A Reminder For The Broken Hearted

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Do not kiss your lover after he's shattered your soul, or text him back right away, when he wants to be friends. You do not have to do anything that anyone thinks you should, and you do not have to pretend that you're okay when you're not, no one expects you to be. So do not tell him that he broke your heart, he knows. And chances are he does not care and will not care when you call him drunk and sobbing, it will only get you pity and you never needed that from him. Do not think that sleeping with someone else will make your heart whole again, it will not. And no one is going to swoop in and save you, so don't think you can't eat that whole pint of ice cream because you're worried what people will think of you for it. You were never not good enough for him so don't set your standards lower and don't hate yourself a little bit more because of him.

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