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17 - Rune

The elevator doors slid open and Cal and Kiana walked into my apartment.
My cousin headed straight for the kitchen, went to the fridge and grabbed a beer. Kiana stood there a little indecisively, watching Cal as he took some pasta from the still steaming pot, slapped it onto a plate and then sat down on a stool at the counter. He said a prayer of thanks and began to eat.
I was sitting on the sofa, one arm hanging over the backrest and one leg resting on thesofa table. My naked torso still glistened from the body lotion and the dark gray sweatpants hung loosely.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, tilting my head.
"No," she answered far too quickly, and the growl of her stomach made her blush.
I shook my head at her, stood up without a word and walked to the open kitchen, passing her closely.
"You're a real gentleman, Calgero. Your mother would be proud of you," I joked half-heartedly and loaded Kiana's plate with pasta. I put it down and rubbed some Parmesan cheese on it.
Cal looked up. "Hey, sweetie, come and eat. Rune can cook really well, as well as being a huge bastard.
I blew out a breath and leaned against the counter with my hip. My eyes wandered over Kiana and I noticed the navel piercing that hadn't been there before. I licked my lips as I imagined taking that thing between my teeth and pulling on it to torture her.
"Thanks for the food," she said and came over to me. She sat down, ate hesitantly and her eyes grew round with astonishment. "This is... delicious."
I just grinned and looked at Cal. "Did everything go well?"
His gaze darted to Kiana before he said, "I had to ask a little more emphatically to keep our agreement."
Kiana pulled a face, but took another forkful of my tagliatelle. "A little too forceful, I'd say."
Cal just snorted at the reproachful look from the little one.
"You're probably alone in that opinion, sweetie."
I narrowed my eyes and looked back and forth between the two of them. Kiana continued to look at Cal with the same dissatisfied expression.
"I see," she sighed and then turned to me. "Do you really have to do that?"
I looked at her, crossed my arms and said to my cousin: "Take the money to my office and enter the data. Then go."
He raised an eyebrow. "I thought I was coming with you."
"Change of plan."
He swore. "Hey, I've got fifty thousand on you and now you're telling me to stay at home? Fuck, no!"
I turned my head to him. "Do as I say, asshole."
Cal glared at me, then threw the fork down on the table and stormed off with the money in his hand. When he came back, he headed for the elevator and flipped me the bird as he walked.
I looked at him impassively and shook my head when he had disappeared. Then I turned to Kiana.
"When you've finished eating, we'll go for a little trip."
She looked at me in confusion. "A trip? Like the one Cal took?"
I didn't dignify that with an answer for the time being, but instead grabbed the sand-colored shirt with the low-cut neckline that I had thrown over the chair earlier and put it on.
"Yes and no." I walked to the elevator, grabbed the key for the Ferrari from the bowl and pressed the button.
Kiana jumped off the stool and grabbed her bag. Then she followed me. When she was standing next to me, she slapped my ass. "I think I've fallen in love with your ass."
I turned my head slightly towards her and whispered: "Falling in love with something about me is a mistake. But," I smiled, "my ass is really nice."
We got into the elevator and then into the wine-red car with 780 horsepower. The ride to the old warehouse, in front of whose gates about seventy cars were parked, was silent. Even though I sensed that Kiana wanted to know everything about the thing with Cal. The fact that she didn't ask anything was convenient for me, because I didn't feel like explaining all that to her. If she had, I wouldn't have answered her anyway.
She was... not made for this kind of knowledge and if it was possible, I would somehow keep her out of my work. Or rather, just not talk about it.
I got out and led her into the hall.
People were standing around and the noise level was annoyingly loud. Everyone was talking, shouting, cheering or booing, and the closer we got to the center of the noise, the more intense the action became. People pushed us and those who recognized me made big eyes and apologized. I silently guided us further until we reached the edge of the circle, which formed an imaginary kind of fence.
In the middle, a man had just fallen to the ground and was bleeding all over the place. The fighter who had won the round was standing in front of him, being loudly cheered.
"What is this?" Kiana asked loudly so that I could understand her. She looked at the winner and then at me.
"A street fight."
"And an extremely illegal one," a female voice added, and I looked at the woman who had sauntered over to us.
Samantha Rosé looked pretty hot in her tight white suit, cut especially for women. Even though she was in her late forties, she was a damn bombshell.
Thanks to Botox and good surgeons.
When she arrived, she kissed me on the cheeks, once on the right and once on the left, and then lightly on the mouth. A peculiarity that had somehow become established after a brief affair in bed almost six years ago. I was just twenty at the time and she was ... well, old.
My scalp tingled at the memory of the nights with her, but I pushed every thought of it away and grinned as I took a wad of banknotes out of my gray sweatpants and placed it in her hands.
She smiled and her short black hair bobbed slightly. "As usual?"
I nodded. "As always."
Her gaze darted past me. "Who is this beauty?"
"Nobody who's any of your business," I explained, my tone flat, and straightened up.
Sam just laughed flattering and patted me on the chest. "Don't be so serious all the time, Padrino," she purred and inspected Kiana. "I'm not going to eat her. Introduce us."
I sighed and looked at my companion. Then I said, "This is Samantha Rosé. Also known as 'the Queen.'" I turned to Sam, who laughed when I didn't say Kiana's name.
"I understand. She's off-limits. But-" her voice became more serious. More businesslike. "If she wants to stay, she has to bet. You know the rules, mi amore."
I nodded and took out a new wad of bills. I gave it to the somewhat confused Kiana and explained, "She's betting."
Sam giggled and walked to the next table with her hips swaying. "Then explain everything to your pigeon. See you later, Nox."
Kiana looked after Samatha. "Wow, she's beautiful." She looked at the money. "Um..." she began, raising her head. "What should I bet on? And how?" She raised an eyebrow. "You surely remember that my dad is a gambling addict. So not really a place where you should take me out."
"You're not betting with your own money," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "So you can't get anyone into trouble if you lose." I looked at her. "As soon as the next fight starts, you just think about who you think will win. A man in a black hat will come up to you and you just tell him how much you're betting on who. He'll enter you in the betting book and that's basically it.«
"Yes, well," she said, looking at the money in her hands again. "Should I maybe just bet a few hundred at first?"
I laughed. "That's entirely up to you."
"The next fight is about to begin, my dears," Samatha's voice now sounded amplified from a microphone. "I call the fighters into the ring. Liam and our three-time champion, Nox."
I grinned wildly and adrenaline flooded my system. My heart beat faster and my hands clenched into fists and then relaxed again. I took off my shirt and took a step towards the circle.
"What?!", Kiana asked loudly, staring at me. "You're fighting?"
I bowed to her playfully and walked to the center of the circle. I looked at Liam and said, "I'm curious to see who you're betting on."
I didn't hear her answer because Samantha was already rattling off the rules. "As always, the following applies: everything is allowed except the use of any weapons. The loser is the one who loses consciousness first, is incapacitated or gives up. Please try not to kill yourselves. I don't feel like going to the trouble of sinking your dirty corpses in the river." She sighed dramatically, as if it had already happened once today - which I didn't want to rule out. "So then, if everything is clear, let's get started!"
Liam was already running towards me before Samantha had even finished the sentence. His fist flew and unfortunately hit me directly in the cheek. My head flew to the side, I stumbled and fell on all fours and I spat blood.
I was just getting to my feet when his knee hit me in the chin and I fell backwards. The pain briefly clouded my senses and when the crowd cheered and booed at the same time, I almost fainted.
Liam, who thought he had an advantage with two early starts, raised his arms in the air and cheered himself and the crowd on. My gaze wandered to Kiana, who looked at me in horror. I straightened up, smirked, put an arm on my bent knee and spat blood onto the floor of the hall again. I wiped the blood from the gash on my cheek with my thumb.
I stood up, shaking my head, and looked at Liam, who already saw himself as the winner.
His mistake.
He was very similar to me in stature and I had it in my head that he was a good fighter. The bastard had already won one or two fights, if I was not mistaken. But that did not help him against me, unfortunately.
I stretched my neck and rotated my arms, then took a few steps towards him. Since the fucker didn't see me coming, my blow to the back of his head caught him off guard.
He fell forward, stumbled, shook himself and then stormed towards me, roaring.
Adrenaline and the heat of the moment took hold of me and my next actions were purely instinctive.
He jumped, turned and I blocked the kick with my arms crossed. I dodged the blow by turning my head and counter-attacking. My biceps were strained to the breaking point and when my fist hit his nose, I felt the crunch of his bones.
"Fuck!" he growled, looking at me wildly. His pupils were extremely dilated as he scrutinized me.
Drugs, of course, I thought. Amateur. Cocaine, if I had to bet.
"Motherfucker!" he hissed and ran at me again.
I laughed as he hit me in the stomach. I had enough time to tense my muscles to block the blow. But his kick to my thigh was hard and painful.
We fought hard. We hit harder and fought with the only brutality for which I did this.
It was intoxicating!
I was free.
When I fought like this, I was free of all burdens and worries.
I almost loved it as much as a good car race.
I couldn't say how long the fight lasted, but at the end Liam was lying motionless on the ground. The uppercut that had knocked him out had been efficient and I had almost certainly broken my little finger in the process.
"And the winner is - who would have thought it - Nox!" Samantha announced. "Whoever was stupid enough to bet against him is now biting their own ass."
She winked at me, made a kissing mouth and I laughed. Breathing heavily, I turned around and, still standing in a circle, looked for those light blue eyes that drove me crazy.
Our eyes met and I smiled.
She stared at me with her mouth open.
She looked at every wound and every bruise. For what seemed like an eternity, she did nothing else, until suddenly her mouth twitched. Kiana grinned, obviously excited and fascinated by what she was witnessing.
As the crowd cheered, she started to move under my watchful eye. She didn't stop when she was standing in front of me, but grabbed my face with both hands, kissed me and jumped into my arms.
I grabbed her ass and dug my fingers into her flesh as our tongues battled, just as I had done with Liam before.
Passionate and sexy.
Wicked and dirty.
I moaned softly. When Kiana finally let go of me, she breathed against my lips. "I want sex. I... want you. Please..." Her voice sounded desirous and immediately woke up my cock. "Rune."
She said my name very softly and it almost sounded like a prayer.
I looked at her and pushed my tongue back into her mouth. I heard Samantha say through the microphone that I should collect my prize, but that was the last thing on my mind.
I walked to the crowd with Kiana in my arms, only interrupting the kiss when I had to push people away with angry looks.
When we arrived at the Ferrari, I put Kiana on the hood.
"Take off your pants." My shirt was still in the ring, but I didn't care. If my cock wasn't in her right away, I'd beat everyone to a pulp in there.
She didn't hesitate for a second and undid the button on her jeans. Then Kiana pulled the fabric over her ass and threw it to the ground. She spread her thighs so that I could see the wet spot on her white thong. "You looked so sexy... God. I'm so horny."
I pulled out my cock, bent over her, pushed the fabric aside and fucked her hard and rhythmically without transition.
I moaned, bit her neck and buried my fingers in her hair while I grabbed her thigh with the other hand.
"Fuck!" I cursed, pumping my hips harder against her center. It wouldn't take long. My whole system was in full swing and completely pumped up by the adrenaline rush. But I wouldn't do a damn thing and not let her come.
I clenched my teeth and changed the angle. Someone walked past us, but I didn't care, I kept fucking her and took my fingers to tease her clitoris. I pinched it and then pressed it in circles.
And finally, finally, I felt her orgasm approaching.
Not a second too late, because I myself came growling and shot my load.

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