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15 - Rune

"What do you mean, the cops have a search warrant?"
Cal and a man I didn't know were standing in the office.
My cousin nodded. "What can I say, Padrino. They'll probably be here soon."
I rubbed my face, lifted my thin suit jacket and looked at the guns on my chest strap and in my waistband. Then I looked at Cal and the guy next to him, who were armed the same way.
"How long?"
"Thirty minutes." Cal sounded tense.
I nodded unwillingly and sighed. "That's not enough time to get all the drugs and weapons out of the club, is it?"
A brow went up. "No."
I stood up, rolled my eyes and took off my guns. Then I straightened my suit and hair and stepped out of the office.
"I hate handcuffs," I grumbled, boiling inside.
Cal chuckled. "You love handcuffs."
"I don't usually wear them," I retorted, then explained: "Get as much out as you can and make sure that at least the weapons are untraceable. Cal," I addressed my cousin and stretched. "The money for the bail and the bribe should come from different accounts of different dummy companies."
He blew out his breath in disgust. "It's not the first time, Padrino, that I've gotten your ass out of jail."
I just nodded and then looked at the other guy. What was his name again?
"Bryan," I remembered. "Get moving and prepare the employees who are already here for the fact that the club will be closed today."
A look at the clock showed that the place would actually open in two hours. I shook my head. If the wankers had been smarter, they would have had the raid take place during regular opening hours. After all, that would have damaged the reputation of the shop considerably more. That way, only my staff would have noticed what was going on, and I could handle that pretty well.
I thought back to last week and the evening when I just let Kiana go. I had Cal clarify the question of whether she worked for the Lombardos and didn't just owe them something the very next day.
She really only owed money and apparently didn't even know that they were a mafia organization. The girl simply thought that her father had gotten into debt at a normal casino.
Which was as wrong as thinking the earth was flat.
I had to think of something. Urgently.
"Is the meeting with the assholes on?"
Cal nodded tensely and walked with me through the club, where the rumors had begun and where my people were now removing everything that was seriously illegal, without the people who didn't know about it noticing.
"A week from Tuesday. If they keep to it."
I shook my head. "It has to be earlier, we-" as I turned the corner, someone crashed into me and I stumbled. I just managed to catch myself and the person who had run into me. I looked at Kiana, whom I hadn't seen since. "You don't have a shift today. What are you doing here?"
Cal looked at her too. His jaw was tightened.
She looked at Cal and then back at me before explaining, "I took over a colleague's shift."
"Well, that's great." I gritted my teeth. "Go home. I don't need you today," I said, but at that very moment the door flew open and a dozen policemen came in.
Well, it was too late to get Kiana out then.
I straightened up when the officer came in. I held out my hand and let him hand me the note without a word. I didn't need to read the warrant.
"We can cut to the chase," I said coolly, darkly, like the head of a criminal organization, avoiding looking at Kiana. "In the basement, you will find a not insignificant amount of ecstasy and meth. But that's about it. The alcohol is clean and there are no weapons here either."
"I'm glad you're being cooperative, Costello."
I smiled evilly as he pulled out the handcuffs. He seemed to be in a hurry and nervous, judging by the way his hands were shaking. He was scared. And rightly so. This would definitely have repercussions for the police department. I paid a lot of money to avoid exactly this kind of thing.
"What's going on?" Kiana asked, sounding overwhelmed. She looked for my gaze.
"A small disagreement," I said.
"A small disagreement? I wouldn't call a club stuffed full of drugs from above a small matter, Mr. Costello."
I narrowed my eyes. "You're new, aren't you?"
He nodded, swallowed, but then said surprisingly firmly: "I know everything about you."
Cal took a step forward, but I stopped him with a hand. My gaze flew from Kiana to the cop. "In that case," I said quietly, giving him my scariest look. "You know what kind of situation you're putting yourself in."
"In none." He swallowed again.
I hated those incorruptible bastards.
I smiled one-sidedly and turned around. Now I was standing right in front of Kiana and looked her straight in the eye while the stupid and soon-to-be-dead officer handcuffed me. I winked at her.
"Rune," she whispered, seemingly uncertain. She grabbed my suit jacket and pulled herself closer.
I leaned my head towards her and brought my lips to her ear. I breathed threateningly: "Don't call me by my name again when someone is around." I nibbled on her earlobe. Then I whispered, lustfully and not at all worried about the situation: "Maybe I'll take the handcuffs with me and chain you to my bed with them."
"Maybe we'll never see each other again and you'll stay in jail." Her breathing was heavy and I grinned.
"For a few kilos of drugs? Nah," I said, looking over my shoulder at the cop. "I'll be back in a few hours."
He pulled roughly on my handcuffs and my smile disappeared. It was replaced by a malicious calm and a wild sparkle.
Oh, I'd kill him myself. Today.
Cal growled next to me. "Careful, amico. If you know who he is, you'd better watch out."
He looked at my cousin. "No, scum like you should watch out."
Kiana looked back and forth between Cal, the policeman and me. Then she took another step towards me, stood on tiptoe and whispered: "If you really are out in a few hours, then you can do anything you want with me and the handcuffs. I won't say no to," she bit into my pierced earlobe. " anything."
I laughed and stole a quick kiss from her as the cop pulled me away with a grunt. When he whispered the word "Mafia bitch" to himself, I reacted.
My head flew back and I broke his nose.
Kiana hadn't heard anything, but Cal's eyes widened and he stood by my side. The policeman, however, had already raised his gun and was aiming at my cousin.
"Enough," I spat and told Cal to take a step back. "We'll handle this like we always do when someone is stupid enough to try to arrest me. Assicurati che tutto qui funzioni. Mi prenderò cura dello stronzo."
I didn't look at anyone as I was led away.
Before I got into the car, however, I saw two familiar faces in a car at the other end of the street.

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