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16 - Kiana

What the hell was wrong with me?
God! I wanted him.
I wanted him so badly and he didn't even fuck me properly the first time we did it? It could have been better?
But still I couldn't keep my mouth shut. He provoked me and I just had to keep contradicting him. And shit, I wanted nothing more than to suck him off. I enjoyed teasing him by not choking. I enjoyed it. And I wanted to taste him. I wanted to do everything with him. And I wanted him to do everything with me.
I was about to object, even though I wanted his cock, when Cal's voice rang out. I looked at the door and automatically wanted to move my hands, but they were still tied by Rune.
"Let me go, Rune. My breasts... God, I don't want Cal to see me like this!"
Rune looked at the door and then at me. He grinned. "I don't think I'm letting go."
I blinked several times, my nipples still hard. I tried to free myself, wriggling under his grip, which made my breasts move back and forth as well. But with my arms still pressed against the wall above my head, I had no chance.
"Damn it, Rune. Let me go!" I called uncertainly.
But he held me tight without any problem. And the smile he gave me now was mean and confident of victory.
"Beg for it."
I looked at him with wide eyes. Was he serious?!
Okay! I took it all back.
I hated him and didn't want anything from him. Absolutely nothing.
I resolutely turned my head away and said, "Nope."
He leaned down and smiled. "Then my cousin will probably see a lot of you." He ran his fingers over the fabric and pushed it further away. Exposed more of me and massaged me.
I moaned with desire and at the same time winced when I heard footsteps approaching and Cal's voice shortly afterwards.
"Nox? Are you in the office?"
I looked at the door in shock.
Then I looked at Rune. Did he not care? I thought about it, wondered why...
And then it clicked.
"Does it matter to you if Cal sees me like this? Because I'm nothing more than a whore to you?" I looked back and forth between his eyes and ignored his touch, which aroused me.
He narrowed his eyes. "No, you're not a whore to me. I fuck you like one, yes, but you're not a whore," he clarified. Then he smiled. "But I'm just not ready to go backwards. I have a point of view to prove here."
I looked him straight in the eye.
Was that really the truth?
I had to believe it.
There was no time to discuss it further.
So I smiled back.
"Rune...," I began, looking at him with a sweet expression. "...please let go of me, and I won't contradict you again next time. I promise." I tilted my head and tried to change his mind with my cute expression. But instead of falling for it, he pulled me to him in a rough manner.
"No, I said-," he pushed his tongue into my mouth and kissed me passionately, while Cal called out again, "-beg for it."
I licked my lips and enjoyed the taste of him. I squeezed my eyes shut slightly and looked at him angrily.
One day I'll wring his neck!
I could beg now and take revenge next time. But...
"Let me go. I beg you," I said, not really convincing.
I just couldn't do it.
"Not enough," he tore my top further apart and pushed the shoulder straps away. "I want to hear you beg. And you should hurry if you don't want to strip naked in front of Cal."
I just couldn't. I couldn't do it!
My pride was getting in the way.
I didn't beg.
I looked at him seriously and tensely.
"No. I won't beg."
"Then..." The door handle turned as if in slow motion. It even squeaked a little. Rune stared at me.
I swallowed hard and looked at the door and then back at Rune. My breathing was rapid.
I was scared.
I didn't want Cal to see me like this.
But... I couldn't beg.
Despite everything I had been through, I was a proud woman.
I raised my head to look at him intently.
"No one but you," I repeated his words from earlier.
Rune blinked when I used his words against him.
Then he suddenly spun me around and stood in front of me so that Cal, who had just stuck his head in, couldn't see me.
"Boss, I've been looking for you all the time. Man, you mu-".
"Give me two minutes," said Rune, looking over his shoulder at him. "Piss off."
Cal blinked, then looked at me, hidden by Rune's body, and nodded wordlessly.
When he was gone, he whispered, "Clever move, Kimberlie." He kissed me on the side of my head and then said, "Get dressed and wait for me downstairs."
I looked at him in surprise that he had finally reacted like that. So... he meant the words seriously.
No one but him.
My heart was still pounding in my throat. But I felt that I only wanted him. I had no interest in meeting other men at the moment.
So I smiled at him and nodded.
We looked into each other's eyes for several seconds and were incredibly close.
Then he turned away, freed my wrists and left his office.
I chewed on my lower lip, feeling my whole body tingle.
I was happy...
I think I was looking forward to seeing him again.
I shook my head at myself and got dressed. When everything was back in place, I went down to the changing room. There I changed again. A tight dark blue jeans that made my ass look tasty and a white tight t-shirt that was belly-baring. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my top. I wanted to look sexy for Rune. When I realized that, I stared at my reflection in the mirror in surprise.
I really wanted to please him, I realized.
What was wrong with me?
Am I crazy?
I looked down at myself.
Would he find me sexy?
My hand fell on my flat, slightly defined stomach. As I looked at my belly button, I remembered what I had bought before work today. I quickly went to my bag and took out my belly button piercing. I had lost my old one weeks ago and was too stingy to buy a new one.
Until today.
It was gold and had a small colorful butterfly pendant.
I went back to the mirror and stuck it through the hole.
I looked at myself again.
Then I took my cell phone. I saw that my dad had called several times. But I didn't care at the moment. After I had spent a few days at my brother Louis' house last week and had told him the story, I had only come home during the course of the week. But I had hardly spoken a word to my father. I couldn't even look him in the eye properly. I was so disappointed and... still didn't know how I was going to manage. The only thing that calmed me down a little was Rune. It was really crazy, considering how we had parted last week. But no matter how hard I tried to keep my distance, as soon as I saw him, I was a goner.
What was wrong with me?
I sighed, ignored my father's calls and switched off my cell phone. Right now, I didn't care about him on some level.
I shouldered my bag and ruffled my long blonde hair one last time. Then I left the changing room and saw that Cal was also waiting for Rune. I joined him, but we didn't say much. It didn't take long before I heard footsteps. When I turned around, I saw Rune rushing down the last few steps to the staff exit and walking towards me and Cal with long strides and without a smile.
His gaze flickered over me, but it didn't linger, and settled on Cal.
"Take her with you," he demanded coldly. "Take care of this and then bring her to me."
"To you? Home?"
"Where else, dickhead?
Cal raised an eyebrow. "It's not quite usual, so I thought-".
"Stop thinking," he growled angrily, interrupting him, "and do as I say."
I looked back and forth between the two of them, but my gaze eventually settled on Rune.
"Why can't I go with you right now?" I asked, confused.
I didn't have anything against Cal, but I didn't know him that well.
So why should I get into his car?
Rune looked down at me. "I have something to do."
I looked back at him. I wanted to protest. But...
"All right."
His words: no laws, no rules... no questions. So I wouldn't ask any questions.
But I didn't know if I could keep that up in the long run with too many secrets.
For the time being, however, I would stick to it.
He just nodded and walked past us.
Cal ran his tongue over his teeth and made a clicking sound. "I'd like to tell you that I don't know what's got into him, but that would be a lie." He put his hand on my back and pushed me towards his car.
I just nodded and let him lead the way.
We got in and he sighed. As if it were nothing special, he reached over my legs, opened the glove compartment and checked whether his gun was there and loaded.
I stared at the gun while I buckled up.
"Are you going to..." I stopped because the question sounded completely stupid, but... "Kill someone?"
My blue eyes met his dark brown ones.
Cal looked at me sideways and started the engine. "Since you now have Nox's attention, I'll give you a few pieces of advice about life with us, in our world. Rule number one: Don't ask anything you don't want to know. Number two: You always have to be prepared to kill someone or be killed. Three: Never get involved." He stepped on the gas and steered the car through the streets. "Four: If he or, in this case, I say something, do it and don't ask stupid questions. In the worst case, it can end with something bad happening. And last but not least, you'd better get a thick skin and forget pretty much all your moral intentions - and it's best to pack your conscience away too."
I looked at him. "Sorry I couldn't follow your advice to stay away from you," I began, then looked straight ahead at the road. "Am I in danger now too? Will other people want to kill me because I have his attention?"
I looked back at him and played with my fingers. I was clearly nervous. All the information he had given me made me nervous.
Did I really have to stick to all of it?
COULD I stick to all that?
"And you're already breaking rule number one." He snorted, but tried to smile. "I could lie to you and say that we can certainly protect you one hundred percent, but that's not really my thing. So yes, sooner or later you will probably come under fire if you get involved with Nox. But if we can, we will probably avoid it."
I stared at him for a while, thinking that I had pretty much answered my second question, and pressed my lips together. Then I smiled.
"Is there any chance that I can still get away?" I joked, to lighten the mood or rather to calm myself down.
The question I really wanted to ask was whether Rune still thought like that and could get someone else to pass the time.
Cal laughed. "Knowing him, no way. Even if you ran as fast as you could, Nox is a good hunter and the way he looks at you, you're his new toy."
His new toy?
I made a face. I didn't like that description.
"You should know that I'm an excellent runner. I like to run for my life," I said anyway, and giggled. But then I looked nervously at my fingers again.
"I know. Unfortunately." He parked the car right in front of a bookstore and then turned around in his seat. "Stay here."
He quickly checked the two weapons he had in the breast pocket of his suit jacket. And then he got out.
I watched Cal enter the bookstore and thought about what he had said.
What did he mean by - I know. Unfortunately - had he been watching me? No... Or?
But I couldn't think about it any further, because I heard some noise from inside the store. My attention was drawn back to the bookstore and I saw two customers storming out of it, looking scared.
There was another rumble. And suddenly a guy was literally flying out of the store, and Cal was following him.
Then everything happened quickly.
He grabbed the guy by the collar, punched him in the face, and the guy fell over. Cal pulled out his gun and aimed it at the man. Meanwhile, a woman came out of the store and begged for mercy, hanging on Cal's arm.
But he pushed her roughly away, said something and then took the envelope that the man on the floor was holding out to him with trembling hands.
Then he walked back to the car as if nothing had happened and got in.
I stared at Cal in shock. Speechless. I was... speechless. What had I just seen?
Was it real?
My gaze fell on the guy and the woman who were standing in front of the store and briefly met each other's eyes. She was totally scared.
I looked at Cal again, my mouth open.
No questions about things I don't want to know or shouldn't know.
Does that also apply to this? Whatever that was!
I kept staring at Cal, but couldn't get a word out. I was still wavering between wanting to know and wanting not to know.
"What?" he asked, as he wiped his hand with a cloth before throwing the envelope with the cash on my lap. "Be a dear and put that in the glove compartment."
I stared at the envelope. Took it slowly in my hand. It was a thick envelope. How much money was in here?
My head snapped up when I heard the woman crying. I saw a child standing in the shop doorway. The woman was uncertain, she wanted to bring her child inside, but she didn't want to leave her husband alone either.
My eyes softened and I had made my decision.
"What was that? Why did you beat up that man? For money? Seriously?" I asked, agitated, waving the envelope around.
"The rules, sweetheart. Don't forget the rules." Cal stretched his neck and tried to turn the ignition key.
I narrowed my eyes slightly and glared at him. Then I threw the envelope on his lap, unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car. I walked around the car and towards the woman and the man.
"Is everything okay? Do you need help?" I asked sensitively.
But before I could get close to them, the woman started screaming at me to get lost and that she didn't want anything to do with us scum.
I was paralyzed.
Cal got out, grabbed me roughly by the arm and practically threw me back into the car.
"Are you crazy? What was that about?" he asked, once he was back in the car.
I grabbed my arm. "That hurt! And what the hell is this? Are you the criminals? There's even a child here. What you're doing is cruel!" I looked at him in disbelief. "I thought Rune was a multimillionaire. So why are you stealing money from other people who need it much more than you do?"
"Criminals?" He laughed. "Those people? No. But if you finally started to think about it, you would answer the question of who the criminals are here yourself." The laughter died away. "I don't care about the child, I don't care about the woman, I don't care about the man. But the money," he took the briefcase and waved it around, "I do care about. They owe it to us and we're going to get it. If they can't pay, we'll wait exactly one week. If they still haven't paid by then, I'll come and remind them of the agreement. It's that simple.«
"What? I... I don't understand," I said, but my eyes widened a little. "You're the criminals? But why are you doing this? What is the agreement you have with innocent people?" I wanted to know! But before Cal could open his mouth, I raised my hand. "I don't give a shit about your rule right now. You're going to explain to me why these people owe you money. And if you don't tell me, I'll get my answer from Rune at the latest," I explained stubbornly.
He raised an eyebrow, but then stared at me before he exhaled and sighed in resignation. "Good luck with that, sweetheart."
That jerk!
I crossed my arms stubbornly in front of my chest and pressed myself into the seat. My gaze was straight ahead.
Cal drove off, but said: "Listen. What I said was no bullshit. You're not right here. You... don't have what it takes to be like us, to live like us and to act like us. You're too nice and my cousin is too ruthless. At some point you'll realize that. But then it'll be too late," he said. "I know that the fucker is a real eye-catcher and all the tattoos and piercings and his presence are dangerous and attractive and so on, but... He IS dangerous and life with us is not a sexy fantasy."
Although I still didn't look at him, I listened. And I realized that he was right again. If what had just happened was part of their everyday lives, wasn't I really wrong? And....
I chewed on my lower lip.
Was it perhaps already too late?
It wasn't just Run's appearance that fascinated me. He was so mysterious and although he was often a huge asshole, he could also be a gentleman and nice. Just thinking about Haru and his big brother. He paid the hospital bills for him. Did someone who was completely unscrupulous really do that?
I took a deep breath and let it out again.
Did I only have these two options?
If I loved them, I would look the other way in all this shit.
Or I could end it right now, stay away and forget everything I had seen so far.
The last option made my heart ache.

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