Chapter Twenty-Four

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It took a couple hours but you, Kuroo, and Kenma managed to finish up the rocking horse before you and Kenma went to your own homes for the night. You were now in your room painting while you waited for dinner to be ready. You glanced over at your bed where your new notes that Kuroo had begrudgingly handed over to you before you left his house now lay. You of course had made him admit that you had won the bet because your project had gone better than his did out loud before accepting your reward. You even considered recording him saying it but knew he get you back at some point so you didn't.

You put your paint brush in a can of dirty paint water for a moment since you needed to wait for the paint you had just applied to dry before continuing. You then took a seat on your bed and shuffled through the pages the boy had given you.

Each page had neatly crafted diagrams and paragraphs of his tiny words. Kuroo had always had really neat writing even when you were kids. Kenma on the other hand had terrible penmanship, you had found it funny what a difference it made trying to read the two of their notes. Your writing was somewhere between the two of them in terms of neatness.

At that moment you heard your mothers voice yelling for you to come down and join the family for dinner. You were quick to make your way down the stairs and take your normal seat at the table.

"So me and your father are going to be gone early in the morning tomorrow. We'll be home Sunday evening again." your mother said as you all started to eat the meal she had prepared. "And lucky for you two Haru is sick and will not be coming over here." she added.

You and Isamu quickly caught each others eyes in a silent celebration at the news that the irritating spoiled boy wasn't going to be sharing your house for the weekend.

"We expect you two to behave while we are gone. No friends over here and we want you to keep each other company both nights." your father added in.

"I was actually planning to go to Kayo's tomorrow night for a bit. It's her birthday." you quickly said. Isamu would have probably preferred you to not be in the house anyway.

"Well I guess if Isamu is alright with being here alone you can go." your dad said.

"Only because it is a special occasion." your mom quickly added. She was always way more strict than your dad.

Isamu quickly nodded his head yes. "I want the house to myself to have a quiet study place anyway." he said. You knew damn well that he was lying. There was no way he was going to be studying the one weekend your parents weren't around. But you didn't call him out for it because you didn't want him to call you out that Kayo was having a huge party that he surely heard about at school.

"You are such a good kid." you mother said to your brother with a proud smile. "Maybe you could spend some time studying this weekend too y/n." she added as she turned her attention to you.

You wanted to just tell her off. To tell her that even if your grades weren't quite as good as Isamu's, you were still one of the highest ranked students in your class when it came to intelligence. But how could that ever be enough? There were still plenty of students who were smarter and going so much further than you ever could.

"Yeah I will." you said simply. You didn't tell her that you were already trying so hard to impress her.

The rest of the dinner was filled with conversation about everyone's day. Once you finally went up to your room you got back to work on your painting.

As your let your paint brush dance across the canvas you couldn't stop yourself from thinking back to dinner. As soon as studying was brought up your mother immediately turned to you as if you were the biggest failure out there. Of course in her eyes you were. You wasted far too much of your time on art - something she would never approve of. It was a whole world she didn't understand and that made it seem pointless to her. If only you had the same interests as your parents then maybe they wouldn't see your passions as a waste of time...

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