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45 minutes later, Kiana came to a somewhat dejected halt in front of me. Which, was understandable considering how fucking pissed off I was.
She had me chained to the bed! Fuck. Yes, I thought it was pretty cool, but what I had explained to her was true. I always had to have my hands free. And the fact that she had to do it here of all places, at fucking Carlos the CARDBOARD BOSS's house, was the icing on the cake.
I would have been more relaxed with us.
More relaxed.
Enjoyed it more.
But like this?
Kiana still didn't understand the seriousness of some situations. As if life at my side was a fun game. And the cocaine probably did the rest to my mood.
"Sorry it took so long, I was still in the shower," she explained quietly and looked to the side, Kiana was still tugging at her skirt and stockings.
"Amazing that you're acting like you're at home here," I said tonelessly and sniffed the rest of the cocaine up my nose, resting my head on my neck.
God, this stuff was really fucking good.
Good, good, good and even better.
I looked towards Kiana as she lifted her head. "It's not pleasant when two holes are leaking. Asshole," she still grumbled softly. "And can you stop? What the fuck!"
My eyes met hers. "It was your idea to fill the first one and the second one was your punishment. And you want me to stop what exactly?"
"Damn, I just wanted to have fun with you. Do you always have to fuck everything up?" Kiana asked, sounding subtly annoyed. "I mean the fucking coke! You're much more irritable than usual and I'm really not in the mood for that." She turned away. "I'm going to call a cab. No desire to be with someone who can't control himself because of the drugs."
Are you fucking serious?
I laughed tonelessly. "But the fact that my cock was so hard because of the drugs suited you just fine, huh? Sorry, amore mio, but one thing comes with another." I stood up and grabbed her by the arm. "You're running away again, Kiana."
She flinched, caught off guard. "That's not true," my little girl looked down, mumbling.

"I liked it, but if it means you're being mean to me and you're just annoyed and irritated, then I don't want it. Your normal toughness ..... is enough for me too."
When I laughed now, it was a genuine laugh. "I certainly hope so, because I don't really like this stuff."
She looked at me and had to smile herself. "Then why are you even taking it?" As she asked this, she stabbed me in the chest several times with her index finger. "It's not healthy."
"My whole lifestyle isn't exactly what you'd call healthy, is it?" My hand moved to the back of her neck and I bent her head up towards me. Cocaine and her were a devilishly intoxicating mix, considering I wanted her again. Jesus, I could fuck this woman day and night. "I took it because it would have been rude to refuse Carlos. It's just the way he does business. And anything after that wouldn't have made any difference. So-"
"Vete a la mierda, imbécil!" Carmen suddenly shouted and stormed into the salon in just her underwear. She threw a glass out of the room and it shattered at Cal's feet, who followed her and gave her a dirty look.
"Stop throwing things at me, Carmen!"
"Then don't be such an asshole, puta!"
"If anyone here is a whore, it's d-"
Another glass flew and Cal barely dodged it. "I dare you, Calgero! Call me a whore and I'll cut your balls off and feed them to the dogs!"
I suppressed a grin and shook my head as Cal roared back, "But you're a fucking whore!"
Carmen froze, but then ran towards Cal, screaming and swearing wildly.
I intervened, wrapped an arm around her stomach and lifted the struggling lightweight.
Turning to Cal, I said, "You'd better fuck off."
He nodded and left the room while Carmen raged in my arms, screaming and clawing at my arms.
Kiana looked after Cal and then at Carmen. She watched us, a little startled.
"What-" she started, but then stopped and paused for a moment, "Hey! What happened?"
"The same thing that happened three years ago when they were together. Isn't that right, Carmen?"
The Latina, who was no longer fidgeting, took a deep breath and when I set her down, she burst into tears. Fuck, no! I took a step back and raised both hands in annoyance. "No! Without me."
Kiana's evil eye met mine. "You stay right here. I'm sure it's your cousin's fault!" She looked at Carmen and her gaze softened. "What's happened? Why did you go off on Cal like that?" Kiana put an arm around the Latina and gently stroked her bare back.
I raised a brow, growled and then crossed my arms.
Oh, if she knew that this beast was not as innocent as she thought, she would just roll her eyes.
Carmen sniffled and wiped away her tears. "He's just an ass, that's all." I growled snidely again, but Carmen just scowled at me. "Isn't that how it is?"
"Depends which way you look at it, huh?"
"No!" she grumbled. "You're allowed to call someone an ass if they respond to the statement 'I love you' with 'Fuck, do you have to do that now'."
I stifled a smile. "I still stand by my statement."
She hissed, "Because you're just as big an asshole as your fucking Primo."
Kiana raised a brow and looked from me, to Carmen, and then back to me. I grinned at the you're-not-as-big-an-asshole-as-your-cousin look and her smirk and smiled back. Until Carmen turned back to her. Kiana let the smile disappear and started wiping the tears from her face.
"He really is an asshole. That's not possible. Totally insensitive, the bastard," she shook her head in disappointment.
Now a dark giggle burst out of me, which gave Carmen the rest. She started howling and hurled insults at me so quickly that I could only cross my hands protectively in front of me to avoid the blows.
"Puta madre! You and him are just miserable bastards! Stupid arrogant wankers! I ... I love him and he? What's he doing?" Her blows slowed down. "He cheated on me!"
I looked down at her. "And why did he?"
She froze and looked at me with reddened and swollen eyes.
"Hey Carmen, calm down now!" Kiana intervened a little too sharply. She put herself between us and stood with her back to me. "What's Nox's fault that Cal pulls shit like that? And listen, I've already told Cal how dare he cheat on you and he said: I only know one side. So please explain to me what happened between you? And I'd like to know the truth. Because I'm on your side and would love nothing more than to see you by his side."
Carmen froze and I looked over Kiana's shoulder at her.
"He ... I ... Oh fuck!" She whirled around and rushed out of the room. Her ass bounced up and down and I tilted my head and looked after her.
Kiana sighed in surrender.
"Rune-" she began irritably and slowly turned around to face me, "can you please explain to me what's going on?"
I looked at Kiana and thought about it. It wasn't really my place and I really wanted to stay out of it until a serious word was needed, but ...
"Cal didn't cheat on Carmen in the conventional sense that you're imagining now."
"Then explain to me how Cal cheated on her. I'm happy to listen to you." Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she looked at me in the usual Kiana way.
I took a deep breath and nodded. "But I need more drugs for that, because I'm sure you're not going to let it go and talk either Cal or Carmen into it. And since no one has told you what's going on, they'll know that I've been chatting and then I'll have to listen to them again," I explained and leisurely rolled myself a joint. I lit it and sat down at the dinner table. "It's a short story, thank God. Carmen, in a fit of sexual experimentation, decided she wanted to watch Cal get laid. He didn't want to at first but she wouldn't let up, so he gave in and ... well, let's put it this way. When the day came and Cal - I want to emphasize: at Carmen's request - fucked this little Mexican girl, Carmen probably went crazy and first beat the chick half to death and then held it against Cal for weeks about what he had 'done'." I pulled hard on the bag. "Until he'd had enough."
Kiana stared at me open-mouthed.
"You're not serious?" Her eyes flew to the joint. "Will you at least allow me to pull on the joint?"
What was wrong with her? I lifted the thing out of her reach.
"Nope and I'm serious."
She rolled her eyes, disappeared for a moment and picked up another cocktail glass.
"Alcohol it is then," she grumbled and I grinned.
Good girl.
She sat down next to me. "Well, that's crazy. I mean, I wouldn't even ask you to do that. A threesome, maybe a foursome, but that-" Her full lips sipped at the glass and she sighed, "I really don't know what to say."
I raised a brow. "You'd want a threesome or a foursome?" I smirked, the thought making my skin tingle as drug-fueled images forced their way into my head. "That would be one or two more pussies than I'd need, but it's not a bad thought."
Kiana grinned back. "Who said anything about other women."
My smirk disappeared and I growled. "Careful, Kiana."
She couldn't help but laugh. "It's interesting that you'd be open to other fannies, but just no other dicks. Why are you reacting like that? A threesome or foursome isn't just about other women." Kiana thought about it for a moment and I imagined many things I would do to the men who would touch her. "Although, would it make you hot if you could just sit there while I have fun with the other women? You can jerk off, of course, but you can't touch any of the other women."
I leisurely blew the sweet smoke in her face. "You're enough for me, Angle. I don't need anyone else. YOU threw that into the room. So no, it would probably make me more angry than hot if I saw you fucking whatever sex." I looked deep into her eyes. "You're mine. Mine alone. No other man or woman touches you the way I do. Fucks you the way I do."
She coughed briefly and returned my gaze for a moment. Only when she was able to free herself from my eyes did she sip the cocktail again.
"Okay," she smiled with slightly red cheeks. "You-" she started, climbing onto the dinner table and squatting on the top opposite me. Her legs dangled from my thighs. "-reach out to me too, Rune."
I looked at her body and nodded. Then I leaned back and my eyes traveled between her legs, where her still-wet panties were visible.
Yes, I would fuck her again today. Definitely.
"Then that's settled."
My fingers were already twitching when Kiana's cell phone suddenly went off and buzzed.

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now