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A life as the boss of a mafia organisation is dangerous.

MY life was dangerous.

But it only really started when Cal stood me up that one evening and I met Kiana.

She had bewitched me. She wasn't what I wanted and I wasn't what she wanted, and yet we became something the other couldn't live without.

She became my one and only.

The fucking love of my life.

My wife.

Mi amore.

The fire that never went out.

After our wedding, our life was like a fucking dream. We travelled the world, went on holiday to every country we could think of and saw and experienced things that not everyone would see - even if they had two lifetimes.

And cazzo di merda we fucked like crazy.

That's what we were, crazy for each other.

Cal, who married Carmen a year later to the day, never stopped rubbing our noses in it. He and she had announced straight after the wedding that they were going to be parents. Which had pleased Carlos about as much as he cursed it. Yes, he wanted grandchildren, but not from my cousin.

In the end, however, he had turned out to be an insanely good grandad and a cartel leader at that. It had forged an incredible bond between us and made him and me the most powerful men in the southern hemisphere.

Business was walking to.

It was going so well that four years later I broke off my alliances with the Greek and only walked my business through drugs and protection money. Kiana loved that. She had hated human trafficking anyway and was pretty happy when it came to that.

But as happy as she was at the time, I felt a thousand times happier when she announced to me soon after that she was having our first child. A girl called Isabella.

My one and only.

My heart.

My life.

As much as I adored my wife, I would use her as a living shield to protect this angel.

The same went for her little brother, Raphael, and his even younger brother, Liam. Three children.

Three children and a woman who still lit my fire whenever I saw her.

Our children only came after Kiana had finished her degree in business administration and had managed the finances of my business for a while.

Madrina Costello. Hot. Sexy and insanely annoying.

I didn't know how many times I'd had the kids in meetings because she'd done whatever with Carmen. That damn image.

Me as a mafia boss, fully tattooed and in a tailor-made suit, with a newborn in my arms while two toddlers played on the floor and I negotiated cocaine imports and exports.

Kiana must have found it very funny.

I often chained her to the fucking wall after a meeting like that and beat her arse black and blue and then fucked her until she came.

With my name on her lips.

Rune Costello.

But that was just the good stuff. Because there was also the dark side.

Shootings, the constant threat of other, hostile organisations and intrigues within my house. They were omnipresent and yet I managed to stay at the top for years, almost two decades in fact. But then ...

Life as a mafia boss was dangerous.

I knew that and Kiana knew that.

I had been lucky enough to see my daughter graduate. To see my sons grow up to be good, dangerous and yet righteous men.

I had a wonderful time with my wife.




But it all ended eventually and now it was up to her to master it all.

What a single well-placed bullet could do, huh?

One second in which I hadn't been paying attention.

One second in which my life passed me by.

One second in which I had Kiana's face in front of me.

A second in which I relived how sublime and strong Kiana was at every birth.

A second in which I saw the gleam in her eyes when she told me what an arse I was and then, not two seconds later, how much she loved me.

One second when my children called me daddy.

One second.

Just one fucking second.

But Kiana wasn't alone. She had Cal, Carmen, Louis and our children.

They were all a part of me and I was a part of them. I lived on in them.

I see them standing at the grave. Once every day. Kiana tells me every detail and I listen, standing behind her, putting my hand on her shoulder and pinching her still tight arse.

I wait.


For her.

And until she comes to me, I sit with my mum and dad on the terrace of our old house in Sicily and watch my family lead a happy life.

Well, life as a mafia boss is dangerous, but you know what?

It was worth it.

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now