Chapter Forty-Nine

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You woke up early the next morning. You didn't have school but you had a lot to get ready for your art gallery and you still had to figure out how you were getting to the place. As of right now the train seemed like your best option.

There was a sudden knock on your bedroom door so you quickly called out for whoever it was to enter. You smiled when your brother came in. He was the one person in your family you still wanted to be around. 

"I was thinking since I don't have to be at my thing until the afternoon I could come with you to set up your area in the gallery. If that's alright with you?" Isamu suggested.

You smiled even brighter, you were more than happy to have the boy join you. Even though he wouldn't be there for the actual gallery part it was still nice to not be alone the whole time.

"I'd like that Isamu." you replied. He then smiled at your response. You couldn't help but wonder if this is what it was supposed to be like to have a brother. 

"Ari is coming to watch my game. If you want I could ask her to drive us down and she could help with the set up and stuff." Isamu offered.

"That sounds perfect! Thank you!" you agreed.

Over the past few days at school you had noticed Isamu getting more comfortable with Ari's friend group at lunch. You had never expected the two of them to become such good friends so quickly but you were really happy for him. You were glad he finally had a good group of friends he could properly fit into. You had finally decided that you did like Ari. She wasn't fake like you had originally suspected, she was just a very friendly girl.

About an hour later the three of you were loading all your art pieces you planned to bring into the back of a pickup truck. You took the backseat allowing Isamu to take the front seat.

"I didn't know you drove a truck Ari." you said as she pulled out of the driveway.

"It's my dads, I can only use it sometimes when he isn't using it but I learned how to drive in this thing." she answered. 

You still didn't even know how to drive so you couldn't even imagine driving a giant pickup truck so casually.

The three of you chatted the entire way to the gallery. You were trying to calm your nerves but you could really feel how nervous you were about displaying your art for the world to see. But you knew this was something you could do and part of you knew that it was going to work out great for you in the end. 

Once you got there it took a few minutes to find your section where you were supposed to set up your stuff. Ari helped you with the design and layout of your pieces while Isamu was simply there to put the pieces on the wall and stands. It was an effective method and once you were satisfied with how it looked the three of you went out to eat something for an early lunch. 

"Are you sure you are going to be okay on your own?" Isamu asked after you three had finished eating. You could tell that there was real concern about you in his tone. He had really changed.

"I'll be completely fine. You go to your game before you end up late." you insisted. Isamu nodded. "Keep me updated on the score." you said to Ari, who nodded in response.

"Alright good luck y/n!" Isamu said.

"Good luck to you too!" you replied with a smile. You waved to the two as you watched them climb back into Ari's truck and drive away. Isamu had no idea but him giving you his morning meant the world to you.

As you took in the busy street during your walk back to the art gallery all you could think about was how damn happy you were. These past few weeks felt like a whole rollercoaster of emotions, but now you understood how much you had changed over these weeks. You didn't know what it was that had changed you so much, perhaps a mix of a lot of things that had happened. But you were now at a point that you could except the way everything had unfolded and be happy for everything you had.

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