Chapter 28

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Weeks went by of me staying to myself and not really having anyone to talk to. Just me and work! I kinda liked it a bit but i was back to myself busy life!

I was off today so I was gonna treat myself to a mani and pedi today!

The sun was blazing already and it was only 11am. I put on a pair of light blue washed Jean shorts, and a light blue onsie tank top that sucked my stomach in, pulled the girls out and snapped between my legs, I slid my tan and blue platform sandals on and grabbed my white Chanel purse to leave out.

I hooked my phone up to my car to play some music and Yeah Glo came on first. This was my song. I pulled off and headed to my favorite nail shop.

The shop was pretty much empty when I got here just a few people. "Hi you wan mani or pedi today?" Ying my favorite tech asked.


Okay you wait righ hea, we get de water started for you! She said smiling walking over to where they do pedicures. "Pic color, pick a color!" She insisted. I went over to the bored where they had all the different colors. I was already torn between the two I had in mind, which was bubble gum pink and sky blue baby blue. I think I was gonna go with the blue cause it was my favorite color.

I went over to the pedicure station and sat down in my chair. The water was biting hot just like I like it. It was so relaxing. Ying brought me a glass of champagne over and I scrolled on my phone.

Your Dream aren't you? A girl asked making me look up. "You probably don't even remember me!"

I'm sorry I can't say that I do! I said embarrassed. She was so pretty and her pregnant belly made her glow. She looked very familiar though.

I'm Yasmine, Demon and Davion sister! She said proudly. We met that day at the hospital...

Ohh yess, I knew you looked familiar! Hi how are you?!

I'm good....this is my mom Annet!

Hi it's very nice to meet you! I said as I sat up and waved at her.

Oh wow, Yas your right she's very beautiful! She smiled.

Oh thank you so are you! Both of you!

How do you two know each other? Annet asked.

We met at the hospital, she's Davion therapist...and Demons soon to be girlfriend! Yasmine smiled hard.

Ohh your the one he was talking about then? Annet said happily.

He talked about me? I asked shocked.

How can I put son doesn't ask for advice on girls often if ever so I know you must be special to him in some way.

What did he say about me if you don't mind me asking?

He's said that you are really beautiful and so kind hearted. He also said that he think he may want to pursue something but he doesn't want to, mmm how can I put this...he doesn't want to like put a label on what you guys are doing because he thinks once you put a title on a relationship everything changes. And I told him if everything is genuine then he has nothing to worry about. You seem like a sweet girl I'm sure so that's how I know he likes you. I know my son can be a bit of a hard ass. He's never been in love before so just take it slow with him.

Oh we're not in a relationship...

Your not?!


He's playing hard to get isn't he? I told him he has to stop that and stop being so mean and evil!

I know I tell him that all the time too! Yasmine said butting In.

Has he always been this mean?

Girl yes! Yasmine said before her mom could.

Terribly he has, since as long as I could remember! He came out the womb mean as could ever be. He was so bad as a child he use to get whoopings and just took at you like that didn't hurt! One time he was 6 we had these really big fish that he begged and cried for so his father got them for him. He waited until everyone was sleep and took the fish out and put them on the stove and gone say "I'm cooking!" Girl then this one time he was like 10 these older kids thought they could bully him. Honey he tore them kids up so bad. Yeah he got his name Demon when he was a child! Cause he was bad!

Okay ma, you know Demon wouldn't appreciate you telling his business like that! Yasmine laughed.

I'm just saying darling you will have your work cut out for you with him but don't get me wrong he is also the most loving person you could ever meet. He's real sweet and thoughtful.

Ma too who?

To me! To you!

Well yeah that's cause we're the only ladies he loves!

Well he's going to love her too, I can feel it! He's very sweet you just have to break through that touch hard cold ice wall he has up.

I don't know....he's definitely a challenge. I laughed a bit.

Trust me it's going to work out. She smiled. Just then he walked in and came over to his mother and sister. "Hi baby!" His mom smiled hugging her son.

I'm in the parking lot when y'all ready! He said before walking away. He went over to the cashier then left out.

He's just playing hard to get. It was such a pleasure to meet you! She smiled getting up.

You as well! I smiled. She came over to give me a hug and I gave her a hug back. His mother was so beautiful, affectionate and sweet how the hell did she birth that mean ass child!

We should hang some time! Yasmine suggested.

We should, I'd like that! I smiled she pulled her phone out to give to me for my number and I gave her mine.

We exchanged numbers and she gave me a hug to leave. Ying finished up on my feet then did my nails. I loved getting a fresh set!
I took my wallet out to pay and the cashier stopped me.

The gentleman that was in here earlier already paid your bill.

Excuse me?

Yes you and the two ladies you where talking to. He paid the bills and tipped. Here's the change! She said handing me 5 $20 dollar bills.

Umm thank you! I smiled grabbed my purse and left out. I was shocked he did that. I definitely wasn't expecting any of it.

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