Chapter Eight

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You wasted no time in leaving your house. As the cooler evening air hit your face you were already feeling a little better. Sometimes all you needed to do was get out of the house just to feel better, your house could become really suffocating really easily.

It only took you a couple seconds to walk down your driveway and back up your neighbours driveway. You knocked on Kenma's front door and waited a few minutes for it to open. His mother was on the other side. She smiled as soon as she saw you standing there.

"Y/n, how nice to see you! Kenma is up in his room right now, good luck getting him off that game though." she said as she opened the door wider for you to enter.

You laughed a little at her comment, you had been correct in your assumption of what the boy was doing.

"You can go ahead up if you want." Kenma's mom said with a smile. It still wasn't too late so Kenma's parents didn't mind you being over but once it got a little later you would always leave. All you needed right now was a little bit of time with him anyway though.

"Thank you." you said as you slipped off your shoes.

You then made your way up the stairs and down the hallway to the boys bedroom. You had been in Kenma's house enough times to navigate it without any help. You knew the house almost as well as you knew your own house, but you tried to spend more time at Kuroo or Kenma's places than your own. You felt more yourself around them than you did around your own family. It was a sad reality.

You knocked on Kenma's door even though you were sure he was just gaming and wouldn't be able to hear you. If he were changing though he would hear your knock. You waited a minute before pushing the door open.

Kenma didn't even look over at the sound of the door and you knew it was because of the big headphones he had on.

You grinned and pulled out your phone.

Y/n: Here

You watched as he pulled out his phone and looked at the message. He almost immediately looked behind him and you couldn't help but laugh.

"You gotta stop doing that, it freaks me out. Just tap on my shoulder or something." Kenma said as he pulled his headphones off and placed them on the edge of the bed beside him.

"It's so funny though. You know I could totally rob you and you'd probably never know." you replied as you took a seat on his bed.

"I would notice." Kenma stated as he rolled his eyes slightly, you grinned because you knew that even he knew that was wrong.

"Of course you would." you said sarcastically as you reached over to ruffle his hair. Kenma was quick to swat your hand away from him, unamused by your teasing. But then he looked down at the controller in his hands and smiled softly to himself.

Kenma looked back over at you. "Did you want to play? Or was there something else you wanted to do?" he asked you.

Everyone always thought Kenma was an addict to his game, and maybe he was a little. But the second you were at his house he was always willing to put it away and spend time with you instead. You didn't know a whole lot of game addicts who could so easily put down their game.

"Wanna work on our Minecraft world?" you suggested. You weren't huge on video games but Minecraft was one that you genuinely really liked playing. You liked when Kuroo would join because you and him would often goof off and fight each other. But it was also fun to play with just Kenma because then you were a lot more productive and there was just a lot less chaos in general.

Kenma nodded as he switched over the game and handed you a remote. The two of you started up playing. At first you were both focused on what you were doing and weren't talking a whole lot.

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