Chapter 36

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"Girl, I wish that I could spend time with you each and every day
Playing all my love and emotions that's the thing that's got me open
And I don't know what it takes to let you know you're my girl
To let you know you're my baby
And even when then they say we won't stay around
If they only knew that we were meant to be together
Forever and ever whatever there's no better thing
Me and you girl, that's why I write you love letters saying"
I sang to Dream cause she was playing I Like It by Sammie. This use to be my shit!

"What you know about this?" I asked taking her hand.

No what you know about this and okay vocals I hear you! She laughed. "I like the way you look at me
I like the time we spend, baby
I like what we have grown to be
I like it, girl, don't you know I like it
I like the way you look at me
I like the time we spend, baby
I like what we have grown to be
I like it, girl, don't you know I like it"
She sang along before kissing me.

Okay, okay I hear you!

This use to be my shit back in the day!

You saying that like you old as hell or some shit. I grabbed her bag and we walked out of the air bnb. I opened the car door for her and she got in.

Once we get back home you not gone start being meaner than a bull dog is you? Cause we can stay here!

Nah! I laughed closing the door. "We good!"

Okay cause babyyyy I was about to say! I can do another week! I'll call off so fast.

Nah you don't gotta worry about that. Fuck everybody else though. They get what they get!

Okay! She pulled her phone out turning it back on. She rolled her eyes and kissed her teeth at her phone and put it back away.

What's wrong ?


Don't do that.

Do what?

Lie to me. Tell me what's wrong.

Erica texted me a bunch of times. Long ass paragraphs. I'm not reading that shit! She think she pregnant somebody supposed to just forgive her. I'm honestly not sure if I even still wanna be her friend honestly.

She pregnant?

I guess so. She said she was.

Nigga Khi ain't told me shit but don't just stop being her friend cause you mad. Don't get me wrong I completely understand why you mad and you have every reason to be but think about y'all friendship before you say fuck it.

I have a little bit. I mean she been my girl but this isn't the first, second hell not even the fourth time she opened her mouth about me messing with someone and telling people my business. Like when I was with Cameron and he went to jail she told two people then they ran with it and told people next thing I know muthafuckas talking bout me and I'm not the type of person that likes people in their business. It's a difference between private and a secret. Stuff doesn't have to be a secret I just like to keep certain stuff private. Bitches be weird and jealous it's a few bitch and when i mean a few three exact bitches who i went to school with that literally hated me and they always find out who I'm fuckin with next thing I know they fuckin the socks off my nigga! And it happens every time. Like it literally never fails! Knowing Tiondra she probably ran and told them by now cause this whole thing. And Erica knows how them bitches get down when it comes to me. That's why I'm so mad at her she know how this shit go. I will lose my fuckin mind you fuck off on me with one of them bitches, you think you'll crash out! I'm pushing a bitch straight over the peace bridge.

I like that!


Pushing a muthafucka over the peace bridge I might do that when I get back. But I hear you! You ain't gotta worry about my cheating or doing no foul shit. If a nigga can cheat on his bitch somebody that's always loyal to them then they'll back door anybody and I don't fuck with that shit.

You better not!

Nah we good! I damn near had to drop my pops after finding out he cheated on my moms. Nigga do all that preaching about how you gotta love yo wife and be faithful and shit and nigga couldn't even stand on his shit. I hate a hypocrite ass muthafucka.

That's when you found out about Davie?

Yeah... muthafucka had me mad as hell!

I can't stand it! Just know you'll never have to worry about any of that with me!

I know you won't Dream I told you I love you and I mean that shit. I'll kill yo ass!

I don't know if I should be flattered or scared! She giggled before kissing me.


The plane landed and we got off. I had mad Shìt to take care of so I had my drive take Dream home and I told her I'll meet her ass back at her house tonight. She kissed me bye then left.

I jumped in my truck and went home for a second. I pulled down my driveway and when I got here I seen a car sitting in my driveway and a female sitting on the steps. I parked in front and grabbed my gun gripping it behind my back.

You lost? I asked confused bouta pull my shit.

She stood to her feet belly swoll and tears in her eyes. The more I looked at her she looked familiar. "I wanted to tell you before you got out but I just couldn't bring myself to do it! I'm due in a few months and I think you should know, T'Ylan I'm pregnant!"

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