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I let my eyes wander over the square in front of the big house where we had been celebrating not even an hour ago. My eyes slid down and I looked at my hands. They were covered in blood and I didn't even know where it came from.
I raised my head and looked at Cal, who was leaning against one of the cars and sitting on the ground. He was holding his shoulder with his teeth clenched.
Then I looked at Carlos, who was relieved that his daughter was still alive, and he immediately ordered someone to take her to a doctor. While we were waiting here, more men from his cartel arrived and also stormed the building.
But there was no sign of Rune. We kept hearing shots.
But no Rune.
My heart ached.
I couldn't bear it if he died because of something so stupid!
That couldn't happen!
And where the hell was Don!?
I curled my hands into fists and stared at the house again. I hadn't moved from the spot for almost an hour.
Even when Cal told me to sit down somewhere and rest.
How could I possibly rest when the man who owned my heart was not there?
He has to be alive.
He has to!
You better not die!
As I stared at the house in front of us, I flinched when Rune finally came stumbling out. He was carrying Don in his arms and was coming out of Carlos's estate.
When his gaze met mine, he took a deep breath and fell to his knees. Don howled, and Rune put him down. His dog limped towards me, while Rune fell to all fours and held his stomach.
I was frozen for a short while and couldn't move.
He looked so fragile and tired. So different from the way I usually knew him.
I looked at Don. I knelt down and looked at him. He wasn't as badly injured and he was alive, which was the most important thing. I gently stroked his head.
"You did a great job," I tried to sound calm and then got up again and went to my injured lover. I sat down on my knees, which was not particularly comfortable because of the gritty ground, and took Rune's face in my hands. "What should I do? How can I help you? Please tell me what to do," I begged, and when I looked into his eye, tears welled up in my own.
He looked terrible.
Rune was breathing heavily and shallowly at the same time. "Cal? Carmen?"
"Cal's okay, and Carmen will probably make it. It was the right decision to save her, her father owes you. But now it's about you... we have to help you." I looked at Cal. "What should I do, Cal! We need a doctor."
Rune wheezed and, trembling, pulled his hand away from his stomach. Blood was clinging to it. "Take my cell phone. Call Giuseppe. He..." He groaned and his arms trembled as he tried to keep himself on all fours. "No hospital."
"You have to lie down," I said and pushed him to the side so that he rolled onto his back. I put his head in my lap and then felt around in his pockets until I found his cell phone. I took it in my hands and looked down at him. "Your... Your password, what's your password?" I asked hastily, already smearing blood on the phone.
Exhausted, he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, wanting to hold his wound, but he couldn't. "1305."
I blinked in surprise. Wasn't that my birthday?
I wiped away the tears, smearing blood on my face in the process. Then I typed in my birthday and quickly looked up the number of this Giuseppe. While it was ringing, I pressed the phone to my ear and leaned forward. I pressed on his wound and tried to get a clear head.
"He should come to my house. Tell him that Cal's shoulder is injured, maybe a large blood vessel. And... that it's hit my stomach. I can't feel my right leg anymore and my arm is tingling. With his eyes closed, Rune asked: "Kiana, are you okay? Are you... injured?"
I nodded and when Giuseppe finally answered the phone, I didn't waste any time explaining everything to him. He remained unusually calm on the phone and then confirmed that he could be there in 20 minutes. I thanked him with a shaky voice and we hung up, then I looked down at Rune.
"I'm not important, only you, Cal and Don are important," I said, and my voice grew calmer with every word. "We have to leave immediately. But..." I started again, looking around. "How am I going to get you into the limousine? I weigh half as much as you do. I can't carry you. How am I supposed to get you home?" I asked, looking at Cal too. My hair, which was now down, fell over my shoulder and brushed against Rune's face.

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now