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I nervously chewed my lips as I sat at the set table waiting for Rune.
On the way home and when I was in the penthouse itself, I had thought a lot. The fact that my words from a few days ago still seemed to hurt him made me sad. I didn't want that at all. And that was exactly why, and to make up for it, I had prepared this meal.
There were various Italian dishes on the table and two candles in the middle. I'd chosen the best wine myself and hoped it would appease Rune a little. If we went to the meeting tomorrow in this mood, we might as well get ourselves killed. We both needed to calm down so that we could have a clear head tomorrow.
And Rune himself also needed to rest.
He just looked tired.
I sighed and looked at my cell phone when I suddenly got a message from Rune saying he'd be in later. He didn't give me a time and kept it brief. I was probably lucky that he even let me know after we had parted like this again.
But I didn't answer him and went back to looking at the food.


My eyes snapped open as the elevator to the penthouse opened. I immediately sat up and rubbed my eyes. I had fallen asleep on the sofa. I straightened my red cocktail dress that I had put on especially for him and stood up.
"There you are," I said in a broken voice and tried to smile.
Rune looked at me, then his gaze flitted to the laid table and the now cold food. He rubbed through his hair and sighed. "You could have told me you'd prepared this."
I pushed my long blonde hair behind my ear and shook my head. "It's okay, I didn't want to interrupt your work." I pointed to the table with a more laid back hand gesture. "I wanted to apologize for everything. I-" I began again and turned to Rune. "I thought you were cold-hearted at first, and I said so to your face. But after what happened with Louis, I didn't think that of you anymore. I just didn't believe that... that you would give up your business just because my brother was in danger," I explained calmly. "But-" I started again quickly, "only because I knew how much your business meant to you and not because I thought badly of you. Yes, when I overheard you, I was afraid. But I didn't think you were cold-hearted." My hands clawed at my dress. "Please believe me. And...and before you panic, I ordered dinner from your favorite Italian restaurant."
My counterpart looked at the table again and then smiled lopsidedly.
"Firstly, I'm my favorite Italian. Secondly, you're probably the only person who can bother me about pretty much anything, amore mio." He started and approached me. He leaned towards me and greeted me with a little kiss. "I wouldn't give up my business." He looked at me. " Not for anyone. I know that makes me a huge douchebag, but ... you don't have to understand." Rune kissed me again and pulled a small, oblong casket from his pants pocket. He held it out to me. "For you."
Before I could say anything back, I looked at the box he was holding out to me. "Did you want to apologize too?" I asked, smiling and touched at the same time. I took it and opened it excitedly. Then I sucked in the air sharply. It was a rose gold chain with a teardrop-shaped diamond pendant.
It was beautiful. "Can you put it on me, please?" I asked, turning my back to him.

I held the open casket in one hand and lifted my hair with the other.

"Let's not call it an apology, Angel," Rune said and took the necklace out of the box. He stood behind me and fastened it. Then he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the shoulder, neck and behind the ear. "Let's just say I thought our breakup sucked and I thought getting together should be better."
I rolled my eyes. That was another typical Rune statement. But I wasn't used to anything else. I touched the diamond on my neck and smiled. "You're incorrigible, but that's exactly what I fell in love with," I explained and turned my head so that we were looking into each other's eyes because it was still bent down. "I love you Rune and I don't want to argue with you anymore. Can you please forget that I ever said cold-hearted to you?"
"No, but I can try not to bring it up again every time we have a fight because of that very cold-heartedness. That's probably the highest of feelings."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "You're serious?"
He tilted his head and shrugged. "I'm a pretty vindictive person. So yes, I'm serious."
I looked back and forth between his eyes.
So he didn't accept my apology and didn't even tell me right now that he loved me too.
I pushed away from him. "Then have fun eating and being resentful," I grumbled and stomped into the bedroom. The door closed with a heavy bang and I sat down on the bed, stubborn.
"What's his fucking problem?! Couldn't he just say:-" I started, trying to imitate his deep voice. "I love you too Kiana, and thank you for thinking of me and apologizing. You're the greatest woman in the world and let's have a nice evening." I spun around, grabbed Rune's pillow and started punching it. "Fucking idiot!" Another punch. "Wanker!"
I heard the door open and then Rune's laughter. "Are you all right? Or does my pillow self have to keep suffering?"
I sat with my back to him and stopped punching his stupid pillow. I took a deep breath and pushed the strand of hair out of my face. Without saying anything, I spun around and flung the pillow at the jerk. Of course, he caught it and continued to look at me with amusement.
"You're a fucking asshole," I said, now out of breath, and lay down on my back.
"Why am I an ass?" he asked and walked to me. He threw the pillow onto his place on the bed. "Because I'm not lying for you? I could tell you that I forget. But at the latest when I can't keep my mouth shut - and we know that will happen if we argue - I'll slam it back in your face. And then you'll reproach me again for saying at the time that I would have let it go." Rune stood in front of me and crossed his arms. "So I'd like to avoid that. And you should practise the way you mimic me, Kitty. I sound much hotter."
I lifted my leg with the red high heel and pressed the underside of it against his stomach. This allowed Rune to see my panties, which were made of transparent fabric today.
"This has nothing to do with lying. We could leave this topic alone. Or do you want me to reproach you for your mistakes every time? I don't do that either." My high heel slid down to his pants. "And I'm really terribly sorry that I don't have a male voice like yours. You've ruined the evening with this, you're good at that." With my tongue out, I pushed hard against his middle. This made him take a few steps back.
He narrowed his eyes belligerently. "I wouldn't have ruined the evening if you'd texted me to come home."
"Oh really?" I acted surprised. "So you would have chosen your words more wisely? Instead of your fucking truth?"
Rune huffed and grabbed my foot by the ankle. "No," he explained. "But we probably wouldn't have even gotten to the fucking subject, we would have eaten, relaxed and then fucked." His thumbs traced little circles and his eyes followed my leg down to my panties.
"Are you crazy?" I asked irritably. "I've apologized! You could have just accepted the apology and then things would have gone very differently. But because you think you always have to be honest, you ruin such beautiful moments! Nobody said that you should pretend to me! But sometimes a few words are better than your words." My other high heel slid uncontrollably up his leg.
He makes me so angry!
"I think the truth is always better than not saying something, Kiana." My fiancé grabbed that leg too. "Not saying anything is the beginning of the end of a relationship. And since I don't plan on letting another woman into my life ever again, you should be damn glad I'm the type of guy who doesn't dwell on every little thing he doesn't like until he finally bursts and then says or does something unforgivable." He spread my legs a little and bent them. "Or would you rather I shut up, pretend everything's okay and then fuck someone else in three, four or ten years because I can't talk to you about what's fucking me off?"
I looked down at my spread legs and knew that he could already see my entrance through the see-through fabric. My gaze flew to those amber eyes again.
"Haven't I proven endlessly that I almost always accept your truth? But just because I wanted to spend a nice evening with you tonight, I'm being judged by you." I was breathing heavily, my dress pressed against my breasts and pushed them up. I was still lying on my back on this damn bed and the atmosphere between us was sizzling. "My only thought was that I felt bad. I just wanted to show you that I didn't think you were cold-hearted. But instead of just accepting it, you were mean to me again. That has nothing to do with the truth. Sometimes I get the feeling that you don't want harmony between us. Do you like it when I'm angry? Does it make you horny when I insult you and get mad?"
Shit. I didn't want to make it so obvious that I was the one getting horny here again. But I could feel my center reacting, the fabric was already wet.
My fucking needy body!
Rune grinned and raised a brow. "Harmony, huh? Ridiculous. There never was with us, and there never will be, Kitty Cat. Desire," he let go of my legs and his hands wandered along my skin, up to my hips as he pushed himself between me and forced me a little further into the center of the bed. "Lust. Passion. Fucking fire. That's what we have. And that's what I want." His fingers reached my center and he pressed on the fabric. "And if you're honest with yourself, you want it just as much as i do."
I stifled a moan and looked at him tensely. "I-" my eyes scrutinized him. We had just had hard, uninhibited sex earlier and yet I was insatiable. I had never had that with any other man before. How did he manage to do that again and again?
"I think you'll have to put a bin bag over your head from now on so that I can concentrate on the essentials when we argue...." I gasped. "Over your whole body."

I licked my lips and was so ready for this asshole of a man again. He laughed softly and pushed my panties aside. His fingers dipped in and he smirked.
"Is that my leftovers from earlier, or are you just so fucking horny for me again that you're leaking?"
I stared at him and mentally admonished myself: Kiana, no. You need to focus. Don't get caught up in his good looks. You're going to tell him now to get his damn hands off you and then you'll work it out.
But I replied, "Why don't you figure it out?"
His fingers disappeared from me and found their way between his lips. He sucked on his index and middle fingers and growled throatily. Before he placed his lips on mine and let me share in the taste. Rune's tongue snaked deep into my mouth and he pressed his hips against me. "Non mi basta mai, angelo mio. mai."
I moaned into the kiss and breathed, "Tastes like you."
I was simply putty in his hands. I had no power over myself or my body as soon as this man so much as looked at me or touched me.
We didn't even eat.
No matter.
My legs were already wrapped around his waist almost automatically.
"Sono di nuovo pronto, solo per te. Cosa fai con me?" I asked with a sweet Italian accent.
"What do I do with you?" he asked, kissing his way down my neck. "Anything I want. Anything you want, anything we want."
My fingers dug into his brown hair and I looked up at the ceiling. "Do I... be honest, do I have the same effect on you? Like you have on me?" I asked with a sensual tone.
My fiancé took one hand and massaged my plump, pushed-up chest. "You have no idea what I see when I look at you, Kiana. Whore. Princess. Queen. Goddess," he purred and tore off the dress and bra. His lips found my nipple and he sucked on it. "Fiancée, wife. Take your pick."
Every word made my skin tingle. Every word made me wetter. If only he'd said them sooner, maybe we wouldn't have had the discussion in the first place. I knew he had loving words for me too, he just didn't use them often.
"Definitely not whore," I began and the corners of my mouth twitched upwards. I arched my back and moaned his name.
He was perfect in so many ways. Except for his harsh truth, which I couldn't quite get used to yet. But the rest was right.
"Tonight," I began, moaning again, "I want to be your queen."

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now