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I looked at Rune and then at Cal, but his eyes were fixed on Carmen. He looked at her as if he wanted to tell her so much and yet nothing. I blinked a few times.

Did he love her?
My mouth opened, but the vomit of the disgusting guy interrupted my attempt to say something. But... maybe I had another idea. I got up and went over to Carmen. "Hey, let the guy keep puking here and let's go back inside," I said, pointing at Cal on purpose. "Cal is already waiting for us."

Now I watched her reaction. She didn't turn her head. "Yes, and that's exactly why I'd rather stay here." She looked over her shoulder at Cal, who was just walking back inside. I followed her gaze. What is he doing?! That idiot. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Carmen.

"Okay," I dragged out the word and then acted dumb. "Tell me, what's going on between you two? He looked at you so strangely and you don't want to talk to him?" I looked at her curiously. I knew that they had something going on and I just realized that it wasn't just sex between the two of them.
Was I about to witness a love story between two mafia families?
How exciting!
Carmen winked at me and mumbled: "That's really none of your business." Then she sighed and sat down next to the now half-conscious placeholder. "I'm sorry, I... Things with Calgero are a bit more complicated. He and I were... well..." She pursed her lips sadly. "I would have chosen him," she admitted quietly. "Cal. But it was too complicated and... with Jesus it wasn't."
I sat down next to her and nodded in understanding. "Hey, I don't know how it usually works for you. But I really hoped that after this wedding we could become friends," I explained, trying not to dwell too much on the incident with her wedding. I realized that this topic was still very emotional for her. "What I want to say is... You can talk to me about a lot of things if it's okay with you that a normal person becomes your girlfriend." I smiled. Then I wrinkled my nose and looked at the guy. "He stinks of vomit. But now back to the real topic. Why was it complicated with Cal? I only know him as a buddy type, but he seems much more relaxed than... Nox." Then I leaned forward and looked at her intensely. "Do you have a driver's license?"
She blinked in confusion, but smiled. "You have some strange questions. So: Yes, I have a driver's license. Yes, I would also like to have a friend. As the daughter of a cartel leader, everyone around me is so... fake. You know? They just want me to put in a good word for them with my dad. They're all just slimy wankers. So also yes, PLEASE be my friend and please be normal!" Carmen explained with a smile. "And talking is always good.

I'm offering you the same thing, of course, Kiana. But Calgero is... really hard. And relaxed is different, believe me. But I... really loved him. For three years. And then he... cheated on me and dumped me out of nowhere. He," the Latina swallowed. "Calgero told me to take Jesus and let it go. He said he was no longer interested in me. No more feelings. That broke my heart. We haven't spoken a word since then.« She wiped away a tear. »Sorry. I must seem like a slut to you. But you have to know that I loved Jesus too, in a way. Just... never like him.«
"I knew it," I grumbled to myself. Then I looked at her again. "Sorry, Nox doesn't allow me to get a driver's license. But that's another topic," I explained shortly and then sighed. I took her hand in mine and smiled at her. "I had already thought something like that. That's why I think we'd be great together," I said, chuckling, and leaned forward to hug her again. I gently stroked her back and pushed aside the memory of her father telling me to stay away from his daughter. "Three years," I said, letting go of her again. "That's a long time. But why did that jerk cheat on you?! What's he thinking! Should I use him as a target?! I sometimes practice aiming with a gun, especially when Nox and I are arguing.« But I looked at her seriously. »You are definitely not a whore. But I think the way he was staring at you just now, he hasn't come to terms with it himself either. Don't you want to try talking to each other?«
Carmen looked at the door of the house, where people were going in and out. "I tried to talk to him. Over and over again. But he's stubborn and I'm... a Latina. You know? It's like fire and gasoline. But the way you talk about Nox, you know what I mean. By the way, I never thought that you and him were a couple. Nox never talked much about his women, but I know from the thing with Cal that he never stayed with one for more than a few weeks." She grinned at me. "How about we get out of here? My car is parked down the street and I'm still sober enough."
I shrugged. "I never believed it either, but shall I tell you something?" I asked, looked around shortly to see if Rune was around and then leaned towards her. "He confessed his love to me and I'm not supposed to tell you this. But it was incredibly sweet and he was even the one who asked me several times if I wanted to marry him. You have to know that I always said no at the beginning," I said, giggling. Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't be too hard on him. When Carmen made the suggestion, I looked at her in surprise. I quickly looked at the house and then back at her. "Run away? If I do that, I'll be tied to the bed and probably won't be allowed to leave the room for three weeks," I said worriedly. Which is why we looked at each other briefly until I started grinning at her too. "Let's go."

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