Chapter Twenty-Seven

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You watched the look of confusion cross Yaku's face as he looked at you standing in the middle of his room. It was too late to flee the scene and pretend that you had never been in his room, he knew you were there.

You could feel how wide your eyes had become and part of you wondered if the boy could notice it too. He was giving you a look as if he knew something was off with you even though you were sure that you were holding yourself together pretty well.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to come in here. I was just trying to um just find a place to be alone for a minute. I'll go though." you apologized. You noticed the way that your voice sounded a little foreign to your ears and you wondered if that was just another effect of drinking a little too much alcohol.

As you tried to walk towards the door to escape the awkward situation you could feel your body swaying a little too much and you couldn't walk in a straight line to save your life. Why did you drink so fast without any water or food? Why were you so stupid to get yourself to this state?

Within only a couple seconds Yaku had moved to place both hands firmly on your arms and give you stability. You were thankful because the room was starting to spin a little.

"Y/n I didn't say you have to leave. Just sit down for a minute. You're worrying me." he said, looking you in the eyes as he spoke.

It was weird to hear the boy say he was worried about you. People worried about friends and family. You and Yaku weren't friends, were you?

Either way you knew he was right, you desperately needed to sit down. Even with his steadying hands you still felt like you were only a few wrong steps away from tumbling over. You nodded and allowed him to lead you over to his bed. He had one hand gripping your left arm and the other on the small of your back as he walked you across the room.

Once you were seated on his bed Yaku took a seat beside you. The room was still spinning and a little disorienting but you felt a lot better now that you were sitting.

"Are you okay y/n? You drank too much." he stated. He looked worried about you.

"I guess a little bit too much. I didn't even drink that much though, is it obvious?" you asked. You felt like you had hidden it somewhat decently before trying to walk just then.

"Other than you nearly falling right there?" Yaku asked with a little laugh.

You nodded, you giggled a little knowing that you had probably looked ridiculous to him with the way you had tried to walk and failed horribly.

"Well, you look fine. It's barely noticeable." he replied with a soft smile.

You narrowed your eyes at the boy. He was clearly lying. He had definitely noticed before you even tried to walk.

"You're lying." you said.

"I'm not lying." Yaku replied defensively.

"I know you are. You definitely noticed something, I wanna know if I look stupid." you insisted. The last thing you wanted was to earn a reputation of getting drunk at parties.

"Fine. If you really wanna know I could tell just a little. Your eyes are a little less focused than normal and your face is slightly flushed. Your movements are slowed down more than usual, you normally tend to move quickly with simple movements like turning your head or moving your eyes. And the tone of your voice is slightly off. But honestly y/n no one is going to notice that." he replied honestly.

He noticed all that just from a simple quick glance at you. That was crazy to you, the two of you had barely even spent time together. You hadn't realized quite how observant he was.

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