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I looked back and forth between his eyes.
For a short moment, he really scared me with his charisma. That moment when he was a mafia boss and no longer Rune.
At that moment, I realized that I had gone too far.
"I'm... I'm sorry too. I... I didn't mean to hit you. I'm just so hurt. I crave ... No, my body craves you. But at the same time, I know I'll blame myself again," I explained and apologized.
I had lost control and all the emotions of the last few weeks had boiled over. We hadn't really seen or spoken to each other for three weeks, and yet my heart was beating for this man who didn't love me.
Why couldn't he just love me?
Without meaning to, I loosened his grip and turned away. I looked at the floor and blinked away the tears that were welling up. "Please... let me go. Please don't torture me any more."
My voice sounded calm, but the pain in it was unmistakable.
I felt his gaze on me and saw him nod out of the corner of my eye. But instead of saying what I wanted to hear...
"It would be less difficult if you would just say 'yes', Kitty Cat." He raised his hand and opened the small door. Halfway out, he explained: "I can't let you go. You know that. I-"
I looked up as Rune froze and saw the face of a child.
"Hey, bambina."
"Hello," the girl replied. She looked at him skeptically. "You can only go in there if you've played."
The damned heartbreaker smiled. "My lady and I were playing," he replied, nodding his head in my direction.
The child crossed her arms. "But you're not children."
"Obviously not."
"Then you're not allowed to play there."
Rune rolled his eyes. "Oh, so you're one of those kids. Well, we were just playing here, so..."
"Have you been playing something bad?"
"What?" he raised an eyebrow. "Bad?"
"Well, because you hit your girlfriend."
"I didn't hit her."
She pulled a face like a little adult. "Yes. I heard it! You hit her a lot and she made noises."
I looked back at Kiana, then back at the child. "We were just fuck-"
Shocked, I intervened. "We..." I began loudly, also getting out of the house and giving Rune a 'shut up' look. Then I looked at the little girl and smiled at her. "We were just playing Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.

You know, even though Little Red Riding Hood is eaten by the big bad wolf in the original story, that doesn't mean that there can't be Little Red Riding Hoods who fight back against the big bad wolf." I smiled and added, "So if that's the case, I beat him and successfully pushed back the beast." I nudged her nose and looked up at Rune, laughing.
The spoilsport rolled his eyes and walked to the little girl. "She's lying. Little Red Riding Hood always gets eaten in the end, bambina."
The girl looked from me to her and rubbed her nose. "I'm going to tell my mom that you're stupid."
And with that she stormed off. He watched her go, shaking his head. "We should go. Don and Amore are still running around here somewhere."
I watched the girl go and then walked quickly past Rune. "I'm off. You're and always will be an ass. Let the girl have her innocent fantasy. She'll soon enough learn how shitty this world can be," I grumbled and looked around for Amore.
Where had my baby gone?
"I'm the ass? Who lied to her about this fantasy? You twist your words and the truth so that it is beautiful and flowery." Rune caught up with me and whistled, so that our dogs jumped out of a bush and ran towards us. Don barked happily and Amore ran past him directly towards me. "By the way, you do the same thing with us. You want to twist everything to make it fit. It has to be different. The original is not enough. No, I definitely have to tell you that I love you so that you stay.«
I put the leash on Amore and looked angrily at Rune. "You don't have to do anything! Just like I don't have to marry you." I shook my head in disappointment. "And I'm not embellishing anything. That's exactly why I want to end this, but you won't let me go! You're the one who doesn't accept the original, that we don't fit together." I turned away. "Don't write to me anymore and don't call me anymore."
"WHY did you have to say it?! WHY, Kiana?" I felt him staring. Angry. "What we had was good, the way it was. And you? You're ruining it. ›I love you‹ THAT's what ruined it."
I looked at him again. I couldn't believe he was blaming me. What could I do about the fact that I had fallen in love with him?
What could I do about my feelings?!
Should I rather have kept them to myself?
"So I should have kept my feelings to myself, just so you could maintain your image?"
"YES!" Don flinched. "Fuck, yes! That would have been the best thing."
I looked at him with my mouth open. For a long time. Nothing could be heard except the birds and the rustling of the trees. Until I started to speak.
"Then you chose the wrong one. I won't pretend that everything is fine just to make you feel comfortable." I turned away and walked to Amore. She resisted a little, wanted to stay with Don, but I pulled her with me. "Stay away from me!"
"I CAN'T!" he shouted. "Are you really so stupid that you can't see that I want you?"
"You want me! But not my HEART!" I screamed back. People were already looking at us as they walked by, but I didn't look back and kept walking. "Come on, Amore," I whispered, which made her stop pulling and look at me.
"Fuck! You stubborn woman! I... I don't have time for this. Don, andiamo, ragazzo. We're leaving."
"Yes! THEN PISS OFF. Stronzo!" I shouted again and jogged off. My center was still tingling. It was exciting and hot, as always. God, we did it in a playground and I didn't regret it.
I loved it.
But I have to be strong! He's no good. What we have is no good!

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now