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I looked at her and frowned. "What do you mean, pay off your father's debts?" I asked, suddenly alert.
"Hm?" Kiana looked at me in confusion and shrugged. "Well, the 100,000, you know. Although it's only 99,000 now," she corrected herself, as if it were something she was proud of.
I stared at her in disbelief. I shook my head slightly and bit back dozens of curses. "Kiana, you don't owe any more money. I transferred the 100,000 the day you told me about it. So I'd really like to know what you're talking about?"

"What?!", she sat up and stared at me just as stunned. "You did what?! Why? I... I," she stuttered. "I don't understand. The debt collectors also told me that I had to pay more or else the interest would go up. So I've been going without food for the last few months and that's why I've been eating at your place a lot. Except for the last few weeks, when we hardly had any contact. They didn't say anything about the money being paid." She turned away and picked up the phone. Kiana then opened her messages and held the phone out to me. "Here, I was supposed to have another meeting with them this week."

> Remember our meeting, sweetie, or you know what will happen <

I took the phone from her and read the message. Once and again.
I threw the thing away with a growl and cursed: "Those stupid motherfuckers!", laughing silently. "Stupid and stupider have just made a huge mistake," I hissed and jumped out of bed irritably. "Those dumb fuckers! This is what's going to happen now. You write Chris and tell him that you have money and want to meet him."
Still a little confused, Kiana bent over and picked up the phone that was now lying at the end of the bed.
"Okay, I'll do it."
She quickly tapped on the display and I pictured beautiful scenarios in which I would take down the two assholes in various ways.
"But Rune," Kiana interrupted me, "why did they do that? Why did they keep taking money from me? And why didn't you just tell me?"
I blew out air loudly because Kiana apparently didn't understand what these two idiots were thinking.
"Please think about it. The two of them put the money that you scraped off your nails in their own pockets without telling their bosses," I explained, but unfortunately I couldn't prevent my voice from sounding rather sarcastic.
I was furious.
I was tired.
I was annoyed and in the best mood to shoot them. "I didn't tell you," I answered her other question, "because you wouldn't have accepted the money. If I had told you at that point that I was paying the damn money for you, you would have taken off your shoe and beaten me to death with it. So I transferred everything to your name, from your account. You don't owe those assholes."
Kiana looked at her phone and screwed up her face. She closed the app far too quickly and put the smartphone face down on the bed.
"You're not wrong about the shoes." She looked at the device suspiciously long again and I frowned. "I want them to pay, Rune. Please! I want them to pay for everything."
"Give me the phone," was all I said. Quietly and with deadly composure from Kiana, but she knew that she was not directed at her. "Immediately."
She didn't hesitate and obeyed. I took the thing from her again and read the answer.

> Sweetie, if you're really good today, you can taste my cock. Looking forward to your pussy <

I read the message and a wild grin spread across my lips.
My finger twitched and I knew exactly which bullets had the names CHRIS and JOHNNY on them.
"You know, I had the idea shortly to talk first and then shoot. As it turns out, the two of them are in a hurry to catch a bullet with their forehead." I looked Kiana directly in the eyes. "You know that I'm going to kill them, right?"
She nodded silently and I mirrored the gesture. I took a deep breath and let it out again. "Do you know that you are in contact with me? In some way?"
Kiana shook her head. "No, but how do you know the two? Because you saw them once? Or did Cal stalk them too?"
I walked to my window and opened the curtain so that the sun could shine in. The leaves on the trees in the park that could be seen from this side of the penthouse were slowly turning golden.
Should I tell her?
She and I had reached a point where we would no longer separate. At least not on my part. Kiana was mine now. I loved her. But should I, for that very reason, let her hear such information? Or would it be better to remain silent, to keep her out of these matters despite everything?
I turned to her. "The debts your father ran up at the casino weren't with just anyone. The Lombardos, you know, the fuckers who have been screwing up my business for some time... they own that casino. Your father ran up debts with a small but pretty brutal mafia organization. I assume he had to know, but didn't tell you anything about it. I'm surprised, though, that Chris and Jonny didn't rub it in your face at some point.«
Her eyes widened. "What?! These two are also part of a mafia organization?" She stared at me in shock. "So those were the Lombardos? And I was dealing with them?" Kiana sucked in a sharp breath. "Shit, what would they have done to me if they had known that I was connected to you?"

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now