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"Giuro su Dio che un giorno ti ucciderò! Rune!," I screamed and shook back and forth.
Shit. Why did I say that?
I wanted to try not to speak Italian anymore. But insulting him or making fun of him in Italian feels a thousand times better than in English.
Damn Italian!
I tried to keep my balance with outstretched arms. I looked completely stupid and I was annoyed again that I felt my face turning red.
His stupid words! I couldn't let myself get worked up. Yesterday I was in total break-up mode and today this?!
This guy is driving me crazy!
I stared at my skis and tried to cross them, as the asshole had said. But instead of braking, my skis somehow got tangled up at the front and I didn't stop, but flew forward and hit my face in the snow.
I lifted my head and glared at Rune as he strapped on his snowboard again and braked in front of me. He smiled down at me. "I said, don't embarrass yourself and don't make a fool of yourself and brake with your face."
"Oh, I see, I must have misunderstood you. Because I like to do that on purpose!" I snapped back. Then I pushed myself up from the ground and tried to stand up. But the only thing I managed to do was to turn over on my back. "I want my ski instructor back," I grumbled and slapped the snow with my gloved hands on either side. "Arthur, come back," I called to my ski instructor.
"I'm much better than Arthur." Rune raised an eyebrow. "By the way, it's pretty unprofessional to tell your student your real name." He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Unless he wanted to get into your pants. And if that's the case, I'll cut off his dick and stuff it down his Polish throat."
"We were just flirting. After all, I've been single since yesterday," I said provocatively. Then I stretched out both my arms in his direction. "You're not going to do anything here. I don't belong to you anymore, how many times do I have to say it, and now help me up."
"You're not shit," growled this possessive ass. "You're not single, and you don't tell me what to do with whom." He held out his hand to me and when I grabbed it and he pulled me up and close to him, he growled even louder: "You belong to me, angel."
I breathed in his scent and my skin immediately began to tingle. My eyes were on his lips and slowly wandered up to his amber-colored eyes. Why does he have to be so good-looking, smell so good, be so damn good in bed?! Why is he so perfect? And why do I love this idiot?
I shook my head and looked away. "Let go of me. I don't belong to you anymore. You don't want me... you don't want my heart. So stop playing with me."
"You really got stuck on this heart thing, huh?" Rune raised his gloved fingers and took my chin. "I don't play. I never play. I didn't before and I won't in the future. Kiana, I never lied to you, did I?"
"No. You were always honest," I replied. Because I had to admit that to him.
"You're playing with my heart. One minute you agree that we're going to end this between us, and then you act like this again. What do you want, Rune?" I asked him, looking deep into his eyes.
God, those eyes.
They radiated danger and yet they drew me in like a black hole. And the worst thing was, I didn't want it any other way.
"I want everything." He looked at me and bent down a little. "Damn it, just everything."
Unconsciously, I held out my head to him. "What does everything mean? What does everything mean in MY case?"
My breathing became labored and I wanted to kiss him. But... actually I also wanted to remain resolute.
"If you're seeking a definition, look it up in the dictionary." He said, acting all smart, and looked at my lips, then sighed softly. "What do you want to hear, Kitty Cat? Why do I have to explain every word I say?" the idiot asked, taking a step back. "Does it have to be so complicated? Everything is everything. I ALWAYS want everything. You should know that by now. When I fuck, I want everything that turns me on. When I kill, I want to kill everyone who gets in my way. When I earn money, I want to have everything. When I set my mind to something, I want to see it through. EVERYTHING, Kiana.«
I clung to his jacket for fear of falling again.
"Yes, it has to be so complex. I don't want to get my hopes up unnecessarily. So Rune, will you take me completely, with feelings, with my heart? If not, then let me go at last. I can't bear it again," I said, completely serious.
This back and forth.
How often would I be able to cope with this pain?
With his rejection.
The stubborn man rolled his eyes. "Stupid heart. Just let it be." His gaze met mine. Serious and unwavering. "I don't see why I should explain myself. I already have. I want everything. That includes you. I'm not giving you any false hopes. How could I? You know my truth. You know what it's like to be with me." He shook his head. "You love me? Then marry me! It would be so damn easy if you didn't bitch around."
I stared at him. It wasn't the words I had hoped for, and I reacted accordingly. I let go of him, thinking that I didn't care if I fell. I pushed myself away from him and sighed. "I guess that's everything," I said, bent down and unbuckled my skis. Then I got off and took them in my hands, somewhat awkwardly. "We were never together, so I don't have to say officially that I'm breaking up. Nevertheless, I'm telling you now, in no uncertain terms: it's over between us."
"And I'm telling you that it's not, so-" His cell phone rang and he bit into his glove to take it off. Then he opened the ski suit and slipped out with his upper body, leaving him standing there in just his black sweater. Rune fumbled the cell phone out and answered it.
"Yes? What?! When? The 'goods'? I see." He clenched his teeth and his expression darkened. "How many have to be eliminated? Be more specific. Then go after them!" He growled irritably. "Where are they? How much time do I have? I'll take care of it. Yes. No. No. Fuck, no! No way! I said I'll take care of it. Stand down, Bruno. And tell Marius to keep his feet still... Yes... No.« The mob boss hung up and clenched his fists. »Shit.«
I looked at him more closely. I tried to understand what he had said and then nodded.
So it had to do with his usual business.
Drugs? Weapons? Maybe even people?
Who knows.
So many will die at his hands. The hands that I love and that have already made me happy in so many ways. These hands will be stained with blood again.
My view found his.
"You seem to have work. I would like to tell you: please avoid unnecessary bloodshed. But... your business is no longer my worry.
I turned away and trudged through the snow.
And even though I sounded calm, I was still worried.
Love is a real pain in the ass.
I walked to the ski hut and looked back at Rune. He didn't follow me, he stayed where he was. I was radiating something like that, but actually I wished he would follow me and stop me.
I pressed my lips together and turned away again.
After I had checked in my skis, I went to a bar and took off my ski jacket.
I was going to get drunk today. That was certain.
I ordered something homemade and started to drown my broken heart in alcohol.

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now