Chapter 12

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I went outside to take the garbage out and I seen Nova talking to the new neighbor some niggas. She noticed me and waved. I nodded my head and I could tell she excused herself from talking to them.

Then ya new lil boyfriends? I asked leaning against the car.

Umm no! Why you jealous?

Nah never! Mmhm I called you the other day, wanted to make sure you were okay. Skey was going around the school saying he beat yo ass. Don't look like it!

Glad you could see!! Nigga didn't whoop my ass. I don't know why that nigga going like that when we from the same hood and I can easily handle his ass.

You know he carries a gun right?

You think they stop making them when they made his? I got one too and if he ever thought he was gone pull some shit like that all I gotta do is tell my brother.

Sounds like your brother isn't anything to play with.

Let's just say they don't call him Demon for nothing.

Ayeeee Nova ride here! The one nigga from across the street yelled out as some truck pulled up.

Oh gotta go! She smiled.

Where you going? And why with them niggas?

We are going to the movies and mini golf. I'm friends with their sisters too. I'll call you later! She leaned in and kissed my cheek before rushing off to the other side of the street. Two girls who looked like our age came outside and they hugged her in excitement. The one lil night looked at her licking his lips then at me smirking. I'd hate to have to beat his ass too. I ain't fighting over no bitch, just don't disrespect me over a bitch feel me!

I went back in the house and upstairs to my room and started playing my game. My phone went off then the screen went blank and black. I tried to put it on the charger and nothing happened. This just pissed me off.

Dreammmmm SisterMommyyyy! I sang smiling batting my eye lashes. She was bouncing in her yoga ball and drinking her water watching tv.

What you want Davion?

I think my phone just broke. I held it up showing her the black screen.

Let me guess you need a new phone now?

Yeah, I don't know what just happened. I was playing my game. I got a text I picked it up and this joint just went black and cut off.

You can't wait til tomorrow see if it comes back on?

No. What if I miss important text or calls?

You make me sick! Help me up! I grabbed her hands and helped her to her feet. "Go get ready!" I hugged her and ran back to my room. I pulled out a black Nike hoodie and a pair of black Nike sweat pants and my panda dunks with my black fitted hat. I grabbed my wallet and met Dream downstairs to leave. We got in her car and she rolled her eyes at the aggravatin I caused her.

Did you look up if they had any phones in stock?

It's Apple they should!

Appleeeeeee! I thought we was gonna go up the block to T-Mobile.

They ain't never got no phones. Please let's go to Apple!!! I'll do whatever you want me to. I'll change the girls shitty diapers for a week! I'll feed them in the middle of the night! Pleaseeeeeee!

Yeah okay ima hold you to that!

See you the best mom ever you my favorite! I smiled hard and she laughed rolling her eyes.
She pulled off heading to the mall. I played my music off her phone and 20 minutes later we was there. I got out the car helping her out and we went into the mall. She was walking so slow. "Come on with yo slow self!"

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