Chapter 8

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Bye Nyree have a great day! I smiled waving to my student as he left.

Bye Ms. Jones! He waved back.

So, are you Davion? I asked kneeling down to the student that sat outside by office.

What the fuck is it to you lady? He spat angry.

Well I see you definitely are having a bad day. So ima go in my office and when you feel up to it you can come in and join me. Cause I know Demon wants you here. He looked at me quick and his facial expression changed.

You know Demon?

I do, me and him are good friends! So like I said im gonna go in my office, join me when your ready. I got up and walked into my office. Little boys was easy to crack open. They tried so hard to be hard and gangsta but deep down inside they just wanted somebody to be there for them. Which I totally understand because I didn't have the best up bringing either. I wish I had someone there for me. My mama did the best she could but she also tried to hide her feelings through her addiction. That caused Ace to get out on the streets and sell drugs to be able to feed us. As we grew older I use to help him after I caught my mom stealing from him. That caused him to move out leaving me there. My mom slept with so many different men during the time to support her drug habit. But that quickly turned left when one of them raped me. That was an eye opener for her and she's been clean every since. Me and my mom had a rocky road after that. I NEVER respected her again but over the years after my 18th birthday we started to be okay. Now we are kinda close again. She's clean and healthy, has a great job, car, house and you'd never know how bad her life once was when unless she told you.

I saw Davion peaking from around the corner thinking about coming in. "Hey Davion are you hungry? Do you like hot Cheetos?" I asked without looking up from my paper.

Yeah... he said as he came into my office. I opened my desk and grabbed my famous snack pack. It had two bags of hot Cheetos, a prime energy drink, and some candy in it. All the kids loved these. I sat it on my desk and he came all the way in and sat down in front of my desk. I got up to close my office door.

You don't have to talk if you don't want to. I just wanna introduce myself to you. I'm Ms. Jones. Think of me like a mentor, a therapist. I help kids your age, in fact all ages. My main goal is to help kids stay out the streets. Get back in school, and overall teach them how to achieve all their dreams.

I don't have any dreams. He said as he opened a bag of chips.

Sure you do, everybody does!

Nah I don't, I just wanna be able to see the next day, everyday!
His words cut me deep. It's crazy how these kids really feel and how dangerous their lives be.

How do you think you can achieve that?
He shrugged his shoulders. "You work for Demon?"

What you the feds or something?

No. Just tryna get an understanding!

I wanna work for him but he won't let me....

Why not?

Say I cause a lot of trouble and ima fire cracker. Say I remind him of his self. I guess that makes sense cause...

Cause what?

Yo is this shit like confidential or something? Like I can really trust you type shit?

Yes of course you can. Everything that stays between us will just be between us.

He's my brother! Davion said sad before looking up at me. I was taken back and surprised a little bit. "He doesn't know we're siblings! I only wanted to sell drugs and be in the streets and shit to get to know my brother. Especially after my mom kicked me out two years ago.

Two years ago??? You where only 12! So do you guys have the same dad I'm guessing?

Yeah, that nigga not shit either! Look I don't wanna talk about this Shìt no more. Can I go?

Umm you have a few minutes left in your session. I don't wanna force anything so I'll let you go but you have to promise to be here on time Wednesday!

I could hear the hurt in his voice and it presented itself all over his face. This little boy was going through a lot. He needed Denon more then Demon knows it. I got up to walk him out to the front and to my surprise Demon was outside sitting in a BMW waiting for him. He saw me and got off the phone and then got out the car. He came over to me and told Davion to get in the car.

How was he?

He was really good....umm actually I'd like to talk to you about something when you get a chance.

I don't really have no whole lot of time...

Here's my card just give me a call and we can go from there. I handed him my card and turned to walk away. I hope I could help the both of them.

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