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Ten minutes had never seemed so long before. Kiana had only shouted out that one word and I had run as fast as I could. On the way to the Audi, I had found her location using the cell phone tracking system, so that now I only had to tap on the small dot on the display to automatically have the route shown on the navigation system.
I didn't stop at any red lights, didn't stop at any stop signs and didn't care about other road users. I raced the entire route with the accelerator pressed down and didn't brake once. It was pure luck that I didn't run anyone over.
10 minutes. It took me exactly 10 minutes to get there.
I didn't park the car, but braked, opened the door and ran off. Where to? No idea. Everything I did was instinctive.
Nevertheless, I looked around, breathing heavily. The bus stop was barely lit, didn't even have a damn glass pane to protect against the weather or attackers from behind. Fuck, I hoped it was a normal attacker. At best, a robbery and it was just one person who was after her things, which, thanks to me, now consisted of expensive luxury crap.
Please. Please. Please.
It had to be that.
And if not?
God, what would I do if she was gone?
What if it was a feuding family? This time an attack directly aimed at someone close to ME?
The thought made me sick, but it was replaced by a raging fury as I heard noises on the beach. I immediately sprinted off, loading my weapon as I went, and ran down the small hill to the beach, which ultimately led to the sea.
I didn't even really realize what I was seeing, when I kicked the guy who was bent over Kiana and holding her mouth shut, right in the face. The motherfucker fell backwards into the sand and while I pointed the gun at him, I looked at Kiana.
She was alive.
She was here.
Everything was fine.
At least for us.
The panic turned and where I could hardly think a moment ago, I now gathered myself and radiated my usual, emotionless coldness again.
"Are you okay?"
Kiana sat up and moved away from the guy. Her eyes lifted and she looked at me with such an all-encompassing sense of relief that I took a deep breath.
"Yes," she whispered, and I nodded. My hand gently stroked her head.
"I'll give you the opportunity to wait in the car." I looked at the asshole in the sand, who was still holding his head in a dazed manner.
"What are you going to do? Not what I think."
"You're not really asking me that, are you?" As the guy groaned and started to crawl away, I stepped up to him. I pressed the barrel against his forehead and bent down to him. Sitting in front of him, I looked at the guy's face.
He seemed normal. Brown hair, unspectacularly styled, a face like any other, not pretty but not ugly either. The average man, in other words.
"Where do you think you're going?"
I felt Kiana rise and step next to me.
"Why did you attack me?" she asked. Her voice sounded strangely calm.
The guy looked at me fearfully and then up at Kiana, his gaze gliding over her entire body. It was only when I growled and pressed the gun more firmly against his skin that he looked at her face.
"I didn't do anything, I swear!"
"Is it because of the expresso?! Seriously? That's ridiculous," Kiana continued babbling and I had no idea what she meant. I didn't care either. The reason for this was as trivial as if a sack of rice had fallen over somewhere.
He attacked her. End of story.
But e-x-presso? I rolled my eyes. "Jesus, mi amore, you couldn't be more of a cliché. It's espresso. It's spoken softly. Lovingly." The motherfucker's expression changed and he seemed to forget about the gun for a short moment when he said, "You dirty cunts also think you can treat us men like shit!"
And he was dead.
Blood splattered my face and the shot made my ears ring as Kiana screamed. I shook my head, but felt a deep sense of satisfaction as he landed face first in the sand, brains splattered.
I looked up at Kiana.
She looked at the dead man with wide-open eyes. "You... Why? He... he just..." She stopped me and looked me in the eye. "You have blood on your face," she said, and I frowned at the calmness of her words.
I stood up and left the stuff where it was. "Nobody touches you. Nobody hits you. Nobody hurts you. And nobody insults you. You belong to me."
She rummaged in her handbag and pulled out a damp cloth, with which she wiped my cheek. "You really meant it when you said you'd kill anyone who touched me."
I tilted my head and put my hand on the back of her neck before pulling her hair. Just a little. "Did you doubt it?"
"I had hoped that you didn't mean it. I guess his life was just shit right now. I don't think it's good that you just kill him. Can you please stop doing that in the future?" Kiana asked and freed herself from my grip. She looked at the dead man with a last sad look before turning away and walking to my car.
I followed her and called my man for such matters on the way. He would take care of the body.
So I got in, bent halfway over Kiana, put the gun in the glove compartment and started the engine. But before I drove off, I looked at her again.
"I'm asking you one last time, Kitty. Can you handle it? That I do what I do? Because I will definitely end several more lives." Then I looked at her seriously, but I knew that my eyes were softening. "You can't imagine how it was to hear you calling for help."
She groaned in annoyance. "I've already said that I can handle it. But that doesn't mean that I have to approve of it. You can also take it down a notch," she grumbled. At some point she sighed, leaned towards me and kissed me. A shiver ran through me and I closed my eyes. Kiana gently stroked my cheek. "I'm sorry. You must have been very worried. But I'm fine, you were there quickly enough. You saved me. But next time it might be enough if you just punch them in the face.«
"Won't happen," I said with a grin and drove off. "So, please explain to me whether I just shot a man because of an E-X-presso."
I said it as cruelly wrong as she did and apologized in my mind to all my ancestors.
She leaned back in her seat and nodded.
"Yes, smarty," she replied grumpily, adding, "Stop picking on me about the expresso. You're always making fun of me." I laughed because her pronunciation was getting worse and worse, and she sighed. "I showed my colleague pictures of you-" She stopped abruptly and looked at me before looking straight ahead again. "I was distracted and apparently the guy was in a bad mood and hated all women today. It was probably a coincidence that he attacked me."
My smile faded. "Who did you show what to?!"
"Nothing, I didn't show anything."
I gritted my teeth. "When are you going to stop trying to make a fool of me?" I snapped. "I run a damn mafia organization and you think I don't hear every word my opponent says? Don't mess with me. Who did you show what to?"
"You don't have to be an asshole right away! My God, I just showed my colleague pictures of you. She wanted to know what you looked like because she didn't believe me that you existed," she snapped back and rolled her eyes.
I banged my fist on the steering wheel and accidentally honked the horn. "Dio mi aiuti. Questa donna!" I hissed: "I AM A MAFIA BOSS! It would be very nice if you didn't show my damn face to some chicks! And when the hell did you take a picture of me anyway?"
Kiana actually looked at me sulkily. "When you were sleeping and a few from behind when you were cooking in the kitchen." Then she looked sadly at her cell phone. "We don't have any pictures together. But I want some. I don't care if you're a mafia boss. Take a picture with me!" she demanded, looking at him angrily.
I stared at her before I gave in and laughed. "You're driving me crazy, Kiana. You... Fuck."
She smiled. "So that's a yes?"
I licked my lips. "You'll get your photos. But there's a condition. No," I corrected, "actually there are two. You can choose one."
She looked at me curiously. "Anything you want."
"Amore, that's a bold statement." I grinned one-sidedly and gave her my most wicked smile, while I guided my cheeks. "In exchange for the photos, we'll either go to Haru and you'll get your nipples pierced, or we'll shoot a little ... movie."
Just the thought of either of these things made my blood rush to my privates. Both made me horny as hell.
I placed my hand on her thigh and stroked small circles with my thumb.
She looked at me for a moment and thought. Then she started grinning.
"I'm going for the nipple piercings, but," I said, looking at him intently. "You're holding my hand."


I looked at Haru with deadly calm.
Yes, I knew he had to look and yes, I knew he had to touch Kiana, but...
I liked him. I had to tell myself that very often when Kiana was lying there on the table. Fucking topless.
I held her hand while Haru prepared the needle, the cannula and the jewelry. Every now and then a growl escaped me.
Kiana squeezed my hand and smiled. "It's like holding hands, don't you think?"
I turned my head to her. "In a pretty fucked-up way, but yes. Are you okay? Are you scared yet?"

"Well, I like it." Kiana gave Haru a sly wink. "Yes, I'm a little nervous," she answered me and then turned to Haru. "Will it hurt a lot?"
He turned around in the small rolling chair and looked at us. I clenched my teeth and when he noticed my look, he looked Kiana straight in the eyes. "I'd like to tell you that it's not like that, but... I mean, you should know best how sensitive this spot is. Do you want them both pierced?"
"Yes, she does," I answered for Kiana, and Haru raised an eyebrow.
Kiana smiled and looked at me.

"Oh, I know." Then she looked back at Haru and nodded. "Yes, both of them, please, and quickly. I want to get it over with."
She laughed a little nervously and when Haru came and prepared everything, I watched him with eagle eyes. Every wipe over her hard nipples, the grip with the pliers and the application of the needle was carefully observed by me.
"Ready?" Haru asked, and when Kiana nodded, she gripped my hand tighter. "Okay, then on three. One, two..."
He pushed the needle, which was at least 10 centimeters long, through her nipple.
She squeezed her eyes shut in shock and didn't breathe again until Haru had put the jewelry on.
"That hurt," Kiana said quietly, opening her eyes and looking at me. "How long does Nox have to not touch my nipples?" she asked, and I laughed.
Haru looked confused, but then grinned. "At least a week."
My quiet laughter faded. "Fuck, such a beautiful new toy and I'm not allowed to touch it?"
Haru smiled and prepared her other breast. "Sorry, but if you don't want it to get infected, you'll have to wait, man."
I sniffed in frustration. Fuck, I hadn't even thought about that.
Kiana grabbed my hand again and tensed up as Haru pierced the second nipple and then put on the bar with the two buttons. "So, done, Kiana. Here's what," he began to explain. "I'll give you things to disinfect. You do that once a day. No bra, no sports, no," he looked at me, "licking, biting or pulling." I grunted, but he just kept talking. "Then it should heal well. After a week, we can take out the medical jewelry and you can choose something pretty. Rings, balls with stones, whatever you want. Just be so kind as to come here so that I can help you for the first time. It's sometimes a bit difficult to do it alone."
He started to clear everything away, and I helped Kiana to stand up. My eyes were glued to those beautiful tits, and I purred.
"Fuck. That's the hottest thing I've seen in a long time."
I gently cupped both of them and squeezed gently as Haru scolded: "Nox!"
Reluctantly, I let go and raised my hands. "Sorry. All right, let's go and get this week over with quickly. I have a lot of ideas about how to make it really exciting." I said the last sentence so quietly that only Kiana could hear it and pointed to her breasts.
"Stop," Kiana said suddenly, grinning at me challengingly. "Don't tell me you've forgotten, my dear?" When I looked at her in confusion, Kiana shook her head and laughed. "Didn't you say that you would get a tongue piercing if I got a nipple piercing?" She raised an eyebrow.
Oh. SHIT. I'd forgotten. Completely.
I blinked, looked at her and then at Haru, who was trying not to laugh out loud.
Kiana took my T-shirt and pulled it. "Yes? You what?" she asked, looking at me with a look that didn't accept 'no'.
I looked down at her and screwed up my eyes before clearing my throat.
"I stand by my word, Kitty." I nodded at Haru.
But before I let a needle drive through my tongue, I said to Kiana in a threateningly playful tone: "I swear to you, amore mio, you will regret this."

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