Chapter 63

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You still here? Demon asked as he was starting to wake up a bit. That medicine the nurse gave him earlier knocked his ass out for hours it was going on 10pm and he was just now getting up.

Yes, never left! I said proudly.

That chair isn't good for your back especially while your pregnant, go home get some sleep.

I'm fine!

Don't fight me!

No you don't fight me! I'm staying here, with you! I'll leave when you get released. We may not officially be married yet and took vows but we do have a marriage license and that means a whole lot to me Ty'Lan! I love you and regardless of everything I love you, you're the father to my children and most importantly my husband. I said looking him in his eyes. He didn't say anything just licked his lips and looked away.

I could hear voices out in the hallway arguing and yelling. It sounded familiar. The door bursted open and in walked his dad.

You got this bitch controlling shit now? He asked pissed off.

If I get up from this bed you gone wish I didn't! Demon said so calmly.

I've been trying to get in here all day!

You stopped my son DNR sign off! Davion's mother yelled angrily storming into the room. "They just performed CPR on my child after I specifically told them not to, and signed off on it."

Doesn't matter what the fuck you signed off on! He said so cold as he sat up and his feet touched the floor.

Who the fuck do you think you are? She yelled pissed.

Dream look in that bag and hand me those papers. He directed me. I did exactly what he said and handed him the blue folder. He threw the papers to their feet. She picked them up in disbelief.

I know the fuck you didnt! You have no right! She raised her hand to smack him but before she could he moved so quick grabbing her by her throat and slamming her back into the wall, she was frozen in fear as his grip around her neck tightened.

I have full custody of my little brother, I am his legal guardian and you have no say in what goes on in his life. You fuckin sad ass excuse for a mother! I can kill you right now and everybody in this hospital will cover it up. He said so low, almost in a whisper. He put so much fear into all of our hearts.

Let her go baby! Annette, his mom said coming into the room. She was accompanied by his siblings. Davion's mother gasped and gasped for air. "Let her go Demon!" She said as she placed her hand on his arm.  "Let go!"
His nostrils flared in anger as the vain on the side of his neck popped. His hand relaxed, dropping her dangling body from his hand.

Enough is enough! I am so sorry for what is going on with your son. My sincere apologies to you. However you're a piece of shit anyways. My son did the right thing by adopting him. Since you're so money hungry I'll give you that little mill! (She took her LV wallet out of her purse and opened her check book to start writing her a check.) Take your million and leave! The insurance policy you have on him will be null and void. Do you hear me?! Annette said so calm and fearless. She definitely is where Demon gets it from.

Annette! No! His dad yelled trying to stop her from giving her the check.

SHUT UP! it's coming out of your account! It's the least you can do since you've avoided that boy all his life! Now that he is officially apart of our family. You will be a father to your son, and you will leave his life for good!

He's not welcomed in his life! Demon said turning around to face his mother.

Says who? I'm his father. Demon ever since you got with this bitch...

Demon punched his dad in the mouth so hard he knocked him out and broke his jaw. He grabbed him so fast by his shirt and started beating his dad. His brother tried to rush him off of him but he was so strong. His mother stood in front of him and he still tried to get around him as Yasmine helped her father up.

Ima kill you! Demon said to his father with a smile on his face as he pushed his brothers off of him.

Ty'Lan calm down! His mother yelled at him.

I'm going to kill you in the worst way possible! He laughed turning around looking out the window. "I put that on my kids!"
His dad couldn't even talk. Demon broke his jaw.

Yasmine take your father down to the emergency room. You leave and never come back! You calm down and don't nobody else fuckin play with me! Annette said sternly and clearly. Even I was scared!

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