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The location for the meeting was well chosen by Roberto.
We were climbing the stairs of a half-built tower block in the middle of the city.
It made a shootout extremely difficult if you didn't want to include civilian damage. Which of course wouldn't bother me in an emergency. If it came to the safety of Kiana, Louis and Cal - who was hopefully already getting ready with my men - I'd blow up the whole city if I had to. Fuck, I'd even blow up a children's hospital if I had to. Anything for them.
Floor 4. I read on the next sign and cursed inwardly before turning to Kiana, who was walking beside me.
"Are you okay?" I asked quietly, so that only she could hear. My gaze flew over her and then over Roberto's gorillas, who were escorting us. Kiana was wearing a more laid back top and tight vinyl leggings. She was wearing a fur coat over it, which was actually only used to conceal her bulletproof Kevla vest. The latest model we had bought her was thin, but not invisible. That's why.

I'd held my breath during the pat-down and then growled viciously when the fuckers tried to check a little too closely.
My reputation was never as good as it was now. Even the enemies knew that it was better not to irritate me.
I looked at Kiana again. Fuck, how could she walk to that many steps in those shoes without falling over in pain? I mean, I was actually considering adding that to my list of ways to torture people.
"Well-" she began, sounding a little annoyed. She scowled at the men around us. "I'd prefer an elevator. I like doing sports, but climbing stairs isn't one of them."
I just nodded and walked to her side with my back straight. "Three more floors."
The height of the location was also cleverly chosen. Too high to jump in an emergency. Too high to run away quickly and without problems. Too low to call for help from above - in the form of a helicopter or whatever - in an emergency.
Intelligent scumbag.
But none of that would save him today.
Roberto Lombardo would die.
I would kill him.
With a big grin on his face.
Arriving on the seventh floor, we walked to the shell of the building and were led through various doors without doors in them. There were holes next to and gaping in places that walked to the first floor, and every now and then an outer wall was gone or only half there. As far as I know, the building was under construction and the owners ran out of money in the middle of it. This meant that it lay derelict until it was sold or demolished and was actually closed to everyone.
But that didn't matter to the homeless people seeking shelter, the junkies shooting up or the criminals doing business.
I tensed up when we finally reached our destination and entered a room that was open on one side and ended in three holes on the other. No chairs, no tables. Just seven men and Lombardo himself, who spread his arms with a thick cigar in his mouth and welcomed us.
"Don Costello! What a bloody pleasure! I really thought this meeting wasn't going to happen and that you would leave your brother-in-law in spear to the enemy at the last moment."
I sauntered casually up to him, gathered all my presence and let myself become a mafia boss. "The pleasure is all yours, Roberto."
He laughed, but a pissed-off glint entered his eyes. "Rude, as usual."
I raised a brow. "Should I hand over my business to you with a big smile? Just because you use cowardly means to bring me to my knees?"
He waved it off. "Please, Nox. Don't be so dramatic, amico mio, as if you wouldn't resort to the same means. Like you wouldn't HAVE to in order to get to the top."
I grinned and took out a cigarette. I looked at Kiana, who lit it for me, just like the last time we met. I took a drag, gave her a little kiss and then turned back to Roberto. "I have disempowered every one of my 'enemies' single-handedly and without such means. I had no need to kidnap the brother of an innocent to make the Don compliant."
"Innocent," Roberto cooed, sounding like a rat. "Is that the madrina, huh? I heard she killed her dad and then you cleaned up the mess. Is that really innocent?"
I stiffened.
How did he know that? Did I have another snitch? Probably.
I put a hand on Kiana's back as he addressed her himself.
"I really hope you don't take it personally Madrina Silva. This is all about business."
Kiana stared at Roberto, taken by surprise. It took her a moment to open her mouth. "D ... that's not true. I ... it was an accident."
She looked at me, but I ignored it. All I did was lean down and plant a kiss on her neck, whispering, "Pull yourself together. No feelings, Kiana."
Roberto, meanwhile, laughed. "An accident, yes? Alora, then it must have been," he grunted with a laugh. Then he looked at us and said: "Ah, such a wonderful couple. Just look at you." He clapped his hands. "The future married couple, Signor and Signora Costello. Love is a beautiful thing, isn't it?"
I stifled a comment about how he would never let us go and nodded. "Roberto, let's just get down to business and stop this time-wasting talk, huh? Me and my fiancée would like to just leave it all behind. State solo perdendo tempo e ciò è fastidioso."
"Well, who's going to be in such a hurry?" the wanker waved him off. "Good things take time. Rome wasn't built in a day either." I rolled my eyes and then walked to the open part. Ostensibly to snatch my cigarette.
In reality, however, I took a good look at everything and gave Cal, who was hopefully in position, the signal for them to start silently drowning Roberto's men in blood from the bottom up.
My gaze slid downwards.
No chance of surviving a fall. Unless you landed right on the little fabric canopy of a store that was stretched out below.
But even then ...
I turned around. "Where's Louis?"
Roberto grinned. "No, amico. First the stores."
I laughed. "Without him, no deal."
We fought an unyielding eye duel, which he ultimately lost with a nod.
"Bring in the Dottore."
I walked back to Kiana and stood at her side. "Stay calm, okay?"
She swallowed hard but nodded to me, then looked to where Louis was being brought into the room. Still, you could clearly feel her tension.
I stroked her back with my thumb. "Breathe, amore."
And fuck, she had to, because when Louis was dragged in ...
He was more than beaten up.
Blue, swollen eye, multiple lacerations on his cheeks and mouth. The entire left side of his face was thick and discolored. I gritted my teeth and reminded myself to calm down. They dragged him into the room and then threw him on the floor like a sack. Louis groaned, because with his hands tied behind his back, he slapped face first on the rough concrete floor.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
His fucking leg was broken! This could break our necks.
Kiana's eyes were fixed on Louis. She took a few steps towards him and then stopped herself. Her gaze flitted to Roberto.
"What's that? How could you have beaten him up like that! I never once gave you a reason to!" Her lower lip trembled and she did want to walk to Louis now. "Louis! I'm sorry ... I ... I'm sorry...Louis!"
I grabbed her by the arm and stopped her as seven guns were drawn in one motion and aimed at Kiana.
"Kiana," I warned quietly, but looked at Lombardo. "The deal was that he wouldn't get hurt."
"Was he? I think the deal was that he lives. And that," he said lightly, "is the case. The Dottore was just a bit loud and wanted to talk and talk and asked questions." He looked at Kiana. "Madrina, as I said, that's the way business is, it has nothing to do with you as a person. It was just the easy way out, because we couldn't get to you and nobody else means enough to your fiancé for him to agree to a deal like that."
Kiana grimaced and looked at Roberto as if he were a cockroach. "You're just disgusting and pathetic!"
After staring at Roberto for several breaths, Kiana looked at me and I read the fear in her eyes.
"I think it's too late to argue anyway," I continued, nodding. "So, Roberto Lombardo," I spat his name at him and pursed my lips. "Louis is alive and so your part - albeit more bad than good - is done."
"Now for your part, Don Costello."
I slipped a hand into my trouser pocket and let go of Kiana. I nodded to her and let her go to Louis. The men's guns followed her.
Stupid, I thought, but it suited me. As if by chance, I strolled around and brought myself closer to one of the men standing at the open side. I scanned the situation. Kiana and Louis were near the entrance. Good. Because that's where Cal would come from. If I could get to the motherfucker's gun on my right, I had a good chance of picking off two, maybe three men before the first bullet hit me.
Because I would get something, that was for sure.
Roberto ... Would I kill him first? No, I first had to get rid of the men who already had their guns in their hands. By the time Roberto had drawn his, I could be on the rampage.
"What are you thinking, Nox?"
Lombardo's voice brought me back. "I'm just wondering why the whole thing had to be?" Time, I had to stall a little. It had only been ten minutes since I'd given Cal the signal. He needed at least five more. If not ten. "What for?"

Roberto laughed. "Oh come on, Nox. Power. What else? But we've already been through this, haven't we?"
I nodded. "Alora, Lombardo. So you want my business. And I assume all of them?"
"All of them," he said in the affirmative and crossed his arms. I looked at him.
"Ki- ... Kiki," Louis suddenly groaned and turned his head. I looked at the two of them.
Kiana obviously wanted to touch her brother, but apparently she didn't know where. Understandable, because the bums had beaten him up so badly that he had injuries all over.
"I ... I'm here! Do you hear me? I'm here." Her fingers found their way to his face. Carefully, Kiana brushed some of her brother's dark blond hair aside. "You ... You're almost there. Everything will be fine ... Yes ... everything will be gu-" Her voice broke and I saw the tears glistening in her eyes. "I'm so sorry."
My heart was pounding, even though on the outside I was fucking calm. But on the inside. Fire. There was a fucking inferno of anger raging through my veins. And I was going to have a lot of fun taking it out on Roberto.
"Why ... am I here? Who are these people?" Louis coughed and then lifted his head. "Kiki, what did you get yourself into?"
I looked at Roberto. "Let them take off his shackles. He won't get far with that broken leg, even if he wanted to run away."
Roberto nods. We watched as the man crouched behind Louis, pulled out a knife and cut the restraints.

Kiana helped Louis move his arms and touched the wounds on his wrists with her fingers.
"It's my fault," she explained, tears rolling down her cheeks. "It's all my fault. I never meant to involve you in this. Please forgive me." She kissed his hands and then pressed them against her forehead.
"Who are these people?" he asked again, looking at me. "Who the fuck are you?"
"My name is Rune Costello," I said, and everyone reacted differently to my real name. Roberto frowned, the men whispered, Louis already knew and Kiana's beautiful blue eyes widened. "And I'm the fucking head of the biggest mafia family in the country."

I looked at Kiana and said, "Walk to it!"
Roberto looked confused until his gaze finally fell to the doorway where a blood covered Cal stood firing the first shot.
I didn't have time to see if Kiana did what I told her for once. I just hope she did.
In one leap, I was at the guy I'd chosen, and I slammed my elbow into his nose. It cracked, he cried out and I grabbed his gun.
He flew backwards and blood splattered on my face.
Bam! Bam! Cal shot down two more men and out of the corner of my eye I saw Kiana throw herself over Louis. Roberto pulled out his gun, but I took aim. Bam! Next to it, but he cursed and turned his focus on me.
"Kiana!" Cal shouted at her and shot down one of the other men scattered around the room, looking for protection. "Come on!"
"Louis can't walk!" I yelled, shooting a man first in the knee and then in the chest, "Help him!"
"Do..." Bam! Bam! "What I say!" Bam! Bam! Bam!
Another man fell.
Bam! A hot pain spread through my shoulder and I cursed. Fuck. That was bad. I looked at Kiana, who looked from Louis, to me, to Cal, to me again.
Then... Bam!
A bullet hit Kiana in the chest and a scream erupted from my throat.
I actually screamed.
"Fuck," my cousin shouted, but nodded with one last look at me.
Yes, she had to go. Now.
This was important.
For me.
I looked at her. Saw her lying on the floor coughing and rubbing the spot where the bullet had hit her.
Saw Louis crawl up and moan in pain.
Saw Cal supporting her brother and yelling at Kiana to get up and then when several of my people came in, bullets were flying around the room.
It all happened in seconds.
Fucking seconds, and yet it felt like slow motion.
Roberto was swearing, shooting and shouting orders to his men. I kept firing myself, keeping out anyone who even tried to get near Kiana and Cal.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam! Bam!
I screamed as another bullet hit me in the leg and turned my head away just in time to see another one aiming at me.
The shot grazed my cheek.
That shot hit me in the side. I felt the bullet come out of my back and the skin tear open. It burned like fire, but I whirled around and hit one man after another.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam!
Then, when Cal finally had Kiana too, and they were on their way out, I smiled.
Three more men, I could do it I ...
I staggered backwards as pain now exploded in my chest.
I raised my hand, pressed on the spot, looked at the blood and then cursed. "Shit."
My gaze lifted and as I staggered back another step, towards the edge, my vision flickered.
But ... When I saw Roberto, who was also injured and had been shot several times, I pulled myself together. I raised my shaking hand and shot the fucker who had raised his gun to fire at Kiana.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Roberto crashed lifelessly to the ground and I gasped as I lost my footing, falling backwards down the open side of the building. Seven floors.

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now