Chapter Fifty-Seven

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On Tuesday your classes seemed to fly by, you were pretty sure that was due to your good mood because you knew you were lacking the proper amount of sleep lately. Either way you were happy when the final bell rang to dismiss you from class. 

Kayo had to run pretty quick because she had plans with Akaashi and he was likely already waiting in the parking lot for her. You were heading to meet up with Kuroo and Kenma to take the train home together when you noticed a text come through.

Yaku: Wanna go out somewhere?

You smiled at the message immediately. Ever since your kiss with the boy you had been dying to go out just the two of you again.

Y/n: meet you by the student parking lot?

Yaku: Sounds good :)

You took a minute to change his name in your contacts. It felt wrong for it to still be Yaku since you never even called him that anymore. Besides, the two of you were way past last names at this point.

You sent a quick message to Kenma to let him know that you were staying a little late and that him and Kuroo should go ahead home. You knew Kenma was way more likely to get the message than Kuroo was. Like you expected the boy answered immediately.

You didn't want to make Yaku wait but you took your time getting over to the parking lot just to make sure Kayo was well gone before you arrived. It was one thing to not tell her that you were going out with her brother, but to flat out lie to her about it seemed like a whole other thing. You hadn't crossed that line yet.

When you finally arrived at the parking lot Yaku was already there. He was watching a squirrel scurrying up a tree in fascination, but once he noticed you approaching he seemed to completely forget about the squirrels existence as all his attention was entirely devoted to you.

"Hey! How was your day?" Yaku asked you with a large grin.

"Surprisingly very good for a Tuesday." you answered, returning his smile. "And you?"

"It dragged a little, especially when my teacher brought up college entrance exams. But it's a lot better now." he answered.

You couldn't help but smile even brighter at his words. It stung a little to hear him casually talk about collage, you preferred to just pretend that him and Kuroo wouldn't be moving on next year. You really didn't want things to change, not when you loved the way everything was right now.

You tried to at least push the thought off your mind. They weren't leaving yet, you still had a lot of time with them and you had to just focus on that.

Yaku opened the passenger seat door to allow you to get into the car.

"What a gentleman!" you teased him.

"Shut up." Yaku responded with a slight tint of pink on his cheeks. You smiled as you watched him walk around the car to get into the drivers seat. Damn, when did this boy start making you grin like an idiot?

"So anywhere in particular we are going?" you asked when he started driving. Going out with Yaku was tricky because the two of you weren't known to be particularly close friends and you didn't want anyone to think that your relationship existed. His house was definitely out of the question since Kayo could show up at any point and you definitely weren't ready to expose him to the chaos of your parents.

"I have an idea. It isn't a good one but I figured it could waste an afternoon." Yaku answered.

"That was an extremely vague answer Morisuke." you pointed out.

"It'll be easier to explain when we get there." Yaku insisted.

"Alright, I'll trust you." you replied. You didn't mind it being a surprise but that didn't help to prepare you for whatever it was. This was technically a first date even though it didn't really feel like it. If anything it felt like the two of you had skipped the whole first few dates part of going out.

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