Chapter 49

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I sat at the table staring at my phone. Apart of me wanted to cry, another part of me was so angry, and another part of me just desperately wanted this man to call me.

Hey sorry I'm running a little late, I didn't think you were going to call. Monique smiled as she came over to the table.

Hey it's fine. Thank you for coming!

Of course. You said you wanted to ask questions and needed some answers.....

Yes... I do!

Soooo can you give me like a timeline of you and Demon?

Yeah, umm we been messing around....

Well I'm a correctional officer and we met almost 4 years ago when he was just doing his bid. Knowing who he was and what he stood for I took a liking to him. At first our relationship was just very sexual then we started to like each other a little bit more. He was so jealous (she laughed) a lot of guys in there wanted me so he wifed me to keep me off limits. It was cool cause I started to fall in love with that man.

So y'all was together? Just to clarify!

Yesss, we were. Not to tell our business but uhh we got into a bad argument in the pod a few other CO's started suspecting some things and we broke up. A few days later I took a test and I was pregnant. The day he got released, I was off so he came home to me and I told him we was pregnant.... He was happy about it. Said it was the best day of his life.

You told him the same day he got out?

Yes.... He went to hang out with his boys you know how niggas be when they first get home gotta be around they bum ass niggas but then he came home to me. I couldn't do shit I was pregnant anyways and girl he so territorial and possessive he wasn't letting nothing happen to me or this baby.

I met him the day he came home....I was with him pretty much all night....sooo...

Girl he came in the house drunk around almost 8am... she laughed and I could tell she was lying. This Shit ain't adding up.

So how you find out about me?

I seen you hug him outside the trap one day. He asked me to bring him something to eat and when I pulled up he was hugging you and smiling and walked you to your car. As I was getting out to question him he told me your name was Dream and you was his sis.

Oh wow...

Yeah I always knew he had a sister so I didn't trip plus it was a hug I didn't see y'all kiss or anything I thought it was some friendly Shìt.

That's crazy we're long ago was this?

About two month ago long y'all been married?

2 weeks...

Y'all just met and he married you?

It doesn't take a man forever to realize if he loves you and wanna marry you or not!

That's crazy as hell cause we definitely talked about getting married after the baby got here.

When are you due? What are you having?

August 28th...and a boy...

Oh 2 months away....mmm k, so what is y'all nature now?

We not together but we together it's complicated. He said he wants to work on our family after the baby is born he just gotta get some shit in alignment first. We damn near live together he comes home everyday to me, we still fuckin, he give me money and take care of me...

Oh really?! I laughed a bit cause now I know this bitch gotta be lying. "Well i think I have all the information I need, I actually have to get to my doctors appointment to check on my little baby, so it was nice meeting you I'll be in touch again!" I smiled placing my Chanel sunglasses on my face.

Wait your pregnant? She asked like she was sick as fuck her whole body tensed up and you can see it all over her face her heart broke.

Yes! I am! I smiled devilishly. "He can't wait to be a dad, he wanted our baby so bad!" I lied to add a little razzle dazzle on top. "Kept nutting in me on purpose." I laughed.

Oh wow, umm congratulations. I hope we can stay cool cause if the kids. She said trying to force a smile on her face. She was HURT!

Like wise! I smiled and walked off. Some of the shit she was saying could of been true and some of the shit I know she was lying. It's okay though. I'm not keeping this baby anyways. I wanna see both of them sweat!

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