Chapter Seventy

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At one point you snuck out of your room to check on Isamu. He was surprisingly doing alright after his argument with your parents. He told you that he heard you sticking up for him to your mom and that he was so thankful for you. Once again he said how sorry he was that he had treated you terribly for years but you had already long since moved on from that. Sure you and Isamu had a few rough years but that only made you value the relationship the two of you had now that much more.

The two of you stayed up and chatted for a while before you finally snuck back into your room as if you had never left. The rest of the night you didn't really do too much since you didn't want to push anything by leaving your room.

In the morning you were woken by knocking on your door. It was a little earlier than you had planned on waking up but you didn't mind all that much.

"Come in." you called out as you let out a yawn and rubbed at your eyes to wake yourself up. 

You had been expecting your brother to walk in but instead your mother stepped into your room. You had fully been expecting her to spend the next few days ignoring you after what you had said to her last night. But there she was standing in the middle of the room. 

You were half expecting her to properly yell at you now since all she had done was tell you to go to your room yesterday but she didn't say a word.

"What's up?" you questioned since she wasn't saying anything and you didn't want this awkward interaction to last any longer than it had to.

She shifted awkwardly in her spot for a moment before finally speaking. "You are right."

"Huh?" you immediately blurt out, knowing you must have heard her wrong. 

In all your life you had never heard your mom admit that she was wrong and you had definitely never heard her admit that you of all people were right. You refused to believe that those words just left her mouth. Not your mother.

"You were right. I really dropped the ball on this whole parenting thing. I've been a terrible parent to Isamu and a terrible person to you." she said, not daring to step any further into your room than she already was.

You immediately started looking around your room for something that was off or out of place to indicate that this was simply just a dream. But everything looked right. 

You then started to pinch the skin on your arm to the point where your eyes started to water from the pain. You suddenly couldn't breathe as the panic set in that you couldn't wake yourself up. 

"Y/n." the woman said again, bringing your attention back over to her. She looked and sounded like your mother. But this wasn't her. It couldn't be, your mother didn't say things like that.

"I don't know how you ended up so opinionated and outspoken when I raised you to be a puppet when it comes to opinions. But I did need to hear what you said yesterday because even though I don't want to accept it, I know everything you said is the truth. I know that with every day that passes I lose you a little more." she said.

Was this some sort of manipulation tactic to get you to apologize for what you said? You couldn't figure out what she was gaining from telling you this. There had to be some reason for her to be so honest with you, something you weren't seeing yet. Whatever the reason, you didn't trust it and you were wary of her words.

"I never planned to be a bad mother, that's not something you ever think would happen to yourself." she said. If you didn't know her better you would believe that her words were genuine.

She stopped to give you an opportunity to speak but when you didn't she took a deep breath before continuing.

"I have a year and a half left with you, even less with Isamu. I figure I have three options now. Ignore your words and hope that you were lying. Accept your words and let the two of you go. Or do what I can to fix this family that I destroyed." she explained.

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