Chapter 38

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"The person you've trying to reach is not taking calls at this time, try again later."
I hung the phone up looking at my screensaver of my favorite picture of me and Demon. I've been trying to call him for the past few days and every time I do there is no answer. He never came over the night we got back from Mexico. He never called or anything to let me know he wasn't coming. Next morning rolled around and all his phone did was ring. The next day after that same thing. And yesterday it just started saying that message as if I'm blocked or something. I wasn't feeling too great and I've been swamped at work since we got back so I haven't even had the energy to just pull up to that trap.

I even had half a mind to call Erica for Khi's number to see if he knows what's up with him. I was starting to get a bit nervous. It was my lunch break and as bad as my stomach was hurting and hungry I was I was about to go pull up cause this isn't him.

When I got there his truck was parked in the driveway. Maybe he's just really busy with everything. He did take a call that pissed him off when we was out of town. Maybe he's been dealing with that. Whatever it is I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.

Everybody said there Hi's to me as I passed all the niggas on the porch and as I was going in. I made my way through everybody and made it upstairs to his office. I walked in and he was standing with his back turned against the door. He was cleaning blood off his hands and body. He had blood everywhere. Remind me to never cross this man!

Excuse me sir?! Did you forget about me already? I asked with a bit of laughter. I sat my purse down and stood in his face. He had the meanest most uneasy look on his face. You would of thought I just kilt his mother the way he looked. "You okay baby?" He looked away from me not saying anything. I turned his face towards me and he had a scratch on his face. "Hey what's wrong you okay?"

I'm straight. He said with so much evilness in his voice. I was gone take this as my sign to let Him
Cool off a bit.

You sure?


Okay, we'll I just wanted to come and check on you. I've been trying to call you for a few days now. You stood me up the night when we got back. So I'm just checking on you. I grabbed my purse from his desk to get ready to leave.

I broke my phone, I'll see you tonight. He said throwing his rag down.

You sure? You can finish taking care business.

I did what I was suppose to. I'll be there tonight.

Okay, I love you!
He didn't say it back. "Not gone say it back?"

Love you too!

Don't say it if you don't mean it!

Dream don't piss me more then what I'm already am.

I just had to ask you was you gonna say it back. So that just indicated that you didn't wanna say it. So don't say it if you don't mean it. I apologize and communicate over here and if I did something that's bothering you for you not to say it back, I would want to know.

Dream you didn't do shit I'm just pissed off right now. I'll see you later.

Okay, see you later! I turned away from him and walked out his office. He so fuckin mean!
I wasn't gone let that make me mad or sad. I had 30 minutes left on my break so I made my way to grab some food and back to the office.

Hey, you! Brent smiled as he seen me walking towards the door to go back into the building.

Hey! I gave a friendly smile as he opened the door for me.

I know you mentioned before that you liked soft Jazz, I got two tickets to the Jazz city concert this weekend. If you available I was wondering if you'd like to come? I mean like as coworkers just hanging out if so?

Honestly Brent thanks for the offer but I will have to decline. My boyfriend would have a field day with me and you if he knew I was going out with another man.

He's that insecure, that you can't just...

Brent ima stop you right there. My boyfriend is NOT insecure and he knows that I'll never go for another man no matter what! He's just very protective of me and always has me in his best interest. He don't play about me. And I will always submit to him and whatever he tells me to do. So with that being said Brent ima just walk away. You have a great day!
He just annoyed me so bad. I went in my office and closed my door. I was so tired and felt like I was starving to the point where I could throw up. My stomach hurted bad!

I finished up working around 9pm. It was getting late and i was getting hungry again. I grabbed all my stuff together, hit the lights and left out.

I made my way home just before 10pm. My shower waited for me as I made me a small salad.

12am rolled around once I was done and still no sign of Demon. I rubbed myself down in my oil and got in the bed. If he comes he comes if not then whatever.

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