You walked into your room but it didn't look like your room at all. The entire thing was a mess. Your bedsheets that had been nicely made were laying in a crumpled pile on the floor. There were various papers that had been carelessly pulled out of your desk and now littered the ground. A few of the art pieces you had collected over the years were ripped off the wall where you had hung them and now laid on the floor.
But the most heartbreaking thing was found in the corner of your room. The canvas you had spent many weeks perfecting for the big art gallery coming up in less than two weeks now had bold black paint across it. The words read 'told you not to fuck with me'.
You knew exactly who had left that message for you. Kenzo. Last night when you had attempted to expose him you had known he wasn't the type of person you wanted to make an enemy out of but you hadn't realized to what extent his revenge would be. It was all for nothing too since Isamu hadn't even believed you.
You stared at your painting still on its stand where you had left it. It was not fixable and there was no way you had the time to recreate it before the collage art gallery you had been chosen for. All you had wanted to do was look out for your brother. You had wanted to make sure Kenzo knew he couldn't get away with hurting and using people the way he had done to Isamu. But instead of helping or changing anything you were the one to get hurt.
You were never going to stick up for Isamu again. He clearly didn't care about you and you were wasting your time caring about him. Everything in your life was such a mess right now and it was all his fault.
As if the world hated you, you could hear his stupid voice from behind you.
"Y/n what happened in here?" Isamu asked as he took a step into your room.
"What the hell do you think happened in here? Your asshole of a friend didn't like me telling you what I saw at Kayo's party." you snapped at him. You didn't want him in your room or anywhere near you. You wanted him to leave the house and be gone for at least a week until you were calm enough to see his face again.
"My friend? Kenzo? Kenzo did this?" Isamu asked in both confusion and shock.
You found it ironic that Isamu had the same faith that Kenzo was a good friend that you had in Isamu to be a good brother. Turns out you were both wildly wrong.
"He can fucking use his brain." you said in a sarcastic tone. You didn't feel like you were crying yet you could feel the tears rolling down your cheeks.
"But I don't understand. Why would Kenzo -" Isamu trailed off his sentence as something seemed to click in his head. There was a look of horror and hurt that made its way onto his face. "You weren't lying about Kenzo and Reina..." he said in barely even a whisper, still fully processing what he had just realized.
"Yeah. I was just trying to protect you and look where that got me." you said with a hysterical laugh in pure disbelief at the situation.
Isamu looked horrified and guilty at the realization of what had really happened. There was also hurt buried in his expression, you could tell from his eyes. You almost wished you felt bad for the boy who had just realized he had been betrayed by two of the people he was closest two. But you didn't feel bad even a little. Feeling bad for Isamu is what had gotten you into the situation you were now in.
"Y/n I didn't know. I didn't want to believe you. I should have-" he started rambling on but you were quick to cut him off.
"Shut the fuck up Isamu! I don't wanna hear any sort of shitty ass apology from you. I fucking hate you!" you yelled alarmingly loud. You knew it was only a matter of time before your parents came darting up the stairs to break up your fight but you didn't care, you wanted Isamu to know that you were done with him for real this time.

Complicated ~ Nekoma
Fanfictionx reader You have spent your high school days at Nekoma surrounded by your close friends who just so happen to be volleyball losers. You expect that your second year of school will be just like the last one with countless days of stupid goofing arou...