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"He looked like he really wanted to ask why there was a bullet hole in the elevator control box," laughed Cal, who was wiping his naked torso with a towel.
I chuckled and drank my espresso. "Only until he saw the wad of cash I pressed into his hand. After that, he wasn't really interested anymore."
"Did he also fill in the bullet holes in the facade?"
"I'll do that myself one day," I said. "There are only two of them."
"Have you spoken to the neighbors?" Cal asked, taking the mocha off the gas stove.
"Why should I?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you were shooting outside?"
"There were two shots with a silencer. Since when have you been so sensitive, Calgero?"
Shaking his head, Cal poured himself some coffee from the mocha. "Fuck, I didn't get a wink of sleep."
He poured me a cup and handed me the small mug. I looked at him over the rim as I took a sip. "Why?"
"Ha ha, very funny, asshole," he grumbled. "Let me refresh your memory. 'Yes, Rune. Fuck me harder. Faster, faster, yes, yes! Oh God, yes!
I grinned as Cal tried to imitate Kiana's voice.
"She sounds a lot hotter when she gets off."
"I know," he murmured. "Unfortunately. How many times did you fuck? Three."
"Yep." I stretched, grinning. "And an insanely good blowjob, because I couldn't get enough."
He raised an eyebrow, but then grinned too. "Apparently SHE got hers filled."
We both burst out laughing, but stopped when Kiana entered the open kitchen area through the hallway. Wearing only one of my shirts and a pair of panties.
Cal looked at her legs for a moment too long before wishing her a good morning.
I said, "Buongiorno, amore. Why don't you walk around naked? I don't think Cal's seen your tits yet."
My cousin pointed a finger at her breasts. "I'm already seeing too much."
I followed his gaze and saw that the rings and her magnificent nipples were pressed hard and stiff against the fabric. My cock immediately stirred.
I swallowed excitedly and playfully rubbed my bare upper body, still sweaty from my morning workout.
"Good morning, you two," she yawned, walked past Cal and then opened one of the upper cabinets in my kitchen. Kiana stood on tiptoe, stretched an arm up and obviously searched for a cup for too long on purpose. The shirt rode up, revealing her gorgeous ass.
Cal knew he should leave, and he walked to the couch, muttering to himself, and turned on the news.
I, on the other hand, stood behind Kiana. "Naughty, Angel. What are you going to do about it?"
She grabbed a mug and put it on the counter. Kiana didn't look at me when she repeated Cal's words: "Apparently, she's had hers filled."
She turned around and pressed her bottom against the counter. Her gaze wandered over my upper body. "I heard the last words. So I don't understand what kind of problem you have now."
She grinned provocatively, but I said, "He said that, not me. Now please explain to me what that has to do with you running around here half naked?"
She tilted her head and grinned. "I live here. I walk around as I please. If you have a problem with that, tell Cal to close his eyes."
I looked at her. "Fine, you're right. Let Cal look away."
"Like I'm not trying to do that all damn day," he grumbled, then pointed at the TV. "Yo, that race you blew off for the collage party got busted by the cops."
I raised an eyebrow, left Kiana in the kitchen and walked to my cousin with a grin on my face. "Very good."
Kiana made herself a coffee and followed me. Then she looked at the TV too. "I think an apology is in order, don't you? I've had to listen to you so often about how I kept you from racing, but as you can see-" she started, nodding at the TV while sipping her coffee, "I was just protecting you from the police. I'm an angel."
Anticipation tingled in my toes and I grinned even wider as I announced to Kiana: "I'm not going to apologize for shit, Kiana. This," I pointed at the TV, "is good because now there's a new race that I can take part in. And we both know that the police wouldn't have done anything at all if they had picked me up there. So don't praise yourself too much, amore."
Don barked and ran into the living room with Kiana's dog. I didn't notice, because my thoughts were already racing through the streets.
I looked at Cal. "Are you coming with me?"
"Stupid question," he replied, leaning back into the pillows. "Of course."
I stretched my neck and turned to Kiana. "Get ready. Tonight I'll show you what really fast is."
She sighed, crossed her arms and took another sip of coffee. "I hope I survive the evening."

You Belong To My Angel { Mafia Story }Where stories live. Discover now