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24 - Kiana

I was standing in Rune's kitchen, preparing pancakes, with a smile on my face. I was listening to music and moving my hips to the rhythm. I also sang a little and turned the pancake. Last night, after our... mhhh... sexual encounter, we went back to his place.
I licked my lips at the thought of it. Of course, things got hot between us again afterwards. And we had sex in his bed again. It was good, very good, in fact. Just the thought of how he had touched me made my skin tingle.
I took the pancake out of the pan and put it with the others.
And since I had slept here, I was now standing in the kitchen in my underwear, trying to prepare a good breakfast for him.
Since I didn't have to go to the café until later today, I was able to take it easy this morning. The last pancake was finished when I turned around and almost scared myself to death when Rune was standing in front of me.
"Good morning, I've made breakfast," I explained excitedly. I'd never made breakfast before, so I was curious to see how he would like my pancakes.
He smiled. "In Italian, please."
"Buongiorno, Fatto Colazione Avere" I repeated thoughtfully, collecting together any words that had remained in my memory, and looked at him with a look that asked: And how was it?
He was still smiling and sat down at the counter. "Let's just say that a language course might be worth considering."
I put down the plate of pancakes and sat down opposite him.
"Really? That bad? Sorry," I laughed embarrassedly and then got up again to bring us both a coffee that I had made. "How did you sleep?" I asked, because I had slept like a log.
After I had been cum twice more to hear his enchanting tongue and we had started a round here at home, I was simply gone afterwards. I had been so tired. But the bed was also super comfortable and I slept like on clouds.
"Italian is a very passionate language. So if you're not a native speaker and ask a real Italian about your pronunciation, you'll probably never like the answer. We always have something to complain about." He looked at the coffee and sniffed it sceptically before looking at me. "It's quite good, considering that sleep isn't really my thing."
I nodded in understanding. "I also find the language quite sexy. I don't like it when I don't understand you, but at the same time it excites me to listen to you," I giggled and took my coffee. I sipped from the cup and pointed to the vending machine. "Don't worry, I made it with the vending machine," I explained and took a pancake. I never really cooked, but I have to say I was really proud of myself.
I think they turned out really well.
"Why is sleeping not your thing?"
He relaxed his facial muscles with a sigh of relief and took a drink. "It's got something to do with work," he said, as vague as ever, and cut the pancake. He took a bite, immediately grimaced and choked.
"I see..." I said, stopping myself when I saw him choking. "Are you okay? Did you choke?" I asked, surprised.
Rune looked at me. His eyes wide and his eyebrows raised. "Choked? Angel, they're terrible" he said honestly. "Once again, I'm Italian. Language, coffee and food are the three pillars of my genetics. "
My smile disappeared and I looked at the pancake.
"Really?" I asked sadly and tasted a piece. Then I looked back at Rune and grimaced. I swallowed it reluctantly, but it was horrible. Not sweet, but salty and something else disgusting was mixed in between. I turned around. Had I confused the sugar with the salt? Slowly I turned back to Rune and pressed my lips together. "I'm sorry. I never cook."
He laughed softly. "You can tell. You should take a cooking course." He stood up, took the coffee and walked to the outside area with a pack of cigarettes.
I watched him go, pouting, and then looked at the kitchen, which was a mess from my attempt to cook. I looked at my phone, checked the time and then got up. I threw the pancakes away. Cleaned up the kitchen and drank my coffee while doing so. When I was finished, I went outside to Rune and asked: "Can I take a shower here? Then I'll go straight from here to the café." Then I played with my hair, embarrassed, and added, "Or you can come with me and I'll invite you to eat there. As an apology for the terrible breakfast."
He looked at me, flicked the cigarette into the abyss and patted Don. "Go and have a shower. But I'm not taking you up on your offer. I have to... do something." He walked to me, kissed me on the forehead and went back inside. Then he got dressed and disappeared.
The elevator doors closed, and Don and I looked at each other. He barked once and his little tail wagged. I sighed.
"Come on, let's go inside," I said to him and he followed me. I closed the patio doors and went into the kitchen. I looked for treats for Don and found some after 15 minutes of searching.
"Look, Don," I smiled and showed him the treats. He was happy and barked again. I grabbed a few and held them out to him. He ate them up with relish and then licked my face. I laughed and stroked his head. Then I got up and went to take a shower. I just washed my body and went back to Rune's bedroom.
This was the first time I had been here on my own.
He seemed to really trust me, and that made me happy. While I was drying off my naked body, I saw Don again. He looked like he needed to go to the bathroom.
"Do you have to go out?" I asked him, and he answered with a quiet bark.
So yes. Good. I thought and put on my clothes from yesterday. But instead of the boots, I put on my sneakers, which I had already forgotten here once. I guess that's what you get for constantly changing your shoes. I put my boots in a corner of Rune's walk-in closet and then looked for the leash. It took another 10 minutes before I found it and put it on Don.
I took Don in the elevator with just my cell phone and we went for a walk. Everything went smoothly, he sniffed at various places, peed, pooped and then suddenly saw a cat jump onto a wall. He went crazy and pulled so hard on the leash that I couldn't hold him anymore. The collar ripped out of my hands and Don ran off after the cat. I watched him go with wide eyes.
"Wait! Don't go!", I shouted loudly and ran after him. He jumped over a fence and was suddenly gone. I climbed over the fence nonetheless, tearing the skin on the inside of my thigh, which started to bleed, and then looked around.
"Don!" I called.
Where had he gone?
Oh God! Rune will kill me.
No, I have to find him. I ran again, ignoring the pain and the blood on my leg. I searched every corner. The entire park, even the fenced-in areas. For a full 60 minutes I called out to Don and searched for him desperately. My pulse was high and I was afraid when I finally called Rune.
The seconds it took for him to answer the phone were the longest seconds of my life.
"What?" he answered the phone in a harsh tone.
I flinched. He was only on the phone, but his voice made me flinch even from a distance and scared me to this day. That's why I couldn't answer right away. It took me several seconds to get a word out.
"R... Rune... I... I mean Nox-," I stuttered. My eyes continued to wander through the large park.
"For God's sake, Kiana, I'm really busy right now. What is it?"
I flinched again and tears welled up in my eyes. "I... I was w... walking with D... Don," I continued, my lower lip trembling. I swallowed. "And... and he's gone. There... there was a cat... and... and... Don chased it and now... I don't know where he is."
Rune breathed heavily into the phone and this silence almost drove me crazy, it was so eerie.
"Nox?" I asked quietly, and the tears were already silently rolling down my cheeks.
"Are you really telling me that you've lost my fucking dog?" he asked dangerously quietly.
Before I could answer, I heard someone speaking Italian in the background.
"Padrino! Cosa sta succedendo? Andiamo!"
Rune panted heavily and then said to the person, "Shut up! I'm on my way!" Then he turned back to me. "Kiana, where are you?" he asked angrily.
"In the park, the big one that stretches behind your penthouse," I answered anxiously.
"Fuck!" he hissed, and someone shouted in the background. "Stay there, I'm coming!"
"O... okay... I'm... I'm sorry," I apologized again, but he just hung up.
I stared at the phone with a trembling hand. My tears dripped onto it and my vision blurred. Then I raised my head and looked around again.
"Don, where are you?" I whispered and took a few steps back. I crouched down by the big tree behind me and put my arms around my legs. I cried silently to myself and regretted that I had even gone out with Don.
I was afraid of Rune.
I sat there for a while, trying to calm myself down, until I heard footsteps and looked up.
Rune stormed towards me and asked: "What the fuck?"
I immediately stood up. I looked at him with wide eyes and took a step back.
"I didn't mean to," I said meekly.
"I didn't ask you if that was your fucking intention," he hissed and then growled: "Why did you go out with him in the first place! Don weighs almost more than you, for fuck's sake. You must have realized that you couldn't hold him! God!"
I took another step back. "He... he had to go to... to the bathroom." I looked at the floor. "I'm sorry," I whispered.
I felt him staring at me, his jaw grinding and his eyes full of anger. Then he turned away and walked to me. He raised his hand and placed his thumb and index finger under his lip. He took a deep breath and whistled so loudly that I had to cover my ears. Then he took another breath and called out, "Don! Over here!"
He stood upright and watched everything, his weapon stuck in the holster on his back. It took a while, but then you could hear a barking. Then the dog came bounding out of the bush and ran towards us across a large meadow. When he reached Rune, he was panting and out of breath and he ordered him to sit down.
Then he turned back to me. Ice in his eyes. "Don only listens to me. Got it? Never go out with him alone again."
I stared at the two of them.
"Got it," I muttered, then looked at my phone. "I... I have to go to work now. I'm... sorry for... for this," I added quietly and exhaustedly. My gaze went to my leg and then back up. I wanted to get away from here, just get away. I didn't feel comfortable and I didn't like the cold that Rune was radiating. It pulled me back into reality.
I was replaceable and this was only temporary. I wiped away my tears and turned away.
Rune grabbed my arm. "Are you bleeding?"
But I tore myself free from his grip and stepped back. Then I held my hand up protectively. "Please leave me alone. I want to be alone."
He stared at me and walked towards me again. "Cut the crap, Kiana. Are you bleeding? ANSWER!"
I took another step back and shook my head.
"NO!" I said loudly. "I have to work! All of this... I'm replaceable," I spoke the truth, turned around and left.
Yes, I was bleeding. And yes, I had hurt myself in my desperate attempt to find his dog. And all because I knew how much that dog meant to him.
But... the way he approached me. It was just too much. I needed time for myself. I had to think.
"I swear to you, if you leave now, you'll have a fucking problem."
The tone of his voice made me stop. But...
"Does this problem involve my job?"
"What?" he asked, irritated because he didn't understand what I wanted.
"If this problem doesn't involve my job at your club, then I'll leave now," I repeated clearly.
"What kind of bullshit are you talking about?" Rune walked to me with Don on a leash and stood in my way. "I don't have time for this shit. Let me see why you're bleeding."
"I'm bleeding because I jumped after your dog and got caught on a fence!" I said angrily. I lifted my skirt up a little for Rune so he could see the wound. "I looked for Don for 60 minutes. I was so scared of you! And then you were like that to me... I just don't want to see you right now! You scared me!" I sobbed again. I couldn't stop crying. What if Don hadn't come back? What would he have done to me? Put a bullet in my head?
He froze. Stopped breathing. "Are you afraid of me?" he asked, and his voice grew even colder.
I trembled at the sound of his voice. "So... The way you behaved, yes... You... You scared me. You, your voice, your aura." I pressed my lips together and wiped away my tears.
He narrowed his eyes and stepped closer. His hand traveled to my throat and trembled as if he were trying not to squeeze.
"This is me. This is my true self. Do you finally understand that? This is not a romantic story in which the bad guy turns good and the girl warms his heart. I am the big bad wolf, Kiana. So run, or stay and let me devour you. There is only one or the other. But," he stroked my carotid artery with his thumb. "No matter what you decide, stand by it. Accept it. Because if you stay, I will give everything too. In every damn way."
I raised my chin and looked him straight in the eye. "What will you give? What will you give to ME? If I stay?" I asked quietly, looking at him with red eyes.
Not a romantic story? I never expected that either. But did I have to like this aggressive and intimidating behavior because of that?
Now he was pressing a little too hard. "Everything I can."
I raised my eyebrows. "What does everything mean? I want details," I demanded, and dug my fingers into his hand, which was wrapped around my neck.
"You by my side," he said, coming closer. "As best I can."
I closed my eyes and raised my eyebrows.
At his side...
As best I could...
I took a deep breath and opened my blue eyes again. "And... what if I fall in love with you? What happens then?"
Rune breathed heavily, pulling me closer to him by my neck. "Then you will ultimatelyend up breaking your heart. But until that happens," he whispered, touching my lips with his feather-light, "we can play in the dark, Ki-a-na." He kissed me and pushed his tongue into my mouth.
I returned the kiss, allowing him to dominate me, which he loved so much.
But then I pushed him away, gently laid my hand on his cheek and looked back and forth between his eyes.
I'm sorry.
I apologized to myself.
I had fallen in love with him long ago.
In his beautiful amber eyes.
His great lips.
His body.
His tattoos.
His voice.
His piercings.
I had fallen in love with everything about him. And there was no turning back.
So my heart would break.
Then I should probably do it right away.
"It's too late," I whispered, and I raised my head to meet his.
I gently placed my lips on his once more.
I had even fallen in love with the taste of him.
"Thank you for everything," I whispered against his lips.
Then I took my distance. I pulled myself out of his grip and walked past him.
It was the right thing to do, even though it hurt like hell.
Tears rolled down my cheeks and as I walked back to his penthouse, I called Louis, told him I'd be staying with him for a while and called in sick to the club and the café for the first time.
Then I took my bag, put the iPhone on the kitchen counter and disappeared.
In the taxi, I cried and berated myself.
I was really stupid! Why hadn't I realized before that I was in love with him?
Why only now?
I went home, packed a few things and left again.
I would worry about the luxury items and send them back to him.
But for now, I just wanted to get away. I knew now that he was having me followed, so I tried to disappear from the face of the earth.
Fortunately, he had no idea that I had a half-brother.
So he wouldn't find me for the time being.

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now