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21 - Rune

... If I were Little Red Riding Hood, it would mean that I would never get out of here alive ...
Her words echoed in my mind. And unfortunately, I kept coming to the conclusion that she might be right. It could not be ruled out that something life-threatening might happen due to various circumstances and incidents. I always expected it, I was not afraid of death. But she was not like that.
I chased the thoughts away again and again.
My phone rang and I tapped on the display of the car, which switched on the hands-free system.
"Where are you?"
Cal snorted. "Ah, davvero? Padrino."
"Speak normally."
"Since when is your mother tongue not normal?"
I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"
"Just want to know where you're going."
"On the road."
Silence. Then: "With the sweetie?"
I hung up and got out of the car, having parked right in front of this shithole. A few steps later, I was pounding on the door.
The very person I had hoped for opened the door.
"Are you a debt collector?" Kiana's father asked, looking me up and down. "My daughter is already paying. So what do you want?"
My sunglasses hid the deadly gleam in my eyes. That's why the bastard didn't see what was coming. I grabbed him before Kiana could realize what was happening, dragged him into the Range Rover and threw him into the back seat. Since the car was set up so that the rear doors could only be opened from the outside, Kiana's father was trapped. I walked to the car, which was still running, and got in.
He looked around frantically. Tried to open the door.
Then he finally looked at me.
"What the hell is this? What do you want from me?" The moron was banging on the window like crazy. "Help! I'm being kidnapped! Help! Hello!" he shouted. Sweat was pouring from his forehead. "Please! Let me go. I'll give you anything. My daughter, if you like. She's really pretty. She takes after her mother. You'd like her, believe me. But please let me go.«
Before I knew it - and before the stupid motherfucker could even turn around - my gun clicked and I turned to face him at full speed. The barrel of my pistol was pointed directly at his eyes, which were outlined in red.
It would be so easy!
Pull the trigger. Park the car somewhere.
Set it on fire.
And if it goes wrong, pay the cops a little money.
So fucking easy!
I took a deep breath. "We'll talk about your little girl in a minute. Until then, shut your mouth."
The old man pressed himself into the seat and stared at the gun with wide eyes.
I turned away and put the gun in my lap. "There you go."
We drove for a good hour before finally stopping at a medium-sized quarry pond. I parked right on the shore and got out, walked to the back door, tore it open, pulled Kiana's father out and dragged him to the shallow edge. He resisted, but age and the consumption of too much alcohol over the years made him sluggish. I threw him into the water.
"Do you know where we are?" I asked, looking at the man in his mid-fifties with his strangely familiar blue eyes. With his gray, unkempt hair and his height of 5.5 or perhaps 5.7 feet, which was significantly shorter than my 6.2 feet, he seemed almost frail.
I didn't care.
Kiana's dad looked around anxiously. "No... No. I don't know."
I nodded, took out my gun again and waved it around. "I call this place 'Lake of the Dead'. Do you know why?"
He crawled out of the water on all fours and clung to my leg. "Please let me live. Please. I can't die. I'll do anything!"
"Even sell your daughter?"
The motherfucker was suicidal and looked at me with a crazy grin. "Are you interested in my daughter? Then yes, then... take her... but please let her work for a while. We..." He laughed. "We have a few debts. But she'll manage... she works a lot and likes to work. And as I said, she's beautiful... as innocent as an angel."
"Mio piccolo angelo. I know, you stupid fucker. She IS an angel." I loaded the gun, crouched down and leaned towards him. I put the barrel to his lips and held him back with one hand at the back of his head. "Open your mouth."
"What?! I... I..." he stuttered, staring at the gun. Then tears came to his eyes. "Please! Don't kill me. I beg you!"
"I beg you!" He rubbed his hands together and begged.
I was running out of patience. I released my hand from his neck, pressed his lips together and pushed the end of the gun into his mouth. The metal crashed against his teeth and knocked out a corner of his front tooth. He was shaking, but I didn't give in and stared at him.
"Just out of interest, how much would your daughter cost me? Hm?"
Saliva was walking to his mouth as he mumbled and said indistinctly: "fwenfyfaufenfs."
I raised an eyebrow. "Twenty thousand? Why not the hundred you owe Lombardo?"
He blinked irritably, nodded and then mumbled: "Uh, yes! Yes..."
I growled and drove the gun so deep into his throat that he choked.
"You little piece of shit." My hand grabbed his hair and I yanked it. "This lake, I call it the 'Lake of the Dead' because I've already sunk hundreds of motherfuckers like you in it. Dead or alive. Although the latter is more fun if you take the time to watch." I spat in his face. "My plan should be to put your disgusting feet in a bucket of concrete and then ship them to the middle of the lake to see you sink like a stone. And believe me, I would really, really like to do that," I explained threateningly, meaning every damn word. "The only problem is that your daughter, whom you would so shamelessly sell to me, would probably not like that. So you're lucky that I care about her.« I took the gun away, stood up and kicked him in the chin, sending him backwards into the water. I let out a contemptuous sound. With all the authority I had, I said, "Touch her again and the last thing you'll see before your sorry ass hits the bottom of this lake is my smile as I watch the fish eat you."
To make it clear to him how serious I was, I shot once to the right, once to the left and once directly in front of him.
I stared at him, saw that he was peeing himself and pursed my lips.
"Not a word to her, you asshole.
Then I turned away, walked to the car and drove off with screeching tires.

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now