Chapter Fifty-Four

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When you and Yaku separated for the second time you couldn't stop the smile that had made it onto your face. Yaku was also smiling this bright smile that looked as if he might burst from happiness. How did you fall for this boy so hard without even realizing?

You suddenly felt a surge of fear as you whipped your head to the gym door that was left wide open. You let out an exhale when you saw that no one had entered the area to see your exchange with the boy. You weren't sure what you were even supposed to tell everyone yet. Weren't there supposed to be rules against kissing your best friends brother?

"No one else is here." Yaku said as if to confirm what you were trying to figure out.

You looked back over to him and nodded. What did he think about this whole thing? Were you supposed to tell people or not? Did he want anyone to know? Weren't there also rules against kissing your sisters best friend?

"I think we shouldn't tell anyone yet. Keep it a secret for a bit, at least until we figure out how to tell anyone about this." Yaku stated, answering your unasked question. 

"And this? What exactly is it?" you asked.

"Well I can't speak for you, but I wouldn't mind kissing you a few more times. I really like holding your hand. I don't wanna stop texting about all the random stupid crap we send each other in the middle of the night. I'd like to show up to a hundred more art galleries and I mean I wouldn't mind spotting you in the crowd for a few volleyball games." Yaku replied.

You smiled at him. You had already known that this wasn't just some spur of the moment kind of kiss, it was something meaningful. Yaku wasn't the type to risk the friendship you two had built on something small. This was something big. 

"So it would be like dating in secret?" you asked with a cheeky grin.

Yaku smiled a closed mouth smile in return. "You could say that."

"Okay then. It's a secret." you agreed. "I should go back to the cafeteria, I told the others that I was going to the washroom." you said.

"Alright, I'll see you around y/n." Yaku replied.

"I'll see you Mori." you said back before leaving him in the volleyball gym. 

As you walked back to the cafeteria you replayed everything that had happened in your head. Something about sneaking around with Yaku made you a little giddy but at the same time it felt a little wrong to hide it from everyone else, especially Kayo. You had no idea how she would even react to the idea of you going out with her brother. 

When you got back to the cafeteria the others all immediately notice you returned.

"Thought you might have fallen into the toilet or something." Kuroo said as you took your seat at the table.

"Oh yeah turns out something really wasn't sitting well in my stomach." you said with a laugh. You had decided to just play off the fact that you had been gone for so long.

"Must have been a massive shit. You were gone most of the lunch." Kuroo replied with a chuckle. You couldn't help but laugh at Kuroo's bluntness

"Don't say that Kuroo, it's gross." Kenma stated but he wasn't looking at anyone and instead staring at something he was doing on his phone. You couldn't help but chuckle a little at Kenma's bluntness to Kuroo. 

"So what'd I miss?" you asked, quickly turning the conversation away from you and your sudden disappearance during lunch.

The three began to fill you in on everything they had been chatting about and this time you were able to actually focus on what they were saying. 

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