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I stared at my new wallpaper on my cell phone with a smile. Rune had kept his promise and we had taken a photo together. That same day in the studio. Haru was so kind to take it of the two of us.
We stood next to each other and Rune had his arm around my shoulder. He was so tall compared to me.
This little thing made me feel like we had a normal relationship.
I stroked Rune's face and smiled lovingly.
But at the same time I couldn't help laughing when I thought back over the whole of the previous week. I had no problems at all and my sore nipples healed really well. Unlike Rune, who could barely talk or eat for a few days. I've never laughed so much as I did during that time. I could say so many things to him, practice my Italian insults on him, without any real retorts.
It was wonderful!
But I knew that he was just waiting to get his chance to pay me back.
And today of all days, he was allowed to touch my tits again.
What would he come up with?
With a tingling sensation, I took out a lot of money and divided it into two envelopes.
My expression became serious as I realized my situation again. I put the cell phone away and set off with Amore on a leash. Through a little research, I had found out where the family of this Mateo lived. And without anyone knowing about it, I was now paying them money for the second time. I learned that his wife only had a part-time job because she had to be there for the children. They were just about managing to get by, so I tried to support them as best I could. And since my father had not taken much money from me recently, I had a little more left. I usually ate at Rune's anyway, so I probably wouldn't starve.
When I arrived at the house, I pushed the envelope through the letterbox and disappeared again.
Just like last time, I didn't want them to get to know me.
After that, I went to the usual meeting place.
The debt collectors were already there when I arrived a few minutes late.
"Hello, doll," Jonny greeted me again with that perverted grin. Amore immediately started to growl.
As usual, I threw the envelope on his lap.
"How much do I still owe you?" I asked, annoyed.
Chris laughed at the wheel while Jonny shortly counted the money.
"The little one has a big mouth today, doesn't she, Jonny?" Chris asked.
Jonny nodded. "Mhhh, yes. And that fucking dog is getting on my nerves too."
Amore barked.
At that moment, the door opened and Jonny got out.
I immediately took a few steps back and looked at him suspiciously.
Would he get rough again?
"Sweetheart, you still owe us exactly ninety-nine thousand," he grinned down at me.
I gritted my teeth.
It was so much money.
I held Amore firmly on the leash while she growled and barked at Jonny.
"I understand," I said. Then I turned away. "See you next month."
I started to move, but Jonny stopped me, so I looked at him again.
He was standing next to me, his arm outstretched.
"Don't get cocky, little brat. If we're bored or you get cheeky, we'll be happy to beat you or your father up. Do you understand?" he asked, looking at me with a slightly crazy look in his eyes.
I blinked a few times. Why were they both so aggressive today?
But I nodded. Of course, I had the thought in the back of my mind that I could just tell Rune, but I wanted to sort it out on my own. This matter concerned me and my father, not him. He had already done enough for me. So I just nodded again.
Fortunately, he let go and got back in the car. I watched them drive off, feeling unsure.
I looked down at Amore, who was looking at me panting. She was so cute. I had literally fallen in love with her. Even though Don was annoyed by her, he still remained calm. But that's exactly why I had taken her with me today, so that the dog would have some peace and quiet. I smiled.
"You like to annoy Don, don't you?" I asked her in a sweet voice. She immediately stood up and propped herself up on my knee with her front paws. I bent down and stroked her.
After I had talked to her enough, I went on. I walked past my apartment but I just didn't dare go home. Actually, I would like to pack a few things to take to Rune, but I didn't have the nerve for my father right now. And certainly not when I thought about the debts.
I looked at my phone and decided to call Louis while I was on my way to Haru's to pick out some new jewelry.
The phone rang and I waited for Louis to answer.
"Hey, Kiki. Everything okay down there? Or should I say, everything okay up there?" My big brother laughed. "Sorry, that was bad."
I laughed on the phone and stayed with Amore so she could do her business. "It's all healed up really well and I'm doing well. Unlike Rune, but you already know that. How are you? How's your studies going?"
He was panting with exhaustion. "It's hard. I... lost my first patient yesterday."
I paused and searched for the right words. "I'm... I'm sorry. Would you like to go for a drink to forget about it? Or what... what can I do for you? I'm sorry, I'm bad at this," I apologized.
That was terrible.
He had lost someone he wanted to help. Rune, on the other hand, killed people when they betrayed him or were a danger.
"That's sweet of you, but I really don't have much time. And let's be honest, I'll probably have to get used to death. But tell me, why are you calling? Or did you just want to hear a bad joke? And more importantly, what are we doing for your birthday?"
I got back on the move with Amore and thought. "Do you believe me when I tell you that I forgot my own birthday?" I laughed embarrassedly.
"Absolutely. But it's still four days away," Louis laughed. "So no stress. Has Sugar Daddy planned something? Or is his tongue still swollen?"
I had to smile again. "I don't know. He was able to speak again to some extent in the last few days, but he didn't say anything about a birthday," I replied.
At least I knew that he couldn't forget my birthday. After all, the date was his PIN in the cell phone.
"Well, I wouldn't mind going to a club to celebrate this year either. Only if nothing else is planned, of course."
Suddenly there was silence on the other end. I was about to continue when Louis spoke up. "Well, then fine. Let's do that. Um... Kiki, listen, I have to hang up, my break is almost over. Don't overdo it, okay? Love you."
"Oh... OK. I love you too, sweetheart," I replied and we hung up. I looked at my phone in surprise.
The death of the patient must have really affected him.
I sighed.
Then I looked down at Amore and smiled again.
I took my cell phone and wrote Rune a message.

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