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I was frozen and only heard the conversation between Cal and Rune in a muffled form. My attention was focused on the man who was now dead.
He was dead.
Just like that.
From one second to the next.
I didn't even blink anymore.
Rune and Cal were talking as if it was nothing special. As if it was part of their everyday lives.
The man had children. His daughter was only two years old.
That was cruel.
What had Rune told me? He had to be so cruel when he betrayed someone. Otherwise it wouldn't be long before he got a bullet in the head himself. I only understood one thing from this: that you had to be so brutal and cruel as a mafia boss and that he had no choice.
And I knew one thing for sure: Rune's life was more important to me than the man's.
And if it meant that he was only safe if he did something like that, then....
I finally blinked when Cal took the body and disappeared from the office. But the blood and the smell of death remained.
Slowly, my limbs thawed and I literally jumped out of Rune's lap. My breathing was fast and irregular. I coughed and waved air at myself. I....
I was having a panic attack.
He was dead.
The blood.
The smell.
He was dead.
I turned away, turned to a corner and leaned against the wall. I choked and coughed again. My hand pressed to my mouth, I stared in shock at the floor.
"Are you all right?" Rune asked, unimpressed, and turned the chair so that he could see me.
I took a deep breath and let it out again. My eyes wide open, I didn't look at him.
Yes, I knew who he was now. I knew about his business, his work and everything. But hearing and reading about it, or experiencing it with your own eyes, was something completely different.
This page was different.
Death... A constant companion in his life.
If I stayed with him, then he would become mine too.
Did I want that?
The answer was clear, because before I could even formulate the word 'no' in my mind, my heart screamed 'yes'. Yes, I wanted to stay by his side.
Even if that meant being confronted with something like this.
I slowly stood up again. My breathing calmed down and I wiped my face.
"Yes... Yes, I'm fine," I replied, even though I wanted to kick him in the ass. He could at least show a little more compassion. But I didn't have the strength to argue with him right now.
The shock was still in my bones.
"Look at me," he demanded, leaning forward so far that he could grab me. And because the club's office was relatively small, he managed to get hold of my wrist. He pulled me towards him and sat me back on his lap. "You've never seen anyone die, have you?"
I looked at him, still seeing the shock I had suffered in my eyes.
This time my hands were folded in my lap.
"Yes, idiot," I snapped back at him, sighing. "My grandma and grandpa died of old age. But dying and being shot are two different things, my dear Rune."
I was surprised myself that I had found my sharp tongue so quickly.
He grinned. "Dead is dead. How it happens is irrelevant. At least for me."
"I disagree, but fine." I played with the fabric of my uniform and hesitated briefly before asking: "Could you... well," I began and raised my eyes. My blue eyes looked at him hopefully. "Could you send money to his family? His... His wife and children can't help it. I... I beg you."
Rune froze and narrowed his eyes. "No. Certainly not. What do I care about the family of a man who betrayed me? With this very family, he has also forfeited my kindness, Kiana."
I looked at him for a while and then back at my hands. "I understand. But... if someone threatened me or Cal, wouldn't you do the same?"
"That won't happen. So I don't worry about the 'what if' question." He stared at me. "I am the highest animal in this chain. If someone threatens those who are important to me, I have to take care of it myself. He," Rune nodded at the bloodstain, "had the opportunity to come to me with his problems and chose not to. That is his fault, not mine.«
I looked at the bloodstain myself and then back at him. He was talking to me like a real mafia boss and not like Rune when we were at his place.
I thoughtfully chewed on my lip and wondered whether I should send money to the family myself.
Would they manage without their father?
Would the mother get into debt, like my father had done?
Then it occurred to me that I would soon have another meeting with the money collectors. As soon as I had my salary, I would give them half of it. They had told me that the interest would rise if I took too much time, so I would pay more and put more back myself.
I looked at Rune again and changed my position. So that I was sitting astride him and hugging him.
"You're right. He should have come to you with his problems. You may be a cold-blooded mafia boss, but you also have a good side to you, and I definitely prefer that."
"Then," Rune explained, putting his arm around me. "You'll have to accept that you'll see this side of me very often, Kitty. And now," he said, pushing me away a little. "Get someone to wipe this up. And not just anyone, but the janitor. Tell him there's a little water damage in the office," he explained. "He knows what that means and will take care of it." Rune stood up with me in his arms, avoiding stepping in the blood, and then put me down in front of the door. He put his lips on mine and kissed me briefly in a consuming way. "I have to work now and sort out some nasty criminal things." He turned me around and slapped me hard on the ass. "Get out."

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now