Chapter Four

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You and Kenma walked beside each other on your way back to your own houses, it was only just down the street from Kuroo's so it wasn't a far journey. Kenma had put his DS away and was watching ahead of the two of you as you guys walked.

It was fairly nice out since it was April. You liked the spring weather more than any other, the only downside was that the school year had only just started but you honestly didn't mind school. School break was better though.

"I told you Kuroo will never give you his notes. He is stubborn like that." Kenma stated as the two of you walked.

"I'll get them yet." you said. It would take you time but you knew you would convince Kuroo to hand them over.

"You're both stubborn. It's exhausting." Kenma replied with a sigh.

You smiled at him, Kenma was always looking for something to complain about. Usually it ended up being Kayo but when Kayo wasn't around he would complain about you or Kuroo. You didn't mind though, you could easily tell when he was actually pissed off - he wasn't very good at hiding it.

"What are you doing for the rest of the evening?" you asked Kenma as you two approached your houses.

"Probably going to keep trying to beat that level." Kenma replied. You didn't even have to ask him to know that, of course he would be up all night working on that level.

"Well good luck on that. If you can't beat it tonight, I can always step in and help you out tomorrow." you said, holding in your laughter at the idea of you being able to defeat a level that Kenma couldn't.

Kenma looked over at you at your words and he rewarded your joke with a smile. "I'll keep that in mind." he said.

"What are you doing tonight?" Kenma asked, changing the direction of the conversation towards you.

"I'm going to work on a painting I've been trying to finish for weeks now." you said with a smile. You had almost no free time to paint for fun anymore so you were more than happy that the opportunity had finally presented itself to you.

"Good luck with that, if you have problems with it I could always show you what you are doing wrong you tomorrow." Kenma replied, with the faintest smile. You had to laugh, the idea of Kenma knowing more about art than you was equally ridiculous as the idea of you knowing more about video games.

"Well played." you stated since Kenma had reused your teasing against you.

Kenma grinned at you then moved his attention back to where you were walking. The two of you had arrived at your houses.

Kenma lived in the house right beside you, in fact your two rooms faced each other. When you were younger the two of you had been hanging out one time and tried to create a homemade phone by attaching cups to a string and having one in your room and the other in his room. To this day you still had the cup in your room and the other was still in Kenma's room, and if you looked really hard you could see the thin string connecting your two rooms. The cups don't work but you guys still kept them.

"I'll see you tomorrow y/n." Kenma said as the two of you stopped in front of your house.

"See ya Kenma!" you waved before heading up your driveway, Kenma gave a little wave back as he headed to the next house beside yours.

As you entered your house you were immediately hit with the smell of your mothers cooking. It smelt really good but you were already pretty full from your meal at Kuroo's house. You entered the kitchen and just as you had expected, your mother was busy moving around the kitchen. Your brother was sitting at the table completely distracted by his phone. Your dad was in the living room that was connected to the kitchen watching a baseball game on the television.

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