Chapter 66

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It was getting pretty late tonight and I was getting tired. I've been at work since 8 this morning and it was going on 10pm. I was starving too! I had some left overs from the lunch yesterday that I was dying for. After yesterday the air was cleared and everyone had an understanding we were able to have a nice lunch.

I feel like it was something well needed and I'm just happy the truth finally came out. Even if me and Demon don't ever really get back together at least I tried and he knows the truth.

I packed my stuff up and I head my alarm going off to my car. I got up and rushed to the door. I opened it a bit and I didn't see anyone out there, but my car alarm was going off. I turned it off and started it and locked my doors. I closed the door and went back to my office right before I stepped into my office I head glass shattered. I ran back to my door and opened the door running outside. I seen a black truck driving off. My back window was shattered.

What the fuck! It's always something, now who the fuck just did this. I turned my car off and tried to step around the glass on the ground cause I only had my house shoes on.

I know this was gonna cost me a fortune! I started to cry because I was so pissed off. I went back inside and grabbed my phone. There's no way I could drive home like this, and this shit would happen when my security cameras were down.

Yo? Demon voice roared through the phone as he answered.

Are you busy? I asked wiping my face.

Kinda, what's wrong?

I just need a ride home.....never mind I'll just call a Lyft or something.

What's wrong with your car?

Someone literally just bussed my back window out.


Yeah! Like just did it!

Yo tie that nigga on a tree outside, pour a bunch of honey on him and put his head in that bees net. He said to whoever was in his background. Why the fuck is he so gruesome? "Where you at I'm on my way!"

The office.

I'm literally around the corner be there in a second. "Yo shut his ass the fuck up all that fuckin screaming and shit!" He said to his background before hanging up the phone.

I took a deep breath and called safeflite. I know they had a 24 hour line and I needed my window fixed asap! It seem like I was on hold forever waiting for someone to answer.

The front door flew open and in came Demon mean ass. "Who the fuck did that?" He asked pissed.

I don't know. I was literally getting ready to leave. My car alarm randomly started going off I came outside looked no one was there, started my car locked the doors before I can come all the way back in I heard glass break. I run back out, my window broke and some black truck is driving off fast as hell.

Let me see the cameras.

They're down...

What you mean they down?

Exactly what I said Demon there down. Something about the antenna on the roof is broken so the internet been down. Maintenance said they can't come out until Wednesday and Spectrum said they can't come out until Friday. So I just been using my hotspot from my phone to use internet the last few days.

Why you ain't say nothing? That's some shit you need! Now look! He yelled. He saw the look on my face and took a deep sigh. This nigga so fuckin mean! He is turning me completely off and I'm starting not to want to be around him how mean he is. "I'm sorry for yelling. I take protection very seriously!" Let's go so I can get you home. I'm bouta have one of the boys pull up to drive yo car to my shop so you can have the glass replaced and it'll be fixed by morning." He said softly picking my chin up to look me in my eyes. I nodded my head slowly, And he let me go. I walked away from him to finish getting my things ready to leave as he left out to make a call.

I'm ready! I said walking out the office. I closed and locked the door and he opened the car door for me as another car pulled up behind us.

Keys? He held his hand out and I gave him my keys. He closed the car door and walked back and gave my keys to one of his friends and got back in the car. "You hungry?"

No I'm fine....

What you eat today?

Not much I'm just not hungry that's all.

You need to eat something Dream.

I'll find something at home.

What you gotta taste for? We can stop on the way to the house.

Nothing, seriously I'm fine!

What you don't wanna be around me or something?

If we being honest, no I don't!

Why not?

Your fuckin mean! All you do is fuckin yell at me, I'm not your child! I get that you hate me and all but I still have feelings.

I don't hate you Dream....

Sure as hell can't tell that you don't!

I'm just pissed at our situation.

You have the truth like what more do you want? I've been fighting for us non stop for, forever and you're literally saying fuck me to my face. I swear I'm starting to rethink this whole pregnancy thing while I still have a bit more time to make a decision. If I could move on I would! If you don't wanna be with me cool but damn you don't have to keep yelling at me or being mean!

He was quiet for a bit. I could tell what I just said really hit him. He looked over at me and licked his lips. "I apologize, being mean or hard is just mean. It's just my personality and that's just me. I'm sorry that I'm making you feel uncomfortable and to the point where you're thinking about an abortion again. I apologize! Sometimes I don't realize how strong will I'm being cause I NEVER had to show a "soft" side. I don't hate you, I love you! You mean a lot to me. Not just because you're my kids mother but because you're actually the first woman to make me really feel something for her. Only time can fix what we had and I thank you for being patient. I know you love me and you've shown it so many different times and ways. Forgive me! From this moment moving forward I'll try to be less harsh and nicer."

Thank you, that's all I ask!

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