Chapter Five

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The next morning you woke up at the same time as usual. Sometimes you went to school early to work on your art projects. Your teacher had given you a key to the club room since you had been the unofficial leader of the club. Whenever anyone had a question about anything they always came to you.

But today you weren't going in early, later you would likely have time to work on your project after the guest speaker left so there was no point getting up extra early for it. You still had genuinely no idea what the guest speaker would be talking about but you figured it couldn't take up too much time.

Isamu was already gone for his morning basketball practice so he wasn't home. He wouldn't walk with you even if he was home, but to be fair you wouldn't walk with him either.

After eating a couple pieces of toast you made your way over to Kenma's house, and as soon as you knocked Kuroo opened the door. He was always there before you in the morning. You both had agreed to always meet at Kenma's when you didn't have art club and they didn't have morning practice since Kenma was always the longest to get ready.

"Good morning Tetsu." you said with a small yawn. You were tired but that would likely go away on the train ride to school. Since Tokyo was so busy it was nearly impossible to drive to school so you guys had to commute on the train that was almost always packed.

It didn't matter that driving wasn't an option though, none of the three of you had your license yet. You were too nervous, Kuroo didn't have a vehicle to use, and Kenma was just too lazy. It didn't matter though, in a city like Tokyo there was always some sort of public transit running.

"Good morning y/n. How'd you sleep?" Kuroo replied, yawning himself.

"It was fine I guess. I'm still tired now though." you replied. Kuroo nodded in understanding, clearly tired himself.

Soon enough Kenma came slowly walking down the staircase with his backpack over his shoulders. He had little bags under his eyes to indicate that he did not get nearly as much sleep as he needs. That was pretty normal though, Kenma had a bad habit of staying up a little too late and getting up a little too early, you honestly didn't know how he even functioned half the time.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Kuroo asked as Kenma slipped on his shoes.

"I'm not hungry in the mornings." Kenma answered simply. Kuroo frowned but didn't argue the boy. Kuroo was constantly taking care of Kenma and also making sure Kenma was taking care of himself, it was really sweet.

The three of you then left Kenma's house on the way to school. You entered the train with no problem, none of you were able to find an open seat though so you all had to find a spot to stand.

You actually really liked standing on the train, you liked the challenge of having to keep your balance while the train moved. Kenma on the other hand hated it, you could tell he was getting motion sickness almost the second the train started to move. You moved one of your hands to place it on his back in an attempt to steady him. You knew it didn't help a ton but he always gave you a thankful smile when you would do that.

You glanced over at Kuroo who was looking around the train. He loved people watching for some reason, you always told him that was weird but your comments never seemed to bother him. You never understood what his fascination with other people's lives was, you didn't have the time to waste your thoughts on a bunch of strangers you would never even speak to.

You looked back over at Kenma, his face now turning a little pale as if he were about to vomit. You really hoped he wouldn't, when others puked you had a hard time not puking yourself even if you were feeling completely fine.

"You okay?" you whispered to him in question.

Kenma nodded slowly. He was probably focusing on keeping himself from throwing up all over the place and didn't want to risk answering. It was probably a good thing that Kenma never ate in the mornings for this reason specifically. He was usually fine when he was sitting, he could even look down at a screen when he was sitting, but something about standing while the train was moving always made him feel queasy.

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