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I was standing there with Cal.
We both had our arms crossed and made grumpy faces. We'd been walking to the theme park for over three hours now, with Mickey Mouse and co. bouncing around, waving at every kid and adult and striking stupid poses for even stupider photos.
I hated it! I really did!

And I knew it would go on for hours.
I felt like a fucking alien in my usual black clothes and darkened sunglasses. Plus, it was November by now and cold as fuck.
I didn't look at Cal when I said, "I'm a Mafia boss."
"And I'm a mob boss's right-hand man. If we just tell each other we're badboys long enough, all the kitsch can't make us unmanly either."
We both gasped at the same time. "What are we doing here?"
My eyes fell on a small child looking up at me. I smiled, but it probably looked more like a snarl, judging by the tiny tot's face. So instead I looked at Kiana, who was standing at the stall with Carmen, looking at the souvenirs.
"When would have been the moment to cancel this? And why the fuck didn't we do it?"
"Because of them," Cal explained, pointing at our wives. "It's their fault."
My little girl bought two magnetic pendants and turned to Cal and me. With a broad smile, she hurried over to me. "Look what I found. That-" she started and pointed to Mickey Mouse. "That's you and that-" now she pointed to Minni Mouse. "-is me. If you hang the two of them on the fridge, it looks like they're kissing."
She looked at me happily and I forced a smile back onto my face. These things would probably get accidentally lost on the journey home. Because I sure as hell wasn't going to hang that shit on my damn fridge.
"Great," I managed to get out, and when Carmen came up behind her and put two fucking hair bows with ears on Cal and then me, then put the same thing on herself and Kiana, only with a polka-dotted bow, I repeated in agony, "I'm a mob boss for fuck sake."
"No! No way!" Cal defended himself, but when he tried to take it off, Carmen looked at him so pitifully that he groaned but cursed and gave in. "I've never felt so awful in my life."
Nodding, I lit a cigarette and handed it to Cal. "I'm very sure my cock has just shrunk ten centimeters and my balls have moved into my belly."
Kiana looked around, found a woman with a little girl. She walked to her. Oh, she wouldn't ....
"She's not going to...," Cals asked, thinking, then cursing.
"Yes, she will," Carmen explained with a smile, already posing next to Cal.
Kiana gave her cell phone to the woman, who took it and pointed it at us. Kiana quickly rushed to my side. Carmen and she were grinning, while Cal and I looked grumpy. The woman looked up from the screen with raised eyebrows.
"Smile, please."
"Just take the fucking picture," I grumbled, gritting my teeth as I looked to the men who had accompanied us undercover. "Come on now."
The woman looked puzzled at me, but then nodded and finally snapped the fucking photo before handing the phone back to Kiana.
"Send it to me," Carmen said immediately and laughed as she looked at it.
"Look at our men, you can't tell they're not having fun," Kiana remarked sarcastically and sent the picture to Carmen, Cal and me. "I've sent it to you both too, if you're at all interested." She turned to me fully. "Don't be so grumpy. You remember what I promised you in return," she reminded me with a meaningful look.
I snorted. "I don't know if that's enough."
"Especially not considering we're staying the night," Cal blurted out and I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses.
"That was a surprise, wasn't it?"
Cal shrugged his shoulder. "Oops."
Carmen squeaked out, throwing herself into my cousin's arms to give him a long kiss. A long, indecent kiss, considering we were surrounded by children in thick jackets.
Kiana looked at me in surprise. "We're spending the night here?" A smile spread across her lips. "I love you."
She stood on tiptoe, pulled me halfway down to her and gave me a kiss.
"Yeah, remember that for the next time I say something stupid. I'm only doing this as a free pass for an upcoming argument." I huffed loudly and straightened up. Then I put an arm on Kiana's shoulder and pulled her close. "Where to now? We've been here for ages and so far we've only been to castles and shows. Is there anything manly here?"
"Roller coaster? That's probably the only thing you can ride here without having to hand in your balls first." Cal received a peck from Carmen, which he dismissed with a little kiss and took her hand in his.
"I'll never argue with you again if you're that cute," she laughed at me and turned to the others. "Well, there's also a haunted house. We could go there, or to Rollercoaster-" She nodded at Cal. "Or the white water ride."
"No, no white water ride. My hair. And besides, it's winter, Kiana. Is it even open?"
"Well, I'd go for the haunted house," Cal said, and Carmen nodded.
I took a deep breath. "I'll just go with the majority."
"Sure, it's always open," Kiana answered Carmen's question. "There are ponchos like this that you can buy and pull over your head," she continued, making a few hand gestures to show that there was also a hood. But then she shrugged her shoulders. "But fine, ghost house it is."

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now