You and Kayo got right to some friendly gossip the second the two of you got into her car. You always loved gossiping with this girl because she always seemed to know everything going on around the school. You were going to have to be extra careful sneaking around with Yaku if you didn't want to get caught.
It wasn't that you didn't want to tell her, you wanted more than anything to freak out to your best friend about how you had kissed the boy in the gym. But unfortunately that boy happened to be her brother and you still weren't entirely sure how she would react to that news. There were all kinds of lines you knew you were crossing but you couldn't stop yourself even if you wanted to. If there was a choice you never would have chosen to fall for her brother... but there was no choice it just happened.
You tried to justify it by telling yourself that the two of you would tell her soon you just had to figure out how to say it and make sure that it was something real before concerning her. It was fair that the two of you wanted to figure things out for yourselves before hearing everyone else's opinion. Wasn't it?
You weren't sure at all. And you were terrified that Kayo would get upset. You didn't want to be forced to choose between the two of them because you liked them both so much. Of course you would have to choose your best friend, but it wouldn't be easy. The thought of not texting Yaku in the dead of night or exchanging little looks with each other when no one was looking anymore hurt you to even think about. You liked him so damn much.
Part of you wished he wasn't her brother because then things would be so much easier. The two of you would already be freaking out about everything that had happened together. But that wasn't the case, instead things had to be complicated.
"You know it's been forever since we watched our show! You should come over this weekend and we can binge all the new episodes with Mori and then you can sleep over!" Kayo exclaimed excitedly.
The idea of just hanging out and not really doing anything at all sounded really nice. Even though you would be with both Yaku and Kayo at the same time. This was going to have to become normal one way or another, besides you may have been just overexaggerating in your head and nothing would be weird about it at all.
"That will be fun! Aside from the cottage we haven't had a sleepover in forever." you agreed.
Your parents were never thrilled with you sleeping over at Kayo's house, they had always thought she was a bad influence on you and were never afraid to express that opinion, but they always allowed you to stay over still since she was really the only close girl friend that you had. You knew that if they ever found out that you and Yaku were going out those sleepovers would stop altogether. But you had no intention on telling them about Yaku anytime soon, truthfully you just didn't care if your parents knew or approved that you were going out with the boy. After everything with the art gallery their opinion meant very little to you.
"I know right? I feel like we've barely even been able to hang out." Kayo said. While you two still saw each other a lot, she was right. The amount you two were hanging out has been a lot less frequent than usual. You felt a little responsible for that because of all the shit you had to deal with lately leaving very little time for your best friend. Luckily though Kayo was very understanding of that.
Finally the two of you had arrived at Fukurodani. Once again you were reminded of just how wealthy Bokuto and Akaashi really were. The school campus was huge and the way the students carried themselves around the school was really telling to how good of a school it really was.
You followed Kayo around the buildings of the school since she had obviously been here a time or two before. You knew that she came to Akaashi's games quite often to support him. You eventually made it to a gym you assumed to be the volleyball gym. It was quite large and there was already a decent amount of people around to watch the match. It wasn't a huge audience since it was only a practice match but there were more people than you would expect to see at a Nekoma practice match.

Complicated ~ Nekoma
Fanfictionx reader You have spent your high school days at Nekoma surrounded by your close friends who just so happen to be volleyball losers. You expect that your second year of school will be just like the last one with countless days of stupid goofing arou...