Chapter 53

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I fell to the floor holding myself in tears as the pain became even more unbearable. I couldn't even walk and I was almost soaked in blood. I tried to make it to the bathroom but I couldn't.

Dream? I heard Demons voice calling out for me. "Dream!" He yelled more aggressively. I was in so much pain I couldn't even say anything back. "Dream!" He ran into the bathroom and saw me on the floor. "Fuck what happened you okay?"

No Demon! I'm not! I don't know what's going on! I'm in so much pain.

Let's get you cleaned up and take you too the hospital. He took his hoodie off and turned on the hot bath water. He reached in his pocket and had a pill bottle and grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen. "Here take this!" He said handing me a pill.

I'm not taking that! I pushed his hand away.

It's an oxi, you good! I got prescribed these yesterday for a toothache their mine, it's straight! He said as he showed me the bottle. I took a deep breath and took the pill. He helped me out of my clothes and in ittt tIthaca to the tube. The hot water surrounding my body was helping a bit. I pulled my knees to my chest, resting my forehead on my knees.

You think you having a miscarriage ? He asked concerned sitting on the toilet.

No...I had abortion....
I closed my eyes after saying it. And prepared myself for the worst.

I'm behind you 100% a woman body and what she decides to do with it is her choice.

Your not mad? Don't wanna kill me?

No I don't... like I said your body your choice. Yeah...I'm mad that you decided to get abortion. You killed my seed....

I don't wanna be a single mother, I don't know where we stand. I don't know shit about us right now. I damn sure don't wanna have a baby by a man who hates me! You think I set you up and that was never the case. Why would I bring a baby into that mess? To try and keep you tied down for no reason, then you being mean and angry and regretting me? I love you and I'm in love with you, and if I can't have you by my side the entire pregnancy then I don't want to do it. Who's going to get my cravings? Who's going to rub my back when it's hurting or my swollen feet? Who's going to be there for me when I'm having an emotion break down. My bestfriend and I aren't speaking. My other BestFriend is married and lives out of town and pregnant and have her own stuff to go through. My brother for sure hates me. Think I'm choosing you over him which I damn near am! My mother is out doing her and being her. I haven't even told her about us, that I was pregnant or anything. And I don't have you. I'd be sick and alone! I don't want that and I don't deserve that! And I damn sure don't wanna make no one a father when they don't and not ready to be. And most importantly I don't wanna be pregnant by someone who potentially have a baby on the way with someone else. I deserved to be loved and cherished my entire pregnancy and happy and healthy, and I for sure don't wanna go through PPD if it came down to it!
I yelled at him through my tears venting to him. I could see the hurt in his eyes. He clenched his jaw and that vain on the side of his neck popped in anger.

I know he felt everything I said.

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