刘宇宁 ~ Milky Way Dreams (天河梦)

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Song from Sword And Fairy 4

Liu Yu Ning: Yuè xià zhúlín yī mèng cǎomù kūróng yāo jīngzhé
Qià féng rénjiān hào jiǔ kěfǒu zhāi xīnghé
Cǐ qù wèn qíng nán jiù zèng wǒ yīshēng xiào yǔ chóu
Piànkè gùrén yǐng zhuì mǎn xīntóu
月下竹林一夢 草木枯榮邀驚蟄
恰逢人間好酒 可否摘星河
此去問情難咎 贈我一生笑與愁
片刻故人影 綴滿心頭
A dream in the bamboo forest under the moon
withered vegetation inviting the awakening of insects
It's a good time for wine in the world, can we reach the stars
It's hard to ask about love, give me a lifetime of laughter and sorrow
For a moment, the shadow of an old person fills my heart

Yuǎn wàng bǎi zhuǎn tiānhé yúnyún cāng líng bù huǐ cuò
Zuì nán shēng yóu wànwù huà yī fù gǔgé
Qīngkuáng shèngsì shàonián láng fù qīngcōng bié lái wúyàng
Hé chù bù jué báitóu wàngǔ yì wúwàng
遠望百轉天河 芸芸滄菱不悔錯
最難生由萬物 化一副骨骼
輕狂勝似少年郎 覆青葱別來無恙
何處不覺白頭 萬古亦無望
Looking at the Milky Way from afar, numerous cold water caltrop never regrets her mistakes
The hardest thing to create is to turn everything into a skeleton
Being frivolous is better than a young man, covered with green onions, you will be fine again
Wherever I don't feel my hair is growing old, there is no hope for eternity

Zhōng qí yīshēng yīniàn wèi luòchā
Duó mìngyùn fèiténg jù sàn zhōng chéng shā
Bù wǎng cǐ mò qiānguà qiěxíng qiántú duō xiāosǎ
Tà jiàn yī qù bù fǎn láishì zhǎn táohuā
終其一生 一念為落差
奪命運沸騰 聚散終成沙
不枉此 莫牽掛 且行前途多瀟洒
踏劍 一去不返 來世斬桃花
Throughout my life, my only thought is the gap
The destiny is boiling, gathering and dispersing eventually turn into sand
It's not in vain, don't worry about it, the future will be bright and unrestrained
Stepping on the sword will never return and will kill peach blossoms in the next life

Yuè xià zhúlín yī mèng cǎomù kūróng yāo jīngzhé
Qià féng rénjiān hào jiǔ kěfǒu zhāi xīnghé
Cǐ qù wèn qíng nán jiù zèng wǒ yīshēng xiào yǔ chóu
Piànkè gùrén yǐng zhuì mǎn xīntóu
月下竹林一夢 草木枯榮邀驚蟄
恰逢人間好酒 可否摘星河
此去問情難咎 贈我一生笑與愁
片刻故人影 綴滿心頭
A dream in the bamboo forest under the moon
withered vegetation inviting the awakening of insects
It's a good time for wine in the world, can we reach the stars
It's hard to ask about love, give me a lifetime of laughter and sorrow
For a moment, the shadow of an old person fills my heart

Yuǎn wàng bǎi zhuǎn tiānhé yúnyún cāng líng bù huǐ cuò
Zuì nán shēng yóu wànwù huà yī fù gǔgé
Qīngkuáng shèngsì shàonián láng fù qīngcōng bié lái wúyàng
Hé chù bù jué báitóu wàngǔ yì wúwàng
遠望百轉天河 芸芸滄菱不悔錯
最難生由萬物 化一副骨骼
輕狂勝似少年郎 覆青葱別來無恙
何處不覺白頭 萬古亦無望
Looking at the Milky Way from afar, numerous cold water caltrop never regrets her mistakes
The hardest thing to create is to turn everything into a skeleton
Being frivolous is better than a young man, covered with green onions, you will be fine again
Wherever I don't feel my hair is growing old, there is no hope for eternity

Qīng jìn tiānxià chìzǐ guī tiānyá
Shēng dāng rúcǐ shí fúchén jiē wèi huà
Dào biélí pàn xiāngféng píngtiān jǐ duō érnǚ chóu
Huǎnghū zòng yǒu yīmù fú qù hóngchén liú
傾盡天下 赤子歸天涯
生當如此時 浮沉皆為畫
道別離 盼相逢 平添幾多兒女愁
恍惚 縱有一幕 拂去紅塵留
All the world is gone, the innocent child returns to the end of the world
Life is like this, ups and downs are all paintings
Saying farewell and looking forward to meeting each other brings so much sorrow to the children
In a trance, even if there is a scene, brush away the traces of the mortal world

Zhōng qí yīshēng yīniàn wèi luòchā
Duó mìngyùn fèiténg jù sàn zhōng chéng shā
Bù wǎng cǐ mò qiānguà qiěxíng qiántú duō xiāosǎ
Tà jiàn yī qù bù fǎn láishì zhǎn táohuā
終其一生 一念為落差
奪命運沸騰 聚散終成沙
不枉此 莫牽掛 且行前途多瀟洒
踏劍 一去不返 來世斬桃花
Throughout my life, my only thought is the gap
The destiny is boiling, gathering and dispersing eventually turn into sand
It's not in vain, don't worry about it, the future will be bright and unrestrained
Stepping on the sword will never return and will kill peach blossoms in the next life

中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 5/25Where stories live. Discover now