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I sat in Cal's car, pouting and with my arms folded, and snorted. "Explain to me why I'm not allowed to get a damn driver's license? Cal doesn't want to drive me around all the time either!"
I had called Rune via the car's system, which is why he was now on speakerphone. Meanwhile, Cal was driving me to my university orientation day. This day was designed to get to know the university itself, to make first friends and to simply find out whether you really want to apply to this university.
I made a face as I thought back to Rune's last words: university yes, driving license no.
That was two days ago. But it still annoyed me, which is why I kept asking the same question.
"How many times do I have to say? Because you don't need it. Period. No, not there!" Rune gave a disgusted snort at the people in the background. "Do you want the guests to see kilos of cocaine when they come into the bar? Think, you asshole! Fuck, you're all as dumb as each other. I should shoot you. All of you!"
"But I don't want to be dependent on you! I'm an independent, self-confident woman who wants to be able to get by on my own," I explained proudly, looking at Cal with annoyance.
He snorted. "You know who you're talking to, right?"
"You're my damn fiancée and you are very dependent on me. GET RID OF THE COCAINE, IDIOT!"
I rolled my eyes in annoyance at Cal's question. Of course I knew that, but a driver's license would be great. I groaned in exasperation and kicked the dashboard. "Get a grip on your people and listen to me when I talk to you! I'm getting a driver's license and that's it!"
Rune growled into the phone, "Get a grip on your people?! You better get a grip on yourself! NO DRIVING LICENSE! E Basta, donna testarda! Okay, that's enough, I'll do it myself!" We heard footsteps, then rustling and someone in the background apologized. "Get out, ALL OF YOU! Listen, I don't have time for such a childish discussion, or rather I don't want to, got it, you pain in the neck? Cal will drive you and if you don't want that, find someone else who will. Cal? Is tonight on?«
"Si. Which car are you taking?"
"I don't know," Rune replied and hung up.
Cal sighed. "He's in a great mood."
"He gets on my nerves sometimes!" I said loudly, clenching my fists. Then I looked at Cal. "Explain that!" I demanded, pointing to the touch display. "Why is he so stubborn? Why can't I just get a driver's license? Are all Italians like that?"
"Hey," Cal grumbled and looked at me. He opened his mouth, but then closed it again. "I'd like to say 'no', but that would be a lie. Sweetie, you knew what you were getting into. Now don't complain. We both know that you'll end up at each other's throats later and then - oh what a surprise - you'll fuck like crazy."
"Oh, and I'll fuck him and I'll strangle him while I'm doing it," I said, knowing that I sounded crazy. But this man is driving me crazy too! If I ever walk to amok, it's because of him! I breathed out slowly and let myself sink back into my seat. "Do you think I can secretly get a driver's license?" I asked more calmly.

Rune's cousin burst out laughing so hard that he almost ran into a car. "First of all, the freak probably likes it when you strangle him. We both know that. From what I sometimes have to listen to, you like it too." He grinned at me cheekily and then made a strangling sound. "And you could try the other thing, but I don't want to be there when the storm breaks out when Rune finds out. Sweetie, just let it go. Rune is... well, Rune, and you have to take it as it is."
I narrowed my eyes in anger and punched him hard in the shoulder. "If you like listening to us when we're doing it, then why don't you join us next time? I'm curious to see what Rune will do to you, and I'll watch it with a bag of popcorn," I said, sticking out my tongue at him. Those two guys! I looked back at the road. "I'm still thinking about it. Getting a driver's license has always been on my to-do list. I just never had the money for it until now. Maybe I'll just go along with the argument with Rune. Once I have my license, he can't do anything anymore."
Cal winked at me. "By the way, thanks for picking me out for a threesome. It's really flattering, but you're not really my type. Not Latina enough." He turned left and then stopped in front of the university. "I thought you'd say that. Listen," he leaned in towards me. "Do what you want. Get a fucking pilot's license if you want to, but just think twice before you mess with Rune. He loves you, but I'm sure he'll tie you to the bed for the next three months. Especially now." He looked at me seriously. "The day after tomorrow is the meeting with those sons of bitches and Rune is pretty tense about it. Which is understandable. So take my advice and just spoil him a little. Butter him up, suck him off, or whatever. But wait with the next fight until the matter with the bums is settled. Any squabbling you have now could worsen his mood and ultimately, in the worst case, lead to a lot of dead bodies.«
I laughed. "I'm not your type? Okay, I expected everything, but not to be rejected by Rune's cousin," I joked and unbuckled my seatbelt. I nodded thoughtfully as I listened to his next words. "All right," I said, then turned away and got out. I bent down and smiled playfully at Cal. "I promise I'll be nice until this whole thing with the bastards is sorted out," I said, shouldering my bag. "Are you going to pick me up again, or is Rune doing that?"
He shrugged. "Depending on how he does in the car race, I'd say. But count on me. The wanker's a really good driver." Cal looked out the window and saw a poster. "Are you going to the party?"
I raised my head and saw the poster. It seems to be a get-to-know-you party. I bent down again and looked at Cal. "If I say yes now, will you tell Rune?" I asked with a grin.

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