Chapter Forty-Four

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It wasn't hard for you to sneak out of your house because your parents were so focused on Isamu neither of them even noticed you had left. You waited outside your house on the front step. It was a nice night out. You were really looking forward for the spring weather to change to summer weather, although it had been a really nice spring.

It didn't take long for the sound of a motorcycle to roar through the quiet night. You watched as the bike parked in your driveway and Bokuto hopped off, pulling off his helmet to smile at you. 

"Crappy night?" he asked as he made his way over to you.

"I'd almost go as far as to say shitty night." you replied.

"Oh worse than I expected. In that case I know where we need to go." he said in response. You couldn't stop yourself from grinning at what a goof he was. Just a minute with Bokuto and you were already feeling a bit better. 

Bokuto held out his extra helmet for you to use. You put it on as he also put his back on, then you followed him to his bike where he helped you onto the seat behind him. He glanced back at you to ensure you were securely on before starting up the engine. 

As he sped out of your driveway you wrapped both arms around him tightly. It was crazy to you how after only knowing the boy for a very short period of time you were completely comfortable being out at night with him and holding onto him like this. Bokuto was just a comfortable person to be around in general. Everything about him radiated safe. 

As you whizzed down the road you could feel the wind pushing against you with power. It was a nice feeling. Just like the last time you had been on his bike you felt so free. You squeezed him even tighter and his hand came down to squeeze your arm back for a brief moment before returning to the steering. 

Bokuto surprisingly smelt really good. You wondered if he had just showered before coming to pick you up or if he had good hygiene from having two older sisters. This was also the first time you noticed how obviously strong he was, his muscles were even more evident than Kuroo's were. 

As you continued towards some mystery destination you took in a couple deep breaths. It felt good to allow your body to relax after being so tense all dinner. 

Eventually Bokuto pulled into a parking lot where he found a spot to stop. He climbed off the bike first, quickly offering you his hand to help you down as well. Once you were off the bike you took off your helmet and examined your surroundings. You hadn't been to this place before but from the name of it wasn't difficult to decipher where he had taken you. A desert bar.

"Bo I didn't bring my wallet." you said. You hadn't even thought about getting it when he was coming to pick you up. But the last thing you wanted was to get seated then have to admit that you didn't have any way of paying.

"Good. One thing you should know about me is that I love spoiling my friends." he replied, completely shrugging off your comment.

Bokuto then quickly laced his hand with yours as he led you into the restaurant. You didn't argue him, you figured it wouldn't be too difficult to find a time when you could take him out to return the favour.

The two of you took a seat in a small table by the corner of the room. You glanced through the menu trying to decide which option looked the best. You had never been here before so everything looked amazing to you. You couldn't even imagine your mother ever bringing your family to this place. She would be complaining about the price you were paying just to consume too many calories... But the idea that your mother would disapprove of this place almost made you like the fact that you were here even more.

"I think I gotta go crepe. I'm gonna pick the one with all the strawberries." you announced to Bokuto.

"Oh that sounds good! The nutella crepe is really really good too! But I think I'm going with the cookie crumble sundae." Bokuto replied.

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