seeing her "uh..I thought I told you not to come in today." Alaric told her "well, I heard there was a coffee shortage and came running." Georgie shared, looking at the tuning fork in Athena'a hand.

"Actually we're in the middle of a major project. So why don't you take the day off." Alaric shared "major project? Sounds sketchy. Got a girl tied up in the basement?" Georgie asked, as everyone's eyes went wide "jokes. Okay, I'll leave you to it." Georgie told them, turning around and walking off "I can only deal with one temptress at a time." Alaric shared "then let's get this started." Athena shared, turning and walking off and as she did, Annabeth andJace followed her along with Stefan and Alaric.

Walking into the basement, the five of them walked up to the cell that Sybil was being kept in, as Athena hit the tuning fork against the window, Sybil gasped "the all powerful siren. Imprisoned by a fork." Stefan shared, as Athena made the ringing stop "says the man who can be killed with a stick." Sybil shared "what is it about this thing that hurts you so much? And why does it hurt my kids?" Alaric asked "and here I thought you had me all figured out. Guess not." Sybil shared, as Athena banged the tuning fork again "if that disrupts your psychic ability, then why is Damon still your puppet?" Stefan asked.

"I tinkered with the deepest reaches of his subconscious. If Damon's still serving me, it's because deep down, he wants to." Sybil shared "why are you doing this to him?" Stefan asked "it's all Damon, Damon, Damon. Aren't you a little curious about who I am?" Sybil asked "no actually. All I care about is how to save my brother." Stefan told her, as Sybil looked to Athena, Annabeth and Jace "you three are silent." she shared "we like a good story." Athena shared.

As Sybil smirked "well, then you'll love this one. A long time ago, in a little mediterranean village, there was a girl. As a she came of age, the village girl began to manifest psychic abilities, a trait that had been forbidden in her land for as long as anyone could remember. The fate of psychics was exile. Which is how our poor, innocent, forsaken village girl ended up on a raft, the current carrying her into the rocks of a cold and distant shore. But abandoned though she was meant to be, alone she was not. There she met the girl of the island. Exiled together, connected in psychic ability, two sisters in everything but blood, destined from that moment to one day become..the sirens." she shared.

Turning around "so you see Stefan, I understand why you would do anything for your brother." she told them, turning back around "because my sister will do anything for me." she said, as Jace, Annabeth and Athena's eyes went wide while Stefan and Alaric furrowed their brows "will do? Present tense?" Stefan asked "sirens come in twos." Athena shared "that's right. And while I'm in here. And she's out there." Sybil shared, smirking, Athena banged the tuning fork "ugh! Would you please stop doing that? It is complete overkill." Sybil shared, holding her head.

"What do you mean, two sirens?" Alaric asked "I thought you were a scholar. Every single mythological interpretation of who I am mentions sirens..plural." Sybil shared, walking back to the glass "well, those same myths also say that you should have the lower half of a bird." Alaric shared, as Sybil laughed "well, luckily for us all, you can't believe everything that you read." Sybil shared "enough. Who is she?" Stefan asked "patience, Stefan, I promise you'll find out soon enough." Sybil shared, smirking again.

Where as they were in there Alaric's phone soon rang "it's Seline." he said, looking between Athena and Stefan "can you two handle this?" he asked "yeah." Athena and Stefan told him, as Alaric walked off "Seline? Suspicious name. Very siren y. Speaking of names, I didn't catch you threes." Sybil shared, looking to Athena, Annabeth and Jace, Athena banged the tuning fork "stalling's not gonna get you very far." she shared "and you think hurting me will?" Sybil asked, as Athena brought her hand up and stopped the ringing.

Sybil let out a breath "thank you. Now, despite enjoying each other's company, the girls had another constant companion..hunger. The one who had survived on the island this long had a plan. But the girl of the island knew better. She had done this before, called out to passing sailors with her mind. But no matter how keen her psychic reach, the shoals around the island were sharper." she shared "so you beached the ship." Stefan said "try annihilated. Dashed upon the rocks, dooming it's sailors to death. But, silver lining, their sweet, sweet provisions would soon wash up on shore." Sybil shared.

"Stop me if this sounds familiar. One good sibling, determined to live like a monk, and one selfishly evil sibling, willing to murder to satiate their hunger." she shared, but nobody said anything "oh, come on, you get it. The parallels are too good. Are story is your story, Stefan. So now here's the test. Which girl are you?" Sybil asked, as Stefan turned looking to Athena, Annabeth and Jace, he looked back to Sybil "look, we don't have to be enemies. Damon and I had nothing to do with the armory until you possessed him. If we're enemies, it's because you chose this path. I didn't ask for any of this." he shared.

"God. You sound just like her. A victim to the last. She insisted the island would nourish them. And when it didn't her faith was shaken, god did not provide. That was up to her sister. The other side of the island was the wild boars domain. It was dangerous, but she knew she must hunt. And behold. God was good." Sybil shared "except their was no god or boar. There was people and on those ships you lured onto the the island and that crashed into the rocks had no provisions. They were the provisions." Athena shared.

And when she did, Sybil looked to her "an innocent girl became a monster. All because her older sibling forced her to adopt her lifestyle, even if it meant killing and eating men to stay alive. So I ask you, which girl is the man standing next to you?" she asked, as Stefan hit his hand against the glass, Sybil looked to him "here's all you need to know. Whatever Damon and I have done to one another in the past, it has been forgiven. He is my brother, and there is nothing you can do that will ever change that." Stefan shared.

And as he did, Jace noticed a women walking up from the left as he grabbed Annabeth's hand and pulled her behind him, he backed away from the glass, Athena stuck her hand in her pocket "I think you've overestimated your sibling. And clearly, I have underestimated mine." Sybil shared, as Georgie stabbed Stefan in the back with vervain, Stefan fell to the ground, Athena spun around and kicked Georgie in the head, sending her flying back into the wall, Jace and Annabeth began running, as Athena followed behind them.

Having gotten out of the armory, Athena, Annabeth and Jace were all in the car, as Athena sped down the road getting them all the way back to the house, the three got out of the car and ran all the way inside, where they didn't stop running until Athena slammed the door shut behind them and leaned against it, as her, Annabeth and Jace caught their breath.

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